
My Love, My Whole Life

Published, titled "In My Time, You're All I Have" On the third day of their romance, Gu Yu cornered Tang Yuran in a nook, watching her with a mischievous and leisurely smile, "I want to be with you." "Huh?" Tang Yuran looked at him with a bewildered face, stammering, "Aren't we... aren't we already together?" "What I mean is, from body to soul, from our hair tips to our fingertips, to be together fully, without any blind spots." Gu Yu's lips curled into a naughtily amused smile. "But... it's only been three days since we made it official..." "So?" Gu Yu lowered his head, kissing the corner of her lips, murmuring, "But in my heart, you've been there for many years now..."

Cat that Forgot to Breathe · General
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263 Chs

Chapter 150 I Want to Set Clear Boundaries with You 4_1

Translator: 549690339

"Tang Yuran... Tang Yuran?" Gu Yu hesitated for a moment, then reached out and gently patted her shoulder.

"Go away." Tang Yuran's voice, tinged with a sob, came softly.

She still remembered what Director Xue had said earlier: if she did not rank within the top fifty in the entire grade this monthly test, they would publicly criticize both of them in front of the school and give them a demerit...

Such an incident... such an incident... was truly embarrassing for a girl.

What if her parents found out—would they beat her to death??

The more Tang Yuran thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt, and the more she couldn't control her tears from flowing.

Teacher Zhao stood on the podium, looked at Tang Yuran below, paused, then shifted his gaze towards Gu Yu.

Gu Yu raised his head and gave Teacher Zhao a look, signaling that he would handle the situation, and Teacher Zhao nodded and left.