
My Love Begins With You

She wants him, but he didn't wanted to pull her into his mess. Her love for him was evident as much as his love for her is. *** PEARL, a half sadistic but also a big time flirt college girl, age 21 years old. Undesirable by her family, grown up with a total stranger. They hated her, and she cares less about that. They badmouthed her but after so many years she was accustomed to that. She is infamous for being a playgirl. But evidently she doesn't even know how being a playgirl works. All she ever wants is someone's love for her. However the moment she realised her love for him, he left her all alone, just like how every other person in her life did. Abandoning her. EMMETT, aloof but playful for her, is a businessman, age 25 years old. His whole life revolved around his business. Known as a ruthless business tycoon, he gets total opposite to his character when it comes to her. He got no one to call his family until she comes in his life. His jealousy or possessiveness was all for her but he still couldn't bring himself to bring her to his dark world. Where his own family is plotting against him, every second. How is Pearl gonna handle herself when she will be abandoned by the only person she ever loved? What will happen when she will know why Emmett left her? What will happen when Pearl will go all out to get Emmett back to her once again? Will Emmett allow Pearl to get close to him? #Cover doesn't belong to me.

Einstein_829 · Urban
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45 Chs

Sen and Roy visited

"Brother Krish? You were coming too? I didn't know that." Sia elegantly walked towards the group of people who just got out of the car. Yesterday Vijay and Raj decided to attend the funeral together. Being in laws Vijay himself invited him to come with him.

"Hmm. Let's go inside." Krish replied.

"Yes, we should go. I found out that today is the 9th day of the funeral. We are already late and I don't think many guests are still coming. But there are some regular guests. They come regularly because they are close to the family. We better hurry." Raj affirmed.

Once he got to know about Mr. Mallaya, he called many higher-up people to know more details about the incident. Once he got to know that only close or the powerful people know about such an accident, Raj felt embarrassed of knowing about it from Vijay. Moreover no one is allowed to say it out in public, or the result won't be good anyway.

"Yes yes. Let's go inside." Vijay said and showed him the way with his hand gesture.


Pearl was busy with her office work when she got a call from her assistant. "Ma'am, two leechers got sorted."

"The last ones?"

"Yes ma'am but it wasn't by us." He informed me.

Hearing that Pearl's eyes narrowed with doubt. "Then who did?"

"I don't know. Those leechers backed off themselves." He hesitantly said. Things got sorted so easily that he doubted that his ma'am had some strange but powerful backup.

"They did? Good for them then." If they hadn't backed down then Pearl would have used dirty measures to make them do it anyway.

"Why do you think they did that ma'am?"

"I don't know. And it doesn't matter either." She replied indifferently.

"Huh? Amm yes, ma'am. Next, what should I do about those projects?"

"Arrange them according to my college schedule, the best you can." Her other reason for coming back to the country was because she wanted to complete her master's too. Abroad her grandfather didn't allow her to stay there alone. And for his last wish, she did whatever she was asked to do.

Moreover, he also wanted to spend his last few months with his wife and granddaughter alone. From the other side, her assistant got another notification from his own subordinates.

A little bit stunned by the appointment he hurriedly informed me. "Ma'am, Mr. Morgan set a meeting with you next week."

"So?" Pearl asked as not understanding the reason behind his excitement. It's not a big deal to have an appointment with another company CEO after such a change in power of the company.

"Ma'am it's related to the construction of the road at the village, you bought for those people."

Pearl's brows raised. Stopping her pen she curiously asked. "He is the one who wants it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Set it up then." Pearl right away said.

Saying that she hangs up the call. After talking to Emmett the next day, Pearl asked her assistant to have his information ready.

After knowing who Emmett is and what more connection and past he has with her grandfather, she can easily tell who handled those leechers for her too.

Even then she wasn't grateful to him. This much help is bound to be given to her a number of times from now on. Him declaring himself as her senior showed her a lot of his character too.

He showed up every day, which also showed his concern for his teacher. As much as she can tell, he isn't bad news for her, for now.

'Knock knock.'

"Come in."

"Ma'am the guests you mentioned already came." The old lady maid informed Pearl in her study room.

"Hmm. Let them greet Grandfather."

"But ma'am they already greeted the Master an hour ago and still not done with the guests around the hall. Mr. Morgan just asked you to take care of them. They… They are irritating him." Maid said uncomfortably. By now all servants also recognize Emmett as their master somehow.

'Chuckle.' Pearl couldn't help but chuckle helplessly but annoyingly at the same time. Closing her file, she stood up from her chair as she went out following the maid at her back.

Once she reached the hall, she saw not just one family but 5 families were there. All she expected were, Sen and Roy, but those two families brought their other relatives so that they could gain something from the gathering too.

The number of people that were allowed today increased. Because of that, the hall looks more crowded and noisy.

"There are too many to handle, noodles." Emmett suddenly from nowhere said, with a playful smile, close to her ears from behind.

This is the name he had given to her last night. Unlike another woman he had met, she is the only person who has such wavy long hair. Not to make fun but to tease her, more, he preferred calling her with a nickname.

She didn't turn not flinched by his surprise move. Unbothered by his behaviour she replied. "If they are too much then go inside."

Without waiting for his reply, she moved forward towards the guests.


Pearl patiently walked towards the group of people. Even after seeing her family after such a long time, her steps weren't heavy or disturbed. Instead, her face was full of politeness and also straight as if, whoever she is meeting is no one related to her.

"Hello. Thank you for coming." She greeted them first, as a host.

Pearl was wearing a band that the only family members wear at funerals, to tell the difference between guest and family at once. Raj and others are also able to tell at one glance that Pearl is related to Mr. Mallaya.

Vijay and Raj, with their partners, instantly went forward to greet her too.

"We are very sorry to hear about Mr. Mallaya. We didn't know earlier and were very late to greet him. Our apology. This is Raj Roy, CEO of Talkies company, and his wife, Divya Roy. And myself, Vijay Sen, CEO of Sen enterprises, and my wife, Hina Sen."

Vijay introduced everyone politely to her. Though Pearl looked very young, he didn't want to offend her by any chance or with any impolite behaviour.

Pearl gave a small smile to their introduction. She has no desire to introduce herself yet. She wasn't a bit surprised that her family members didn't recognize her.

She expects nothing from them anyway. In fact, even if they had recognized her, it still meant nothing to her. She never wants her hope to rise on something which is impossible.

Here she is just her grandfather's child, no one's daughter or anything. It's better this way for her. This way she has fewer scenes to handle.

Vijay and Raj find her act a little disrespectful to them. But every powerful person carried such an attitude always. They were used to it. Moreover, her attitude shows how influential she can be.

"Please have lunch before you go. It's already on the table for you guys." She indirectly pointed out to them to leave the funeral premises if they are done. Although Raj and Vijay acted shamelessly, they still got what she meant. They felt embarrassed.

She said whatever she needed to and wanted to leave the arena to handle other people when someone suddenly held her elbow.

"You? What are you doing here?" Krish excitedly asked.

Pearl turned in surprise. "Sorry?"

She irritably looked at him. When she tried to free herself, his hold got tighter.

"You forgot me? Yesterday you saved me in front of the escalator." Krish stated.

Getting impatient she was about to push him away when another hand helped her.

"Let's talk without touching each other." Emmett said with a dangerous smile.