
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

A big and warm family 1

The two couples enjoyed the beautiful sunrise and Shriya teased her friend and the latter blushed. Soon Pumpkin joined them and they walked back to their house.

Shriya asked Sony about the tracks she is wearing and the latter said it's pumpkin's. Shriya was concerned about Sony but she couldn't day it and didn't want to spoil the mood.

They walked back to Malhotra's farm house and got freshened up and gathered in the living room. Just then they saw Rahul and others come inside. Yash was carrying Preeti in his arms and Rajesh followed behind him.

Everyone are in their three fourth pants including Preeti while Gouthami wore a printed skirt with a loose plain top over it.

Grandpa made a poker face and was sulking. Abhi saw this and asked with a tease "Why are you sulking like a kid now grandpa ?" and the latter said "That brat Naveen didn't come to pick me up. I am definitely going to fire him".

Abhi sighed with helplessness and said "Grandpa I asked him to take a break. That poor fellow is going to get married soon and I don't want you scare him anymore."

Shriya and others tried to hide their laugh while Kunal just went to old man to take his blessings.

Kunal bowed to elder Malhotra and touched the latter's feet and said "Good morning Dadasa". Grandpa cooled down in an instant and said with a smile "You haven't cahnged a bit Kunal, in fact you became even more handsome than the last I saw you and you are still so well mannered boy."

Then he looked at Abhi who was still sitting on the couch lazily and said with a poker face "Learn something from this young man here. He knows how to respect elders and you on the other hand calls me 'old man' right on my face. You spoiled brat".

The three girls stood up and wanted to laugh but have to hold back themselves. Even Pumpkin followed her brother way and Sony stood there not knowing whether she should do the same or just stand still. Kunal went to meet Yash and Rajesh.

Elder Malhotra didn't let Pumpkin to touch his feet and said while hugging her "Girls shouldn't touch others feet. Women are the embodiments of Lakshmi. Though you are younger, you shouldn't do that."

Kunal said "There's nothing wrong dadasaa. You are elderly and you should give us your blessings." Grandpa looked at Pumpkin and said "When you like someone, bring him to me then I'll let you two touch my feet" and Pumpkin blushed.

He patted her head lovingly and said "You are the prettiest princess I have ever seen and also well disciplined". One could see the love and adoration of grandpa for Pumpkin.

Pumpkin said "Thank you dadasa." and Abhi countered "That's because they were bright up by dadi ji and we were brought by this cool macho old man.

Moreover, You are just trying to vent your anger on me for sanctioning leave for Naveen. You are ...." he made a face which made him gain a death glare from his grandpa and a comment "Stinky brat". Shriya also glared at him and muttered "I should just beat this guy up so that he keeps his mouth shut."

Rahul came to his brother's rescue saying "Grandpa you know nothing. Kunal bhai also says the same things, even nasty things to his grandpa but not on his face. Grandpa said with a snort "You are such a chemcha of your brother." and everyone laughed.

Grandpa walked towards the couch and said "I just wanted to see the girl he is marrying and give them my blessings" and Abhi made a face 'We wont believe you' and mumbled "as if".

Pumpkin walked back to her bhabies and it was only then the old man saw Shriya and the woman standing next to her.

Sony gave the prettiest smile possible in that nervous state and greeted him with her hands held together ( namaste ) "Hello grandpa" and the old man said with a smile "You must be Sony. Hello beta".

He asked them to sit down and women sat on the sofa with grandpa. Rahul sat on the floor just at the feet of his woman. Yash and Rajesh sat on the bean bags while Preeti sat on Yash's lap. Kunal and Abhi sat beside each other on the cusions facing their women.

Elder grandpa said seeing Sony "You look better in real life than in pictures" and seeing her confusion Kunal explained "Grandpa likes to keep track of those he cares." and Abhi continued "He is a bit over obsessed with his kids".

Grandpa again gave his elder grandson a death glare which the latter ignored. Abhi was busy talking to Kunal. Shriya and Pumpkin immersed themselves in their own talks.

Shriya knew that she has to meet Kunal's grandma taht afternoon and she was asking for help from Pumpkin. She was even amused by the farms here and was keen to know about it's management.

Grandpa was busy asking Sony about her hobbies and family background and she told old man everything about her love story and how Kunal persuaded her.

Rajesh and Yash were playing with Preeti and they ran into the kitchen to search for some snacks to munch on. Preeti wanted to look around and Yash promised to take her out after breakfast. Rahul was busy massaging his wife's legs as she was enjoying the view outside from those floor length glass walls.

Old man looked at Sony and then back at both men and whispered something on her ears. Sony burst out laughing and gained attention from all the people in the room.