
My Love, My Whole Life

Published, titled "In My Time, You're All I Have" On the third day of their romance, Gu Yu cornered Tang Yuran in a nook, watching her with a mischievous and leisurely smile, "I want to be with you." "Huh?" Tang Yuran looked at him with a bewildered face, stammering, "Aren't we... aren't we already together?" "What I mean is, from body to soul, from our hair tips to our fingertips, to be together fully, without any blind spots." Gu Yu's lips curled into a naughtily amused smile. "But... it's only been three days since we made it official..." "So?" Gu Yu lowered his head, kissing the corner of her lips, murmuring, "But in my heart, you've been there for many years now..."

Cat that Forgot to Breathe · General
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263 Chs

Chapter 123 Really Didn't Kiss 3_1

Translator: 549690339

"Director Xue, goodbye."

"Director Xue, we're leaving."

"Director Xue, bye-bye."

The teachers took advantage of Director Xue's impending eruption to quickly pack up their things and slipped out of the office one by one.

In a moment, the Educational Affairs Office was left with only Director Xue, Teacher Zhao, Tang Yuran, and Gu Yu, four people.

After slamming his hand on the table, Director Xue realized he had been a bit too emotional and cleared his throat awkwardly with a couple of light coughs. Then, he slightly lowered his voice toward the two of them and said, "Nonsense! You were both already in that posture, if not to kiss, then what? I've been the director of this Educational Affairs Office for many years. I've caught hundreds if not a thousand couples, and whenever I question them, it's either something got into their eye, there's a leaf in their hair, or there's dirt on the side of their mouth. It's always one of these few excuses—do you think I'm stupid??"