
My love decieve me

Love story of a boy and girl

Chandan_rai · Urban
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6 Chs


Sita rings the bell of Bush's house.Bush is doing some work inside his house.Bush does not open the door even after Sita rings the bell.

Sita starts thinking why Bush is not opening the door after all, is there any problem with him?Bush's father just then comes home from office.

Bush's father sees Sita near the door, then asks why are you standing here, did Bush not invite you in?Bush said, why didn't he invite you in, I'm telling him now, you come home only occasionally.Sita says, I am standing for a long time, just standing for ten minutes, I don't know why Bush is not opening the door even after ringing the bell.

Bush's father says "no problem, let me take you through the back door, the key to that door is my post, let's go..."

Bush's father and Sita both enter the house through the back door.

And see that Bush is lying unconscious.

they both get nervous and start thinking how it happens.

Bush's father spills a bottle of water kept nearbyon Bush's mouth.

Bush wakes up after some time.

Bush's father asks, how did this happen to you?

Bush didn't even understand how he fainted.

After some time he remembers that his classmate Nisha had come.

Bush's father starts asking, Nisha had never come to her house till today.

Bush replies that Hua had not come home till today.

Bush says after thinking, I can't remember why she came home and how I fainted.

who was this nisha?

What did she go to Bush's house to do?

Did Nisha also like Bush or something?

Wait for the next chapter to know this, we will meet soon with the new chapter.

Thanks for reading ...

- By Chandan rai