
My Love Begins With You

She wants him, but he didn't wanted to pull her into his mess. Her love for him was evident as much as his love for her is. *** PEARL, a half sadistic but also a big time flirt college girl, age 21 years old. Undesirable by her family, grown up with a total stranger. They hated her, and she cares less about that. They badmouthed her but after so many years she was accustomed to that. She is infamous for being a playgirl. But evidently she doesn't even know how being a playgirl works. All she ever wants is someone's love for her. However the moment she realised her love for him, he left her all alone, just like how every other person in her life did. Abandoning her. EMMETT, aloof but playful for her, is a businessman, age 25 years old. His whole life revolved around his business. Known as a ruthless business tycoon, he gets total opposite to his character when it comes to her. He got no one to call his family until she comes in his life. His jealousy or possessiveness was all for her but he still couldn't bring himself to bring her to his dark world. Where his own family is plotting against him, every second. How is Pearl gonna handle herself when she will be abandoned by the only person she ever loved? What will happen when she will know why Emmett left her? What will happen when Pearl will go all out to get Emmett back to her once again? Will Emmett allow Pearl to get close to him? #Cover doesn't belong to me.

Einstein_829 · Urban
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45 Chs

Sister is that you?

Seeing Pearl and Mrs. Mallaya this close to each other, the doubt that arose in the heart of Raj and Vijay with the identity of Pearl got solved in a second.

Mrs. Mallaya is known for her unsocial character towards everyone. Accepting Pearl this close to herself, authenticates Emmett's words.

By that time Dhruv also came back to Emmett side. Watching a girl and Mrs. Mallaya talking to each other he quietly sat beside Emmett on the side couch. Noticing that girl's face, something suddenly struck him. 'She...she'... His eyes widened for unknown reasons. Even when he tried, he couldn't remember the face that felt very much familiar to him.

"What parents?" Emmett had a twitched lip as he asked. There was no explanation of such an act or misunderstanding.

Pearl heard him loud and clear but preferred to not answer at the moment. Giving him a stare with a shake of her head, she asked him to be silent.

She doesn't mind answering him, however, one question will definitely be followed by another one. But right now, the timing is not right, and neither are they that close to each other.

Giving her grandmother a glass of water she took another glass of herself and took her seat beside her.

"Did they say anything to you yet?" Mrs. Mallaya asked.


This could be the main reason why she didn't want to reveal her relationship with them in public. She had experienced and heard a lot about her parent's unreasonable acts. She doesn't want such things to happen at her grandfather's funeral.

"Good for them. But why such a big crowd?"

"They brought their other relatives too." Emmett said with disgust. A person thinking about connection with the funeral gathering is worse for him too.

Grandmother's eyes turned cold too.

Not minding the fact that Mr. Roy and Mr. Sen could hear her clearly, she spoke loudly. "Once they are done with their so-called greeting, and with lunch, send them back."

Dhruv's eyes widened. He immediately turned to see Raj and Vijay's ashen faces with embarrassment. Covering his mouth, he tried his best not to laugh at an old lady's savagery.

Pearl bowed her head a little and affirmed her orders. "Okay. But first, you go back to your room for rest."

Dhruv's eyes again widened but this time with shock. How can a girl talk to Mrs. Mallaya in this tone?

He instantly looked at his boss or bro for an answer, but Emmett was indifferent to Pearl's behaviour as if he expected not any less from her.

"You had your lunch?" Grandmother asked.


"Your breakfast?"


"... Go and have it now."

Turning her head to Emmett, Mrs. Mallaya said. "Emmett make sure of it."

Emmett instantly nodded. "Don't worry Ma'am. First, let Dhruv send you back to the room."

Grandmother stood up to leave. Dhruv held her one arm to support her. They walked slowly towards the corridor when Grandmother stopped in her tracks and looked back at Pearl.

Glaring at her for a few seconds she said coldly. "Stop your irregular intake habit. Don't make me repeat myself."

Pearl avoided her gaze on her. Looking elsewhere on the wall, she nodded anyway.

Not saying another word, both Dhruv and Grandmother went back to their roots.

Pearl also didn't wait for others and walked towards the dining hall.

Seeing her walking away, Emmett immediately followed after her. "Now will you tell me what that was?"

"No." She playfully said.

"Hey. That's not fair."

While talking to each other they made a turn to the dining hall.

Although Pearl always looks out her way while walking, but being disturbed by Emmett, she did not see the boy coming from the other side and bumped into him.

By the collision, she staggered back wobbly. Emmett held her on time before she could stumble more.

The boy immediately stepped back away from them. Looking at Pearl in Emmett's arms he smiled awkwardly as he apologised. "I am sorry. I didn't see you coming."

Pearl unhurriedly removed Emmett's hand over her arm and shoulder. Stepping a step away from him, she looked at the boy and apologised back.

"It's okay. I was wrong too." With that both the party turned to leave, however all of a sudden the boy's steps stopped.

Looking back to Pearl's back, he bewilderingly stumbled too. Looking around the hall, he couldn't tell what was going on. Moreover, Pearl's clothes make him muddled with a lot's pictures.

Unknown to him, his mouth decided to take action first.

"Sister Pearl?" Arush called her.

Pearl and Emmett both stopped right away. Emmett turned back to Arush with a frown, while Pearl indifferently turned to Arush.

Though it looks indifferent, she wasn't shocked or curious about his identity.

Looking straight into his eyes, she nodded her head and replied to all of his doubts at once.

"Hmm. It's me."

Arush was shocked to his core. His eyes widened in horror and surprise. The turn of events made his heart race crazily. Not in the world he ever thought that he would meet his longing idol, his sister today, moreover this way.

He looked at her like she was the only thing present in this world for him. Since his sister left his side, he missed her dearly.

He tried many ways to get it, but all for no use. But now finally having her in her front, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Everything looked like a dream to him.

Walking slowly towards Pearl, he tried not to cry, but in the end, tears started pouring out from his eyes.

Not wasting a second, he engulfed Pearl's waist with all his might. "Sister… Pearl is that... You... Is that you?… I am sniffing… snuff.. Sister."

Pearl was startled by his sudden hug. She almost fell back by his force, but taking support of the side pillar she saved herself from it.

Emmett looked at the scene. His eyes squinted with displeasure. Raising his hand he was about to shrug away Arush the same way as he did to Krish.

However, Pearl stopped him right away.

"My younger brother." She said lightly. Like Arush, she had recognized her brother at once too. But decided not to say it out loud.

Though Pearl isn't against her brother hugging her this tightly, it's still too much to ask her to stay in such a position for a straight couple of minutes.

She isn't a martial arts student or something. She doesn't have that much strength to have a big thirteen-year-old boy leaning on her completely.