
My Love-Hate Relationship with bibi Dong in Douluo

Fade Chen traveled from the blue star, and met Tang San, the son of luck in the Douluo Continent, and the two became good friends. Chen Fei found that because of his arrival, the world of Douluo had changed. Among them, Bibi Dong is no longer the pope, but only 7 years old, the saint of Wuhun Temple, Chihiro Ji is not dead, he killed A Yin and Xiao Wu's mother, of course there are many changes. In this life, Chen Fei brought his previous life's skills, the Bamen Dunjia, and Tang San's Tangmen hidden weapon to fight, who will win? In this life, what will be the result of his love-hate relationship with Bibi Dong? Let's look forward to it together... Reminder: Be cautious when entering the original party, you can't accept Bibidong, Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, etc. whose identities and ages have been changed, don't come in and spray.

DaoistpuvM8B · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 13 The woman with the thorn in the phoenix feather needle

Two hours later, Fade Chen finally came to the Hunting Soul Forest.

  The difference between this place and the Star Dou Great Forest.

  The reason is that the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest are all wild, but here they are all raised in captivity.

  But after coming here, Fade Chen suddenly remembered an important thing.

  I don't have the passport issued by Wuhundian, that is, the Wuhundian token.

  There is no way to enter the hunting forest!

  Looking up at the guarding soldiers, Fade Chen felt a little depressed.

  At this moment, a tall and well-dressed woman walked past him.

  Fade Chen was slightly taken aback, it was actually Bibi Dong!

  At this time, Bibi Dong was no longer as lofty as she was before, wearing strong attire.

  Although the strong outfit is ordinary, it makes her feel a lot more easy-going.

  "Bibi Dong, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

  Fade Chen was inexplicably excited and shouted.

  Bibi Dong frowned when she saw Fade Chen.

  However, she was slightly surprised in her heart, because Chen Fei called her by name like this.

  He wasn't angry, nor was he conflicted.

  Bibi Dong said coldly: "I just happened to pass by here."

  "If I guess correctly, you are planning to enter the Soul Hunting Forest to obtain a soul ring." "

  But you can't go in because you don't have a pass, right?"

  Chen Fei nodded awkwardly.

  Bibi Dong stared at Chen Fei and said: "You and I made a bet a few days ago. I lost. I need to promise you something." "Let's do

  this. I will take you into the soul hunting forest and help you get the soul ring. You and I will not talk to each other. Ouch, how about it?"

  Fade Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly when he heard this.

  He just casually mentioned the bet with Bibi Dong before.

  If Bibi Dong didn't show up, he might have forgotten about it.

  But this is also good, after all, the most important thing for me now is to obtain the soul ring.

  Chen Fei nodded and said, "Okay, I'll trouble you, Bibi Dong."

  Bibi Dong remained expressionless and walked towards the guard.

  After showing his identity token, the guard knelt down on one knee, saluted, and then let him go.

  Seeing this, Fade Chen hurriedly followed.

  Entering the Soul Hunting Forest, Chen Fei found that the surrounding air became particularly clear.

  The endless forest in front of us was deep and peaceful, and from time to time the angry roars of spirit beasts could be heard.

  Bibi Dong walked in front, and Chen Fei walked behind.

  Under the vigorous outfit, Bibi Dong's white, tender and slender legs swayed, making Chen Fei look distracted.

  Hurry up and walk side by side with Bibi Dong.

  Bibi Dong's face was cold, and she said in a condensed voice: "Have you ever thought about what type of soul ring you want?"

  Fade Chen said: "Speed ​​type and power type soul rings are fine."

  Bibi Dong nodded slightly, showing a thoughtful expression.

  Then he said: "Then hunt the Gale Wolf or the Great Bear. Both of these two soul beasts have a lifespan of about 400 years, which is suitable for you."

  However, Fade Chen shook his head.

  The number of years a general soul warrior can absorb a soul ring is less than 423 years.

  But Fade Chen believed that his current physical strength was enough to absorb soul rings that were more than 700 years old.

  He looked at Bibi Dong and said, "I want a soul ring with a lifespan of more than 700 years, so I will trouble you."

  Bibi Dong paused, obviously shocked.

  Then he glared at Fade Chen and scolded in a cold voice: "A soul ring with a lifespan of more than 700 years is close to the tolerance limit of ordinary soul masters." "I think

  you should think about it carefully and don't be greedy."

  Fade Chen chuckled lightly: " It's okay, I think with the strength of my physical body, I can bear it."

