
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

Love deserves a second chance 4

"Rick is my son, Rick Smith" and he said with a smile "Wow, you are a mom, you don't look like one". He didn't show any weird expression and Claire couldn't understand what she was thinking.

She gave him a narrowed look and he said "Well, yeah. Your structure is amazing and your figure is really sexy for a mom".

She said with a smile "Well, I will take that as a compliment then" and he said "Sure".

The food was served and they both focused on the food. Claire complimented Jason for his taste on food.

Jason : How old is he ?

Claire : He turned five this January.

Jason : Is it not a problem for you to take care of him when you are at office especially when you are on trips with Mr. Malhotra ?

Claire : I hired a nanny for him. He is an obedient kid. She looked proud of her son's disciplined nature.

Jason : Amazing, He seems close to Abhi ?

Claire : Yeah, he likenMalhotra brothers very much and follows around them all the time. They like him too and spend weekends and holidays with us.

* * * * *

Abhi and Shriya were completely immersed in the story. She paid attention to each and every detail of the love story.

Abhi doesn't talk much to others, forget about describing. He likes to say anything in less than two sentences but with Shriya he can speak for days if she wnats to listen to him.

They were interrupted by the phone call and it was Rahul calling his brother. Abhi sighed with annoyance while Shriya looked around and said "It's getting dark already".

As soon as he answered, an annoying voice came through "Bhai, where are you and what are you doing ? Don't tell you are planning to make babies with your woman. Grandpa wants you here now".

He said everything in one go without taking a breathe not letting his brother to speak.

Then he heard another annoying tone and that was his grandpa. "Hey kid where ever you are move your a$$ and be here in five minutes. Other wise I will torture that favourite employee of yours.

Abhi moved the phone away as he got a irritation from all that yelling and hung up. Shriya smiled and commented "Grandpa's choice of words to say something or threaten a person is really wow".

Abhi shook his head and said with an indifferent expression "As if it works on me". But he moved and said "Let's get going. I don't your brother to give up on his job when he is just about to get married".

She nodded but laughed. He sighed and said "Forget it, let's stay here" and she apologised saying "Let's get going".

Both walked back home and saw Naveen standing near a chair where grandpa was sitted and his face was grim.

In the patio there were few chairs and there sat these youngsters. Rajput family and Sony was nowhere tobe seen while Malhotra family and Mehras' were bisy chit chatting. Beside Gouthami sat Brahmini but her eyes were fixed on her man and she looked worried.

When she saw Abhi and Shriya her heart lightened and she ran to them. She informed them in worry "Elder Malhotra yelled at Naveen for not being punctual and for not doing his job properly."

Abhi looked at her and said "Let me talk to him." He then looked at his woman and said "Go inside and help grandpma in kitchen. Take her with you, also send my friend out." She nodded and took Brahmini inside.

Abhi said to his grandpa "Come on grandpa. Don't do this. I gave him permission for leave and yet you called him here again."

Naveen looked at Abhi with gratitude and Abhi said "He is just messing with you". They sat and talked about business when Kunal and Uday joined them.

Soon they had to go for dinner and they had light South Indian dishes.

Then they sat on the grass in the lawn and started playing all kinds of games and it was really fun time.

Elder Malhotra and Kokila Rajput sat in the chairs and looked at those youngsters. Kokila said "They look happy and I wish they all stay happy like this forever."

Elder Malhotra looked at them and said "Those kids, everyone had their own story and sufferings even that little girl, but they are trying to overcome them".

Kokila said "Every person have a story and they are the heroes of their own stories. I am proud of these kids".

Elder Malhotra said "I think we should give them some privacy" and she nodded. Kokila walked back to her room while a driver drove old man to Malhotras' farm house.

They placed a small bonfire and sat around it in a circle. They played games and sang songs. They cuddled their partners and the atmosphere was good.

Barun stood up and said "I an going home" and Kunal asked "Why ?" He replied "It's stuffy here. I need to go back. See you later" and he left.

He then turned towards Pumpkin and said "You should go to sleep early" and mumbled to himself "These guys are spoiling innocent kids". and those who heard him laughed.

Abhi whispered in his woman's ears "I won the bet, told you" and she said "I am terrified of you" and he looked at her with narrowed eyes. She mumbled with nervousness "sometimes, uhhhhh You can see right through people and it sometimes gives me chills".

He pinched her cheeks and asked "You are afraid of me. Let me see whether you are really afraid or not, tonight ?"

Uday said out of the blue "Guys, please don't plan these kind of get togethers without proper preparation, if some paparazzi managed to get pictures of you guys, it's going to be a big issue".

Some laughed when they heard it while others commented "Mood spoiler" and his woman hit him.

Uday said in an annoyed tone showing Kunal and Sony "Look at those those guys" and asked them "What are you doing in that bedsheet ?" and Kunal who was taken abck by sudden question replied in a flustered tone "It was cold outside". Sony blushed at the sudden thing and hid into his arms.