
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

His silence is the worst punishment for me 1

Next day it was sunday and all others were at home but Abhi went to work as he had a shoot that morning. When Shriya went downstairs both Rahul and Preeti were already there and were enjoying breakfast. Shriya didn't find time to inform them yet about the matter.

Preeti wore a beautiful neon top with blue jeans. Rahul was also in his casual wear and it seemed like they didn't know about it yet. Shriya sat in her seat and soon the maids served her the breakfast of bread toast and omelettes. She was silent during breakfast and just then Naveen came there and greeted both Rahul and Shriya.

Rahul looked at the man in front of him who was all ready as if he was going somewhere and Rahul said to his friend "Hey bro, come sit down and have breakfast with us".

Naveen nodded his head and sat beside Rahul. Rahul always treated Naveen more like a friend than a employee and they both were comfortable with each other. Naveen was already comfortable around Shriya so he soon started eating without hesitation when the maids served him food.

Rahul looked at his friend and asked "It's weekend bro, why are you here so early in the morning ?"

Naveen looked at the man with confusion in his eyes and he was sure that the latter didn't know anything. He don't know why but he could say that something was wrong with Shriya and Abhi. And now it seemed like the problem was a bit serious.

He turned to his friend and said "I came here to pick up young madam" and he then looked at Shriya and said "Madam, If you are ready then we will leave".

Rahul and Preeti didnot understand his words and they looked at Shriya who was silent the entire time. She focused her entire concentration on her food and didn't look up.

Rahul asked her "Shriya, Are you going somewhere ?".

Shriya said without looking up from her plate "I will be staying in another place from today"

Rahul was shocked to hear it and he thought he misheard her and asked her again to confirm "What did you just say?"

Shriya said in the same non chalant way "From today onwards I am staying at a different place".

Preeti said in a raised tone "Where are we going and why?" She seemed so anxious by this sudden information.

Shriya looked at her little sister and said "Not you, only me ".

Preeti was even more shocked by this. Rahul could say from Shriya's words that she was not happy with this. He already sensed that something is wrong with his brother and Shriya but never bothered to ask them thinking it would be not right for him to meddle in their personal matters. But now it seemed like it was already out of his hands.

He cursed god saying Many things happened in recent days without his knowledge.

Preeti was already shocked and she just looked at her sister ith a scared puppy eyes. Rahul asked Shriya "For how many days?"

Actually Shriya herself didn't know how many days she has to stay there, what will she answer him when she herself has no idea about it. She remained silent for a second and said "May be a few good days or weeks."

Preeti eyes were already moist with tears and when she heard her sister she burst into tears and tears rolled down from her eyes on to her pink cheeks. She cried saying "No I don't want to stay here when you are not there".

Shriya felt her heart ache seeing her sister crying for her. It's been a while since Preeti cried last . Last time she cried was the day when she got her first periods, she was afraid that something happened to her an cried not knowing it is normal for all girls. After that she never cried genuinely, she did cry often but it was all fake to threaten Rahul.

Shriya couldn't see her little sister crying and she went to her sister and sat on her knees infront of her little sister.She then hugged the little girl and said while caressing her head "Don't cry, be a good girl, Your Prince Abhi and Rahul will be there with you here, to take care of you".

Naveen was a bit taken aback when he heard her words. He understood that she has no idea about Abhi staying with her. He decided to remain silent.

Rahul looked at her and asked "Will you stay there alone?"

Naveen answered the question "I am also moving to a near by place to that of madam's".

Rahul immediately asked Naveen "Where is that place ?, tell me the address".

Naveen was caught off guard by this sudden question. He didn't see that coming?. He thought 'if Abhi kept it a secret from this man then I should too'.

He said in his calm tone though he was all guilty for keeping them in dark "I think you should ask your brother about it".

Shriya felt all sad, then she looked at Rahul and said "Take care of her and forgive her if did anything wrong".

Rahul just nodded his head and she then turned to see her sister and said "Preeti honey, Don't bother them okay, I will call you every day." She then kissed Preeti's forehead with love and care.

Shriya only has Preeti and the latter has only her elder sister in this world. They lived for each other eversince their parents died in the accident. Shriya didnot want to go without her sister but she know her sister will be safe and sound there with Rahul. She looked towards the stairs and saw Housekeeper, Uncle Ram bringing her luggage down the stairs.

Then both Naveen and Shriya boarded the car and left Shanti bhavan.


Didn't edit much. feeling sleepy.

Good night

Sweetykim ❤

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