
My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

An ancient proverb from the Homo sapiens era once stated, "Light and darkness can never be united because they are natural enemies arranged since the creation of the universe." The statement seems plausible, yet it may contain inaccuracies... —————————————— Leon Kruger, a 22-year-old man counted among the three of humanity's heroes, is dispatched by the Holy Empire of Mankind to invade the territory of the Demon Empire—an enduring adversary of humanity for over 7000 years. Wielding the Great Holy Sword Zenith and commanding a legion of thousands of holy troops, he leads the raid on the Desert of Chaos, facing the elite armies of the Demon Race with unwavering valor. Even, he engaged in direct combat against the Demon Emperor, who was actively leading the war on behalf of the Demon Race! Unfortunately, he never foresaw that his offensive was a cunning scheme orchestrated by the Emperor of the Holy Empire. The emperor aimed to eliminate Leon, perceiving him as a threat to his position as the ruler. Furthermore, unbeknownst to him, he had been poisoned before setting out for war, leading to a catastrophic defeat at the hands of the Demon Emperor and resulting in his capture as a prisoner of the Demon Emperor. Envisaging torment at the hands of the notorious Demon Emperor after his capture, he was surprised to find that this foreseen ordeal did not come to pass! The Demon Emperor, unveiled as a remarkably beautiful woman, unexpectedly and without apparent cause, asked him to be responsible for abandoning their triplet daughters?! "Nani! Since when did I have triplet daughters with you, smelly demon woman?!" Not only that, Leon gradually realized that an increasing number of women were approaching him to claim the love debts he had unwittingly accumulated in his youth. "Wait! Hold on! Please be gentle! Both my kidneys are nearly tapped out!" —————————————— #Tag: #Action #Adventure #Harem #Slight-Harem #StrongToStrongest #Romance #Demon #Elven #Hero #Dragon #DaughterLoves #Revenge #Anti-Hero #Handsome-Male-Lead #Beautiful-Female-Leads #SliceOfLife #Unhesitate-MainCharacter #Yandere #PossesiveCharacters #PhsycopathCharacter #HateToLove #Comedy

ManipulatorsOne · Fantasy
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205 Chs

Conspiracies and the Deepest Plans of the Holy Elysium Empire

In a room brimming with Alchemy tubes and assorted research subjects stood a short girl with long purple hair, clad in a mage's robe.

This woman possessed a strikingly pretty face yet appeared indifferent, as if devoid of emotions altogether.

Her stature was diminutive enough that anyone might mistake her for a twelve-year-old girl.

Despite her petite stature, akin to that of a 12-year-old girl, nobody dared to mock or bully her throughout the entire Holy Empire of Elysium upon hearing her legendary name.

She was none other than Rain Violet, the mightiest alchemist in the entirety of the Elysium Holy Empire!

Not only was she renowned for her alchemical prowess, but she also held the distinction of being the strongest mage in the empire, earning her the prestigious title of the world's most formidable destroyer mage. 

This title was universally recognized by all powers worldwide, and many enemies of the Holy Empire of Elysium had already met their demise at her hands.

At this moment, Rain stood holding an alchemy glass tube containing a pitch-black liquid, her expression creased in a frown.

"Did I fail again?" she muttered softly, continuing to observe the black liquid, perhaps hoping for a change.

After waiting for a while, with no change occurring, Rain finally gave up.

"This is truly peculiar..." Rain shook her head slightly before placing the alchemy tube back on the table.

Had Leon seen the liquid inside the tube at this moment, he would have immediately cursed Rain loudly, exclaiming, "Damn! Isn't this liquid somewhat similar to the one I drank before I departed for war?"

Unfortunately, Leon, deep inside the Demon Palace, remained unaware of the situation.

Afterward, Rain turned around and walked towards her desk, situated at the front of the room.

The desk was cluttered with numerous books and notes, among which Rain selected a thick black tome bearing the title "Research Results."

She then opened the book, page by page, revealing a plethora of notes, each filled with complex and inscrutable content.

The pages contained various magic formulas, intricate patterns, and cryptic annotations that could easily induce nausea in those who attempted to decipher them.

After flipping through several pages, Rain finally halted at a partially filled page. 

Retrieving her pen, she inscribed, "Advanced research results of devouring poison—failure."

Setting the pen and book back down, Rain's indifferent expression betrayed a hint of unmistakable frustration.

