

Just because of misunderstanding they separate for 6 years, and on their reunion they met again. They become the ruthless CEO of the world and they killed their enemy without mercy. But would they fine who's behind their accident and who wants their head? Follow the story for your answer. Thank you for your time I hope you don't mind my mistake and please feels free to comment on my mistake so that I can improve. This is my first novel and I hope you like it. It's my own imagination, I'm sorry if it entangled with one's personal please take it as a story. Than you

Linzzziii · Urban
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56 Chs

Mrs Kelly end

Kevin look at them and smile, " thanks bro , now let's show them what the words mess means " he smirk.

Anan gulp " ok 👌, hahahah " he turned towards the others and sigh.

Kevin stood up and said " alright now you can started the plan, I'll check on Careen".

Mark nodded and took out his phone and contact Careen brothers and told them their findings.

Anan stood up and said " I'll get going, I need to assembly my squad ".

Daniel also stood up and bid good bye saying he got an important surgery that evening.

When everyone left, Mark said you go check on your wife don't worry I'll do the rest , Kevin nodded and walk to his bedroom .

Meanwhile, on the Kelly villa, the air didn't seem right, all the servant left the living room scared of the tension on the surrounding. Mrs Kelly was kneeling on the floor and weeping while the brothers were sitting on the couch with a cold face.

An hour back, while James was busy analysing his company affairs, he got a called from Mark which give him a fright , he left his office and drive back home and informed his brother on the way.

When they reached the villa, James went straight to his parents room with a mind to confront his mother but what he didn't expect is to heard his mother's evil laughter which he haven't heard not even ones in his life.

While listening to her laughter, it sent shiver down his spine when he heard her next word. James face turned black he clenched his fist tightly and kicked the door with a bang, at the same time Jackson reached the room his face turned vivid on seeing the scene.

Their father was sleeping soundly like nothing happens while their mother contact someone, it seems like he was given with a sleeping pills.

Mrs Kelly look at them with a gaping mouth, she didn't figure it out what had happened , she was scared seeing their terrifying aura, she sat on the nearby couch and began crying as if she was feeling sorry for her husband.

Jackson feel irritated at her fake tears, he strode forward and give her a strong slapped, Mrs Kelly scream and look at him with a pitiful face she didn't imagine that one day she will get slapped by her own son, she just look at him with an open mouths not able to utter a word, she feels her mouth hurting while she began to taste blood, but she didn't have the courage to speak out scared they will flared up at her.

James called their family doctor, to do a checked up on their father, while the doctor were busy checking on their father, James dragged Mrs Kelly to the living room without mercy, not giving in to her cries and pitiful scream.

After sometimes when the doctor came out , Jackson went forward and asked what had happened *.

Doctor San, look at Mrs Kelly and frown, " your father will be fine, he was dosing with high dose of sleeping pills, he will be fine after a nap I already give him a pills to wash the drugs don't worry he will be fine" he tap his shoulder and left the room.

At present, both the brother were sitting on the living room looking at their fake mother with cold face who busy crying on the floor.

Jackson got irritated and snapped " stop with your crocodile tears why don't you tell us who are you, it help us to finished you quickly and have a good rest. "

Mrs Kelly look at them and said " I don't know what are you saying, I am your mother why did you do this to me, what have I done to you, " she continue crying.

James sigh and contact Kevin asked him to bring Careen home, he also contact his grandfather. All the while, Mrs Kelly didn't flinch she just continue crying like she was being bullied by her own son.

Just then her phone rang, she look at the caller id , her face look pale she try to cut the called but Jackson snatched the phone and said " pick the call or I'll end your life".

Mrs Kelly gulp and shivering she said " it's not important, I'll call later leave it like that"

James suddenly said " do you want another slapped "

Mrs Kelly pale don't look good and said " I, , , I, , , I, , I'll pick ".

When Mrs Kelly pick the call, suddenly someone they...