
Look at me

In the night ,

See-bong was eating the dinner , he asked to one of her maid

Where is Miss Sia ??

She is in her room , Sir .

Call her out for dinner .

We did but she refused to come downstairs .

Then See-bong stands and walked towards Sia's room . When he opened the door , Sia turned back when she saw him at the door , she quickly covered her face with her hands . See-bong goes inside and stands Infront of her . He said

" Hey ! Are you sick ? Let me take a look ! You don't have fever . What happened ? Why aren't you coming downstairs for dinner , should I call the doctor ?? "

While covering her face , she said

" Hey , I am alright !! "

Then he sat beside her and slide her hands from her face . Her face was too hot and she was blushing . He looked at her read face and cupped her chicks , he said

" Look at me , I wouldn't tease you anymore , alright !! so let's go and have something if you don't eat properly , you might fall sick . "

She nodded .

He pats her head and they both came down for dinner . After having the dinner , they both goes back to their rooms .

Sia was lying on the bed and looking outside the window , she cried out

" Oh ! what am I thinking !!!! No , no , never . It can't happen !!!! "

She checked her heartbeats , her heart was beating very fast more than usual days .

" Oh my !!! My heart , I feel dizzy . Am I really ??? No.... how can I !!! No I should just control on my feelings !!! "

Just then She heard a whisper , it was See-bong , he was thinking

" She is so different . Gosh , no what will she thinks if she get to know about my feelings ? Does she hate me ? No , I think I shouldn't tell her anything about my feelings !!!! "

= _ =

Next Morning ,

Sia was coming downstairs , just then she saw See-bong was coming from the other side , he was going to the Office . She looked at his face , he glanced back . After a while , they both turned back and walked away . They didn't even said "Hello" to each other .


In the night ,

See-bong came back from his office and directly goes back to his room , he didn't even came out for dinner .

On the dinning table , Sia was sitting all alone , she thoughts

" How rude , he ignored me in the morning and now he didn't even came for dinner !!!!! "