
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

Sad Childhood 1

Barun was sent to Boarding school and Kunal took great care of him. Then Kunal moved to Mumbai for his high school and the little brother became all alone again.

But he was already nine and he could take care of his own self. He became addicted to sports and became a pro in all kinds of sports and games.

He also got addicted to thriller films and detective genre movies and he started liking travelling and going on vacations.

Every holidays he went to his grandma's place and he enjoyed his siblings company. He also understood the real purpose of his parents fight and he understood it was impossible between them.

He accepted the truth but developed a introverted nature to hide his pain from showing to others. He never liked to share his feelings with others and he became indifferent towards others.

He also developed a phobia for love and for women. He has never involved himself with women nor did his brother.

The only women in their lives are their mother, grandmother, Pumpkin and their loved ones. Even with them they are not so expressive.

Barun knew Kunal suffered even more than him. Because back then he had no one he could relay on. He knew his parents never loved each other and they never had that bonding and everything was same ever since they were married.

But for him, Kunal stood by his side and he was thankful for that. Kunal faced the most harsh treatment from his grandpa when he supported Pumpkin.

He almost got expelled from the family when he choose a very different career path. But he stood on his stand and achieved everything. He not only had to fight with others but also with his family.

Barun was guilty when he couldn't help his elder brother. But there was one particular incident which haunted him till date.

Kunal was not at home and busy at work outdoor. Kokila had a heartstroke and she was admitted in the hospital. Pumpkin was a minor back then and she couldn't sign those papers at the hospital that are required to complete the surgery.

Pumpkin had to go the Rajput Mansion in Mumbai and unfortunately Elder Rajput was there too. Usually Barun and Kunal are the only one's who stays there but she was unfortunate that day.

Elder Rajput was furious when he saw Pumpkin there and he didn't even let the girl tell what she was there for. Barun stood silent all the time as he didn't dare to go against his grandfather.

Pumpkin left with despair but when she raeched hospital her grand uncle was there and the surgery was a success as he signed the papers. They put a stunt in old lady's heart.

It was Barun who called grandma's brother and told everything. But from then on he didn't dare to face Pumpkin until that day recently at the party. He cared for her and always protected her and even Pumpkin was aware of that.

Pumpkin loved and adored her brothers and it was Barun who gave her that nick name. She didn't scold him instead she loved that name.

Soon after Kunal entered the industry with the help an assistant director who was his senior at high school, he found his alter ego in the form of Abhi.

After he met Abhi everything changed. Kunal was good at everything but he never had any exposure in business. Everything at office was controlled by his grandpa ans sometimes his father. He knew they will become his puppets for sure of they follow his advice.

But Abhi was different, though he was a teenager he had full exposure to all the business dealings and their work atmosphere.

Abhi was very good at handling brothers as he has three younger brothers. Yash has autism and needs extra care and protection and need tobe dealt very carefully.

Rahul was very naughty and lazy and he needed very strict brother who can put him straight. Rick is a young kid and dealing with him was the toughest part and he was unbearably stubborn just like his mother.

As soon as he saw Kunal and Barun he understood their problem and it didn't take him much time to make them open up to him.

Kokila jii was very happy when she saw her grandsons happy and when she found a mentor in elder Malhotra she felt like someone is still there for him.

Barun was happy when he saw Kunal falling all head over heels for Sony. At last he brother found his happiness. But as for him everything was messed up.

His thoughts came to a halt when he saw a familiar figure on other side of the waterfall. A smile appeared when Sony was trying to climb a tree but couldn't. Kunal stood there with a hlepless expression and Barun wanted to laugh seeing that.

Sony couldn't climb up in that chudidhar but she was head strong on climbing that. Atlast Kunal had to help her by picking her up and she giggled like a kid.

Unfortunately Kunal slipped and fell on each other. Kunal didn't leave this chance and kissed his woman. Barun frowned on seeing this, he got up in a hurry and walked in the opposite direction.

Once he walked a few yards there was a pond which is for watering the plants. By the side there are two palm trees and there's a swing attached to it. Abhi and Shriya were enjoying their private space by being all lovey dovey forgetting their surroundings.

Barun took a ninety degree turn and walked away with a frustrated face "Ahh, these creatures are really getting on my nerves".

Phone is about tobe dead, if there's any mistake in editing, please over look it.

Good night



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