
My Love, My Whole Life

Published, titled "In My Time, You're All I Have" On the third day of their romance, Gu Yu cornered Tang Yuran in a nook, watching her with a mischievous and leisurely smile, "I want to be with you." "Huh?" Tang Yuran looked at him with a bewildered face, stammering, "Aren't we... aren't we already together?" "What I mean is, from body to soul, from our hair tips to our fingertips, to be together fully, without any blind spots." Gu Yu's lips curled into a naughtily amused smile. "But... it's only been three days since we made it official..." "So?" Gu Yu lowered his head, kissing the corner of her lips, murmuring, "But in my heart, you've been there for many years now..."

Cat that Forgot to Breathe · General
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263 Chs

Chapter 176 Threaten me again and I'll kiss you back_1

Translator: 549690339

That Gu Yu deity, after playing a few rounds, said he was going to bed.

Tang Yuran had also wanted to stop gaming and go to sleep, but unfortunately, she couldn't resist Tang Nan's persistent pleading and had to play a few more rounds with him.

While playing, she didn't feel it passing, but once those rounds ended and Tang Yuran glanced at the time, it was already close to midnight.

Done for, done for, done for, playing so late, she probably wouldn't be able to wake up tomorrow morning.

Tang Yuran quickly put away her phone, stretched out her hand, and pushed Tang Nan out of her room, saying as she pushed, "No more gaming, no more gaming, it's almost midnight, and we have school tomorrow, Nannan, you'd better go to sleep."

"Oh... okay..." Tang Nan followed by glancing at the alarm clock on the bedside table, let out a big yawn, then said "good night" to Tang Yuran and turned back to his room.