
wedding day

I studied my self in the mirror my hand maids were making me look more beautiful then ever in my life l was wearing a white Royal purple dress with my black hair was combed beautifully back with my white jade hairpins in shapes of hearts and star the make up was beautiful but the problem was the shoes the were high hills that were matching with my Hairpins but l was afraid and l was lost in thoughts when l had Sarah's hand on my shoulder l was shocked when she said"everything is fine "I cried she hugged me and hug her back after a while we had a knock interrupted my thoughts and shorty after sultan my big bro came in and told me that " Lillian it's time l cried out loud sultan told me don't cry sis after a while l slopped down stairs and in my way to the wedding hall my hair fell of my and hair removed and now it was messed now l had someone standing behind me so l turned l met same chest that l met so l decided to tell him that l don't love him but before he told me that he you look beautiful so l met his gaze after he told me "let's got I tried to speak but he told me stop it my lady