
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

Hey Sisla 2

Days passed by slowly. Shriya felt extremely alone because she was staying at home all alone. The college has holidays. Rahul had to go to work every day because he has to do some extra work as Abhi was not there to handle the issues. Though Barun helped Rahul but still he has do some extra work than usual. He always came home late and Preeti was also busy during the day time as she has to go to school.

Earlier Shriya never got any free time as she was always busy with her work and part time jobs. But now she has no work to do and she developed a new habit of watching korean dramas.

Soon she immersed herself in those dramas and the time flew in the blink of an eye. She also started trying handicrafts and developed other hobbies like painting and designing clothes which she had left a long ago.

Abhi called her once in a day without fail despite his busy schedule and he used to say her his daily routine. She started paying more attention to her little sister and monitored her studies and school life.

Abhi often sent her the locations and beautiful sceneries of the shooting spots. When he was in Maldives he saw the island was so cute and beautiful. He made a video call to her when he was in his room alone and showed her the place and she was fascinated by it.

He promised her that he will take her there once he gets the chance. After a week he left Maldives and went to Los Angels to shoot. He decided to visit her mother because it was so long ago that he visited his mother. The last time he visited Los Angels he didn't go to his family mansion as he was in a hurry to see his women.

In the past whenever he had outdoor shoot in any of the American States, no matter how busy he was he made sure to visit his family mansion at least once. But the last time he didn't go and it made her mother angry. So he decided to visit her before she decides to visit him in Mumbai.

* * * * * *

Abhi reached the airport in Los Angels. He walked towards the exit terminal followed by his manager Uday. He wore a cap and a black mask to avoid the attention of passer bys and the media. He chose all plain clothes and maintained an extremely low profile. When he came out a black maybach SUV was already there for him. The driver took the luggage from him and both Uday and Abhi boarded the car.

In an hour the car stopped infront of Malhotra Mansion. It was one of the biggest mansions in the city with a big lawn and a largest private swimming pool in the city.

The building was built in an Indo American style and it was quite a luxurious one. Both Abhi and Uday entered the Mansion and the housekeeper greeted them both.

Abhi and Uday sat in the living room and the housekeeper offered them both water. Abhi didn't inform his mother about his visit as he wanted to surprise her.

He looked around and when he couldnot see his mother anywhere in the living room he asked the housekeeper "Uncle John, where is my mother, isn't she home ?"

Housekeeper said "Young master, Madam is in her room".

He just nodded his head and went upstairs to his mother's room. When he opened the door he saw his mother watching an interview of him in her laptop. He went in and she looked towards the door and was pleasantly surprised to her son there. She was so happy seeing him that she practically threw herself and hugged her son.

He hugged her back and patted her head. Then he made her sit on the chair and sat in a chair across from her. She was still in shock that she couldn't believe her own eyes. It's been so long since her son came to visit her. She kept staring at him and tears rolled down her pale cheeks.

Though mrs. Malhotra was staying in America for a long time now she still prefers to wear Indian saree compared to western clothes. She wore a light pink cotton saree and she looked beautiful in that. Though she was in her fifties she still has a healthy skin as she always took care of her health and beauty.

Abhi wiped her tears with his fingers and asked "Mom why are crying?"

Mrs. Malhotra wiped her tears and said in a hoarse voice "You don't know how much I missed my son. Do you have any idea for how long you haven't visited your parents."

Abhi said in a calm tone " You know I am busy with my schedule".

She said while looking at her son " So how is your stupid brother ?" Her mother asked about Rahul as she was missing him too. "He came to you for a long time now but he barely talks to me now".

Abhi said while smiling "He has become a good boy now. He is working all hard everyday. But he is all good."

Mrs Malhotra looked at her son and she asked worriedly "Why are so thin ? Aren't you eating well," before Abhi could answer her question, She muttered "When you work you don't even bother to eat just like your father."

Abhi smiled and said while holding his mother's hands in his "No mom, in my present project I am playing the role of a young college student so I have to reduce my weight to give that young look".

She sighed deeply hearing to her son's words "I already told you not to work in entertainment industry. It's so bad and involves all filth. Moreover you are young, you don't have to loose weight for that purpose .

Abhi couldn't help but sigh. He know his mother hated the entertainment industry to the core but she accepted him joining it because she loves him so much.

She then said with discontent "Especially the girls in that industry are all filth and they go to any lengths to achieve their goals."

Abhi was worried and his mother said the things that he was most afraid of "I will never accept a girl from that industry as my family member. So ask your stupid little brother not to mess around".

He was silent not speaking. Earlier he never has the idea to let Shriya join the industry but after seeing her acting skills, he couldnot ignore her talent. He felt it will truly be a waste of her talent if she doesn't show it to the world. He wanted to see her on the screen. But he was afraid that his mother will never accept his women if she enters the industry.

Seeing him all silent she asked him "What are thinking about ?".

He shook his head and said "nothing mom".

She then asked "So what about Gouthami, what do you think of her ?"