
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

His pitiful face

Shriya said with an amused face expression "I saw the best acting of Abhi on that very night.

His pitiful face is the best among all his face expressions. I really believed him and even thought that he was the most pitiful man on the earth, despite my bad situation".

Shriya thought back to that night and the series of events taht happened played infront of her eyes. She never shared with anyone what actually had happend in that hotel room on that night between her and Abhi.

* * * * * *

Back on that night in the hotel room.

Shriya was so nervous earlier because she had to sleep with that a$$hole Vishnu for money. She was already disgusted enough with that thought and was depressed but now she was confused too seeing the great Abhishek Malhotra in the room instead of Vishnu.

She was so nervous and decided to apologize to him first for barging into his room and disturbing him. She said with her head held down "I am sorry, Mr Malhotra. I am supposed to meet a guy here tonight. I might have entered the wrong room. I am so sorry to disturb you. Excuse me".

She was about to turn around and walk out of the room when she heard a "Cough". She thought 'why didn't he lock the door ?', 'Isn't he afraid that someone will enter the room without his permission afterall he is a very big star ?'.

He took her wrist in his hands and said with the same cold expression "No, you entered the correct room. I booked you tonight".

Shriya's eyes were wide open and she couldn't believe her own ears and she turned around and looked at him with disbelief. He said "I paid for you?"

A series of thoughts ran in her hands "What does he mean by that. Did Vishnu sell her off to this man?". Another thought hit her brain "Why did he want to sleep with me. Does he have the habit of sleeping around with random women ?".

She pushed those thoughts to the back of her brain. Afterall it wasn't her business why he was doing this. He said "I will give you twenty lakhs rupees if you accept to this deal ?".

Shriya was shocked and asked in horror "What deal?". Then she thought maybe Vishnu really sold her off to this man and with that thought she replied nervously "Ten is enough. It's the deal".

Abhi nodded his head and Shriya looked at him seeing him silent and staring at her. She suddenly didn't know what to do. She stood there silent for a few minutes and seeing him walking towards the bed, she thought maybe she should follow him.

He didn't say anything and she thought 'maybe he is expecting me to remove her clothes.' With that thought she started to strip herself and only after she removed her dupatta and her top, a stream of tears rolled down from her cheeks. She placed her hands on her leggings ready to take them off.

Abhi turned and looked at her and asked with both shock and surprise "What are you doing ?" and when she was shocked with his sudden and strange question she was even confused. 'Why was he so shocked ?'. Putting a break to her weird thoughts, he said with a smile "Oh, You must had the habit of sleeping without clothes ?".

She was truly confused and shook her head and she was relieved that she was still wearing a full thigh length white cotton petticoat on her.

He signalled her to come and sit on the bed beside him and said with a smile "I wanted to talk to you. I am happy that I met someone to talk".

What he was saying is really confusing her. But she didn't dare to ask him anything further. She decided to do what he asked her afterall she can't offend him. If she doesn't obey him, she will not get that money".

He moved a bit away from him when she sat close to him and said "Even I had the habit of sleeping with my shirt off". He looked so innocent with that pure smile.

She smiled looking at him and he continued babbling "I want to say so many things to you".

She looked at him and asked after hesitating for a really long time "So what do you want to talk about sir and why did you ask for me for tonight?".

He replied with a smile "Ah, I forgot to tell you. You know me right ?" to which she nodded her head and he said "Call me Abhi."

She looked at him and he continued seeing her expecting face with a helpless and an exhausted face "My life seems so colorful on the surface but I am so lonely in private. I don't have many friends and I don't know whom to share my feelings with ?"

She looked at him and asked "So ?" and he said "I want you to listen to me tonight and I want to share all my thoughts with you which I have been hiding for so long."

She was even more shocked but her concern was something else so she asked with a doubt "Will you give me money for listening to your feelings ?".

He nodded confidently and said "Yes, that's the deal. Isn't it ?".

She was so relieved but at the same time she was so embarrassed thinking What she did a little while ago undressing infront of him and what must have he thought about her.

He then removed his shirt and placed it on the bedside table and said "Even I can't sleep with my clothes on?" and he chuckled as if he heard a joke.

She smiled awkwardly but asked with a smile "But if you want anyone could be your friend? why do you have to go all this trouble of finding a random person?".

He said with a pitiful face and a helpless sigh "I have so many members around me all the time but most of them are with me because of my money, fame or power. I can't stand fake people." He shook his head with a poker face.

She nodded her head and he asked "Why do you need money?".

She looked at him and said "My sister is in the hospital".

He looked at her and nodded in understanding "Ohh, then what about your family?".

She thought for a moment but decided to tell him honestly afterall she will never meet him again "They died in an accident. Only my sister and I are there now for each other".

He looked at her for a long time and she felt embarrassed with his intense gaze. He said holding her hands in his "Will you stay with me from now on. I will take care of you and your sister and I will stand on my promise."

She was shocked not understanding what he meant exactly by that. She looked at him and he smiled at her assuringly and she don't know why she felt a bit of relief with this man around and she doesn't find any discomfort with him or with his super celebrity status.