
My love of two lifetimes

A beauty born as omega but with no parents. All his life Alan wanted nothing but a sense of security. However, he never got that luxury in life or love. He fell for an alpha who was way out of his league. To make the matter worst, that alpha is now dating his best friend Rui. But even after that, everytime he met that alpha, he felt a sudden warmth and security. This continuous close encounters started to take a toll on his mind. Watching his crush holding someone else's hand made him anxious. All this mental stress caused him to collapse. A wealthy, rich and handsome second generation business tycoon. All his life Mark Richards has been looking for a home. Everybody wants something from him and all he wants is a home where he can just rest and feel relaxed. His insomnia keeps getting worst. While asleep, he dreams of himself going on rampage, killing every one and standing in the pool of blood. His mind was driving him on the edge until he met an omega. That beautiful omega made him feel like he finally found his home. Everytime Mark saw him smiling, his whole body felt happier. Day by day, he crawled closer to the omega. However, his one and only home collapsed infront of his eyes. The thought of losing his loved one made him scared. " I will bring him back. No one can take him away from me. I won't let him go. Never again." A thunderstorm created by a single human stuck the heaven. They just can't handle this monster...not again.

ChikaraA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

The Smith Family

Back in the days, Rui's dad, Mr. Smith was a very handsome alpha working in military. He was posted in the border city in the west when he met Rui's mother. She was a beta and was a nurse at the military base camp. She was not beautiful as the omegas in the camp but she was a strong woman, a warrior. Whenever there was someone who was injured seriously, she won't hesitate to hold the scalpel. He was the one holding the gun and she was the one ready to take the bullet out of the skin anytime. They were made for each other. They both fell in love and rebelled against the so called alpha omega regime to be with each other. They both got married and were great together. Once, some terrorist attacked the base camp and Rui's mother got shot in the thigh. Her injury was severe and needed care. So, his father retired from military to take care of her. They went to the mainland where they bought an apartment. While Mr. Smith started his own detective agency, Mrs. Smith joined the local hospital as regular nurse.

They both loved each other dearly but all they wished for were kids. Mrs. Smith was kind and affectionate. She always hoped for having a child someday. The time passed but there was no good news. It was mainly because of the fact that Betas were biologically not capable enough to bear a child. However, Mrs. Smith never lost hope. Then, after 8 years of marriage, Rui came into their life. She was like an oasis for both of her parents who were lost in the dry dessert. She was the memento of their love, their little angel. They loved her so much, especially Mrs. Smith. They always cherished her and spoiled her. A tear in her eyes and the whole house would turn upside down. A single scratch on her and both of her parents would turn into beastly warriors. Rui was just too precious to her parents. But now, that precious daughter was sobbing and begging in front of her father.

Mr. Smith was heartbroken. He looked up and saw all these people seeking amusement in her daughter's tragedy, he was enraged. He glared at the landlord but said nothing. He calmed down Rui first and said, " Rui, baby, look at me. Look at your dad."

Rui raised her head up in his arms, " Rui, I promise you, everything will be fine. Now, wipe those tears. We have to take your friend to the hospital."

Rui hurried and wipe her tears. " But he said he doesn't want to go to hospital. Dad, he is a savage. He will be treated badly. Da.."

Mr. smith interrupted her, " dear, I know."

" You know. What? You know? How?" Rui was doubtful.

" Yes I know. I know a lot more that you don't know. I also know that you went to a club today and got in a huge mess."

Rui was scared now, " Wait, what? How? Wha..it doesn't make sense…. Ugh,I am sorry."

" Ha.. your father is a detective dear. Do you think you can hide from me? Anyway, save your apologies for later. Now, let's go."

What he didn't tell her was how he got the information. Well what can he say though, that since she was born, he did background check on everyone who got close to her. Or the fact that he had put a tracking device on Rui's car, handbag and her phone. What can he say? That he is protective and possessive alpha, who is also a paranoid parent?

Offcourse not. There was no time for that. Also, he had no intention of doing that.

He dragged Rui in the car and sat on the driver's seat. Then he took off his shirt and wrapped it around his mouth as tight as possible.

" What are you doing?", Rui was offended by his father's behaviour.

" Nothing dear. Its just I feel dizzy with all this smell. I am afraid I will lose consciousness in the middle of the traffic."

" What smell? What is wrong with you people? Dad, don't make fun of Alan. I will not take that?"

" You little… Don't you smell that charcoal, silicate and alcohol like rotten smell coming from back seat."

" Wow. Dad you can't say that…wait what smell?" Rui was in disbelief.

Mr. Smith's jaw dropped to the chest. " You don't smell that? The smell of burning. Its like a green forest is set on fire, that kind of smell."

" Huh? No. What are you talking about? Alan has sandalwood like scent and its very charming. Dad don't disrespect him like that…wait, you smell something burning?"

Rui directly lunged to the back seat. She held Alan's head in her lap and then turned it over to smell his neck. Sure enough, his pheromonal glands were red and hot. His neck was full of blisters and burn marks. They were hot as if they were set on fire, yet what Rui smelled was only sandalwood. The horror in Rui's eyes increased tenfold, " Dad, let's hurry. I think there is something wrong with him."

Mr. Smith started the car, " where are we going?"

" Take us back home."

Rui's father took some time to process what she said, he yelled as soon as he understood, "are you crazy?"

" Dad, you need to trust me on this. If we take him to the hospital, no one will tend to him and they will treat him badly."

" why do you think so? Why are you so sure?", Mr. Smith was now looking at Rui with doubts.

" Because he is a savage dad, he is not a normal omega. Why don't you drive faster?"

" Wait. That's it? Nothing else?"

" Yes, what else do you want to hear… Dad, do you know something more?", Rui saw his father was avoiding eye contact. Sure enough, he knows more than that.

" No… Oh look we are almost there. Thank god, your mother is at home too. She is a genius in medical sciences. Ha ha ha." That awkward laugh confirmed Rui's doubts. But she said nothing. Soon, they arrived at the Smith's residence.