"How did today's research fail? I just can't seem to grasp it," she muttered, pursing her lips in dissatisfaction.

She had never before encountered such frustration, which left her feeling deeply uncomfortable.

"In fact, the poison I prepared to kill Leon before was perfect. However, after successfully concocting that poison, every attempt to replicate it has ended in failure," Rain whispered softly, her gaze shifting to the record of last month's successful research results in her book.

She felt herself trapped in a dead end.

Doubts began to swell within her regarding her success last month. Was it merely a stroke of luck that the poison had worked?

As she pondered this, Rain could only shake her head and push aside these unsettling thoughts.

Her gaze then swept across the rest of the research room, and a fierce determination ignited in her otherwise indifferent eyes.

"I can't afford to give up... Otherwise, my promise to him will be for naught," she muttered to herself, the visage of a handsome boy flickering into her mind, eliciting a rare smile on her lips.

After regaining her spirits, she immediately resumed her work.

However, as she began to stride forward, the sudden appearance of footsteps behind her was accompanied by a man's voice echoing in her ears.

"Rain, you're just as busy as ever, huh?"

Upon hearing the voice, Rain halted her footsteps and glanced back, her indifferent expression tinged with a slight displeasure.

"What do you want from me, Jim?" Rain asked coldly, addressing the man wearing a loose green kimono who had appeared behind her.

Jim simply smiled at her indifferent question and glanced around the research room.

"Are you still engrossed in your research?" Jim asked casually and lightly.

Rain nodded slightly in response and remained silent.

"Tsk, your demeanor hasn't changed a bit, Rain." Jim chuckled lightly, showing no sign of irritation at her attitude.

He was accustomed to her indifferent and aloof nature, almost as though she wished not to be disturbed by anyone.

Her indifference extended to everyone, including himself and even Emperor Velix.

Nevertheless, her talent and capability were undeniable, leaving no room for dissatisfaction, not even from himself.

"If you've come without a clear purpose, you'd best leave now. I have a lot of research to attend to," Rain stated, dismissing Jim's presence, and began walking back to her desk.

Upon seeing this, Jim smiled slightly as he replied, "Don't be in such a hurry, Rain. My arrival this time surely brings important goals and news. Otherwise, would I bother you?"

Rain's steps immediately halted again upon hearing Jim's words, and she turned her gaze toward him.

"Then tell me straight away," she said, her annoyance thinly veiled.

Jim understood that any delay in informing her would likely prompt this woman to unleash her high-level magic upon him without a moment's hesitation.

Swiftly, he regained his characteristic calm smile.

"I'm here to inform you of two important matters." Jim spoke lightly, raising two fingers to emphasize his point.

"First, yesterday, His Majesty the Emperor shared with me a very interesting and important piece of news: the return of the Great Holy Sword Zenith to the Holy Hall of Three Heroes. This signifies the passing of sword hero Leon Kruger," Jim explained as he began to relay the first piece of news.

Rain's expression remained as indifferent as ever upon hearing this news.

Her confidence in the devouring poison she had administered to Leon back then was so unwavering that the confirmation of his death didn't come as much of a shock.

Jim also sensed that Rain didn't appear too surprised by the first news, which intrigued him.

'Is this woman truly so confident in the poison she crafted?' Jim pondered to himself, finding the idea plausible.

After all, Rain's pride and arrogance were well-known, lending credence to the notion.

"Well, I noticed you're not particularly surprised by the first news, which did intrigue me. However, I'm confident the second news will catch your attention," Jim said with a mysterious smile, piquing Rain's interest slightly.

"Get on with it," Rain replied indifferently.

Jim didn't respond immediately but instead walked slowly toward a table full of alchemy tubes at the side of the room, seemingly intent on making Rain wait.

His deliberate actions irritated Rain, though she could do nothing but wait.

After a moment, Jim glanced back at Rain and chuckled softly.

"The second news is that His Majesty the Emperor wishes to revive the plans that were previously suspended," Jim stated calmly, but Rain's frown deepened slightly upon hearing this.

"Plans that were suspended? What do you mean..." Before she could finish her words, shock widened her eyes.

With a stiff movement, she looked up at Jim, who maintained his smile.

"Could it be that it's..." her words trailed off, and Jim nodded in response.

"You guessed it right... The plan is to create a second sword hero for the Empire's personal use...


A/N: If the data is good, I will update 2 chapters at once tomorrow! Thank you and stay tuned!