
my love from the other side of the bed

it's not been long that I've known about my bed being a portal to America . I live in India and yes it's about me .iqra khan . i am 18 year old just got all the privileges as an adult so yes where were we yes my bed it's a portal to America sound amazing right but it isn't that amazing . my life it's gloomy and sad even when I try to ignore all problems in life it just happens to come back to me as a circle in life even if I do nothing bad people try to over power me it's sad . the sad truth of life that no one appreciates Ur success accept Ur parents but still I have a grandma who doesn't appreciate all what my father's achieved in life . I would say that we've been living a luxurious life all along after my father's business grew all that big it is now . now I am everyone's talk I did nothing wrong though "from my perspectives I did nothing wrong" what happens is that people judge before understanding it's the truth I've noticed yet