
My Love, My Whole Life

Published, titled "In My Time, You're All I Have" On the third day of their romance, Gu Yu cornered Tang Yuran in a nook, watching her with a mischievous and leisurely smile, "I want to be with you." "Huh?" Tang Yuran looked at him with a bewildered face, stammering, "Aren't we... aren't we already together?" "What I mean is, from body to soul, from our hair tips to our fingertips, to be together fully, without any blind spots." Gu Yu's lips curled into a naughtily amused smile. "But... it's only been three days since we made it official..." "So?" Gu Yu lowered his head, kissing the corner of her lips, murmuring, "But in my heart, you've been there for many years now..."

Cat that Forgot to Breathe · General
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271 Chs

Chapter 152: A Sudden Confession 2_1

Translator: 549690339

"The director is overthinking it..." Gu Yu glanced at Director Xue expressionlessly and spoke indifferently.

"It's best if I'm overthinking it," Director Xue nodded toward Gu Yu, then glanced at Tang Yuran who still had tears in the corner of her eyes and said helplessly, "Alright, alright, stop crying. It's getting late; hurry home. Don't stay in the classroom, you're disturbing the boarding students who have evening self-study."

"Cough cough, yes, yes, Tang Yuran got third place in the class. It's something worth celebrating, hurry home and tell your parents. They must be thrilled," said Teacher Zhao, who was standing to the side, also eagerly chiming in with a laugh.

Tang Yuran stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from her face and sniffled, then stood up and said "Goodbye, Director Xue, goodbye, Teacher Zhao," before picking up her bag and walking out of the classroom.