
Where did she go ?

Then Sia nodded and go back to do her work . See-bong become crazy and run to catch her but Do-yun grabs his hand and pull him back and said

See-bong , don't behave like this . Calm down and wait until the restaurant closes. Ok

Then See-bong nodded quietly and sit there until the restaurant closes. Wjen the restaurant were closing then See-bong said to Do-yun to go and find that girl .

After few minutes , he came back and said to See-bong

See-bong ?

Yes !

Let's go ! Fast

Where ?

To catch that girl , she left just few minutes ago !!!

What the h*** !

Then they both run outside . They see in all the directions but she wasn't anywhere . The See-bong said

Do-yun look there she is !!! Hurry up , let's go catch her .

When they run towards her , she disappears . Then Do-yun said

Ahh ! Where did she go ?

See-bong is stunned , he said

Oooo my ! Is she a ghost ? She was just standing here ? but now...

They both were totally suprised . After 2 hours ,they both are walking on rhe footpath then Do-yun said

Oh! See-bong ...

What ?

Si...Sia , she is there

Where ?

Then Do-yun show him where she is standing . They both run towards her as fast as they can , then See-bong twist her hand and tie it with a handkerchief .

Sia turns back and said

Ahhh ! Who are you ? What are you doing ? What do you want ? Why are you following me ?

See-bong smirks and said

Ammm ! It looks like you've many questions . So , finally we got you !!!

Sia is stunned at his words , she said

What do you mean ?

See-bong siad

Please try to understand . I wouldn't do anything with you so , don't be scare .

You're saying to don't be scare of you , how ? I even don't know who are you ?

Wait for the right time !

What ? You... let go off me !!!!!!

Then See-bong look at Do-yun and said

Huh ! She is crazy . Go and bring the car here , she will go with us .

Do-yun nodded and move out .