  Bibi Dong turned her head away and continued to move forward without saying a word.

  Suddenly, the surrounding grass rustled.

  Fade Chen frowned, and made a posture of preparing for battle, alerting his surroundings.

  Bibi Dong quickly condensed red and blue soul power in her hands, and shouted: "Be careful, there is a soul beast coming." The next moment

  , several gray shadows suddenly rushed out and collided with Chen Fei and Bibi Dong.

  Bibi Dong shouted lowly: "It's a rock rat from around 400 years ago. Get out of the way!"

  Before Bibi Dong could finish her words, Chen Fei had already dodged and then rushed towards a rock rat.

  Bibi Dong's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Come back quickly!"

  "The Rock Mouse is extremely fast, powerful and defensive, and you can't fight it!"

  However, the next scene made Bibi Dong slightly astonished.

  Chen Fei actually fought with Shi Yanshu, and even defended him with his fists.

  Unfortunately, it can only knock it away and cannot cause fatal damage.

  Chen Fei was not in danger for the time being, and Bibi Dong looked at the dozen rock rats surrounding him, ready to move.

  "Seeking death!"

  "The first soul skill, Phoenix Feather Divine Needle!"

  Bibi Dong raised his hands above his head, condensing two flames and ice soul needle rain.

  Attack the surrounding rock rats.

  The Stone Rock Rat is extremely fast and keeps dodging.

  But the needle rain is densely packed and numerous.

  Suddenly, a rock rat was scratched by the ice soul needle and instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

  Another stone rock mouse was scratched by the flame needle, and the raging flames ignited on its body, and it was burned to death in just a few seconds.

  Soul beasts possess extremely high intelligence, after seeing Bibi Dong's horror.

  The rest of the rock rats retreated one after another, hiding in the grass.

  Bibi Dong hurriedly looked towards Fade Chen, only to see that he was fighting fiercely with that rock mouse.

  "Hurry up and dodge!"

  Bibi Dong yelled: "The first soul skill, Phoenix Feather Needle!"

  Two needle rains flew towards him, and Fade Chen quickly dodged.

  And that rock rat was burned alive.

  Fade Chen walked towards Bibi Dong, and said awkwardly: "This rock mouse is really rough and thick. In my current state, I can't kill it."

  Bibi Dong didn't pay attention to what Fade Chen said, but stared at it. With the scar on his arm, Liu Mei tightened his eyebrows.

  The next moment, an ancient book full of ancient atmosphere appeared in her hands.

  To be precise, this is Bibi Dong's second martial spirit.

  "The first soul skill, the light of divine healing!"

  The golden light of the Vientiane Divine Book shone, and a ray of light fell on Fade Chen.

  Fade Chen felt warm in his body, his physical strength recovered instantly, and the scars on his hands healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Seeing this, Bibi Dong put away the Myriad Divine Book.

  Fade Chen was grateful, and he didn't expect Bibi Dong's martial soul to have such a powerful auxiliary ability.

  Restore physical strength, heal injuries, the first soul skill has such ability, really worthy of being the saint of Wuhun Temple.

  Fade Chen looked at Bibidong and asked, "Bibidong, can you tell me about your martial spirit and soul skills?" "

  This hunting spirit forest is full of dangers. Only by understanding each other better can we fight against spirit beasts better."

  Bibi Dong snorted coldly, turned around and said: "No need, the soul beasts outside the Hunting Soul Forest." "

  I can handle those below 1000 years alone." "

  If you don't want to die, just follow me, don't be rash Fight with soul beasts."

  "Some soul beasts are highly poisonous, so it's very dangerous for you to defend them with strength."

  Fade Chen said with a smile, "In this case, I can only trouble you."

  Bibi Dong's eyes fell on the right A stone rock mouse on the side said indifferently: "This rock mouse is not dead yet, and its age is about 400 years."

  "Strength, speed, and defense are good. You may consider absorbing it as your first Soul ring."

  Fade Chen shook his head and said, "I still want a soul ring that is more than seven hundred years old."

  Bibi Dong said coldly, "In this case, continue to follow me."

  Then she walked forward.


  Fade Chen hurriedly followed, with the corners of his mouth raised.

  He suddenly felt that Bibi Dong was a nice person, but why did he keep a cold face and make people feel cold.

  Chen Fei and Bibi Dong walked side by side, tilting their heads to look at her secretly.

  I thought to myself that this woman is pretty, but it's a pity that she has thorns.