
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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Everyone will have a fear for something or the other

Everyone was so shocked with this sudden piece of information. From the way Sony behaved just now, it was clear that she must had a serious problem.

Shriya asked "If you really are pyrophobic then how did you perform in the lab, we had so many experiments where we used flame so how did you face it and why didn't I notice it?"

Sony looked at her friend and the latter's expression changed into something but it's definiteky not a sad expression. It seemed like a questioning look and she aksed her friend "Have you ever seen me near a stove or a spirit lamp".

It was then her friends remembered something important. Whenever there was an experiment that needed heating, Sony would make either Shriya or Brahmini do the job for her, they never bothered to think why she did so and never guessed that she had some problem with that. They simply thought that she as just lazy to do it".

Shriya then seemed to remember something important and said staring at the ceiling "Oh, that was the reason why you didn't do flameb test in the exam"

Sony smiled and said "Thankfully, I got an easy experiment in the examination".

Though she was smiling one could see her pain in her eyes when she was talking and it was clear that she was thinking about something else.

Kunal asked with a gentle tone "Since when did you develop this phobia ?"

Sony never shared anything regarding this with anyone before. So she was not confident about this and was debating whether to say or not with her friends.

She then turned around when she felt a hand on her shoulders and saw Kunal standing behind her. She didn't notice him standing up and coming towards her.

She looked at him and nodded her head seeing his reassuring smile and said in a low voice "Five years ago, I lost my elder brother in a fire accident and I was there when that happened", and her eyes became moist with tears and she continued "I lost conscious then and when I woke up after two days, I lost the entire memory of that incident and from then I developed a phobia for fire".

There was also another person who became sad when they heard Sony. Abhi soon placed his hand on his women's hand to console her.

Everyone there know Shriya lost her parents and brother in a fire accident and whenever she remembers that, she becomes depressed.

Shriya and Sony were both sad and soon the joyous and happy atmosphere changed into something sad. Abhi, Rahul and Uday consoled Shriya while Kunal, Manvi and Brahmini consoled Sony.

Rahul sat in his chair with his hand under his chin and he seemed to be thinking about something serious, he said suddenly "I have a severe phobia of my girlfriend."

Hearing this sudden comment from Rahul everyone laughed and the atmosphere eased down and became fun.

Seeing Shriya all smiles, Abhi understood she was relaxing and said "I have arachnophobia".

He is the kind of person who never discloses any information about him to others and definitely not about his weakness, but he did so in front of others so that his women could feel at ease and smile.

Everyone looked at him not understanding what that is exactly and he explained giving a sigh "I hate spiders and afraid of them".

"Ahhh, you're afraid of spiders, I can't believe a perfect man like you can actually have such a fear for spiders" Sony was the one that reacted and Kunal reacted to her with an annoying tone but it sounded like a jealous one "So I guess you are all good now".

Abhi smiled seeing his friend's expression but he didn't bother to give a reply and just nodded his head.

Rahul asked Kunal "So bhai, are you afraid of something ?", and Abhi replied as soon as he heard his brother's question "He has a phobia for women".

Everyone laughed and Kunal glared at Rahul but he ignored it. Even Barun couldn't help but laugh seeing his brother.

Lately his brother was behaving all weird, he saw his brother smile only a few times in these twenty years and lately he was smiling often without a proper reason and he knew something was going on with his brother.

Like this everyone enjoyed the get together and had fun. They then went to have some food.

They sat around a big round table and the table was filled with delicious food. Naveen then sat with his women. Their sitting position changed from earlier. Abhi and Shriya sat next to each other and opposite to then sat Kunal and Sony. Brahmini and Naveen sat next to Abhi and Manvi and Uday were opposite to them. While the one end of the table was occupied by Rahul while the other end was occupied by the another single Barun.

The table was full of delicious food containing all south Indian, North Indian and Non vegetarian items.

The maids served them food and then they left, leaving the group to enjoy among themselves.

They all talked and enjoyed and Abhi kept serving food to his women and seeing the couple, Sony complained "Can you two stop showing off your love to others and stop making us singles sad ?".

Everyone laughed and Kunal murmured "I am sure you will not get a boyfriend with that crazy personality of yours".

I may not update for the next two days, as it is my brother's marriage the day after tomorrow.

But I will try my best to update.

Thank you

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