

Ximena, a 22-year-old Colombian student majoring in psychology. Sexy, passionate, courageous, strong-minded and independent. She was forced to marry due to commitments of her adoptive parents, with a young millionaire named Angelo, who secretly was the heir of a powerful Sicilian mafia, who despises her saying that she was a freeloader, this tense situation caused her to ask for a divorce and return to her native country to recover the business of her biological parents who died in an apparent accident, She meets a lot of opposition from her uncle who took over the companies and cannot bear to give them to her, by chance she meets her ex-husband again without recognizing each other, they fall madly in love, supporting each other in their problems and fighting together against their enemies until they discover their secrets, separating again, hating each other, but wanting to be together, only a miracle can bring them together again, will it happen? , dive into this exciting story, and you will discover this and other secrets.

Jarrisson_Galeano · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


"Is that lady the daughter of the oilman Colmenares, the one who changes boyfriends more than pants?"

"Yes, I am very good friends with her, and not because of the money, she set up a bar to have a great time,"

"But Angelo, I promised his grandfather to take him straight home, he called me very worried, telling me that he dreamed that you were a mouse that was caught in a mousetrap."

"Those are old man's bullish; let's have fun; life is short, and even more so in this business."

"Sir, I distrust Macho and the bushes; they are strange; they have been hiding themselves all day long, and they get upset when I confront them."

"They know that if they betray me, they will disappear; I am not to be trifled with."

Confidence is mixed with arrogance, and he leaves, believing that in this city his enemies would not attack him. How wrong he was! Of course, sometimes bad things can happen for good things to happen, and yes, his men sold their positions to some enemies, not for money or power but for envy and resentment. Besides, a few days ago, Angelo almost killed them for exceeding in the use of force to collect some debts; it was not their fault. That debtor had already gone to the nerve, and at the time of beating him, his son appeared trying to defend him, aggravated the situation by shouting, and they also had to hit the boy, who stumbled and broke his neck, so they had to silence the father and throw dirt with the debt, in short things of the mafia. The complicated thing was that this did not match her moral code of Angelo, and they resented that he punished them for this accident by making them contact the rivals, revealing their movements.

"Let's go, Miguel, the night is young." They get into their beautiful car, one of those that no one can insult. The radio plays an accordion melody, and out of nowhere a truck with screeching tires rams them. Angelo felt the blow to his head and a smell of smoke in the air. He looked around and everything was spinning; in fact, the car came out bouncing upside down, disoriented; some arms pulled them out of the vehicle; he felt choked; he concentrated on his nose trying to breathe, forcing his lungs; he opened his mouth as if he were yawning, trying to get air to flow; he would have collapsed if it weren't for two men dragging him by the arms; he turned a little and saw the same thing happening to Miguel; he was dragged by two more.

"What have you done?" shouts a man with a familiar voice.

"Sir, we brought you here to check if you are really them, we don't want what happened to Kun-Fu to happen to us, He got confused." says one of the thugs with a hoarse voice as if he were carrying phlegm.

"That's them; finish them off, leave no one with a head, and explode the vehicle; it's time for the sleeves of the vest to disappear," said the boss with a grim order.

"Wait, Max, it's you; I recognized you." Angelo interrupted him, "How can you do this? We were friends; you worked for my family since you were a child; we grew up together, we were like brothers; you wanted to become independent, and I gave you half of the United States; isn't that enough? How much or what do you want?"

"My dear Angelo, this is not about money; it is not because I resent your family or you for how I was always treated as your pet. What happens is that I do not want to settle for only half of the United States; I want it all and what is left; Besides, I associate with other groups, and most of them want you and your lineage out."

In the distance is a woman in her car, she saw when the garbage truck hit the car when she got out to help, she had to throw herself to the ground when she saw a group of armed and well-dressed men, they got out of this truck,

"It can't be; it's the mafia," he thought, "How can I help them, but I hate the mafia, they're going to mow them down; what do I do?; Virgin's enlightens me."

"The police are here," shouted one of the assassins nervously, releasing Miguel, who took the opportunity to pull out a pistol hidden in his armpit, and shoot at one of his captors.

"Leave them alone!" shouted the desperate woman, revealing her location, and the thugs started shooting at her.

"Holy Virgin, what do I do?" She thought aloud for a moment as her life flashed before her eyes, and of course, she had already been in difficult situations, not like this one, but difficult ones. She crawled to the car, then squatted down, and finally ran, covering her ears with her hands, her hands trembling almost still due to the noise of the glass shattering from the projectiles. Likewise, she got into the car and crouched down as much as she could. Furthermore, she started it, the tires squealed like a small dog, and she started her escape, but that accident blocked the street. As a beam of light, she saw a small space between the garbage truck and the building, and she also knew she was not an expert in measuring distance.

Meanwhile, Angelo was able to free one arm, he searched in his pocket and only found his keys, he wielded them, throwing them towards one of his captors, imagining that he would poke him in the eye, that image changed when he heard the gnashing of teeth; he received in return a slap that sent him to the ground, something less than what happened to Miguel, who was shot several times right there, for a moment, it seemed that they were cooking popcorn because they also tried to shut up that mysterious busybody