
My Lost Wolf

safiya · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Warm rays of the sun gently touched her face.

She gently rubbed her eyes awake and began to look around her.

A gentle knock came from the door.

"Vera, are you awake, dear?" a woman's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Yes, I am," she replied.

"May I come in?" asked the woman.

"Yes, you may."

A woman of age with a soft features came into view. She looks around mid thirties.

It was only yesterday that she found out that she has a parent. And this gentle looking woman in front of her is her mother.

Vera did not expect she would meet her biological mother already at the age of 13. Although she was already planning to look for them when she reached adulthood and out of the orphanage. Although her father is nowhere to be seen.

"Karla, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course, you may. But I could guess that you are going to ask about your father." Karla replied, as she went closer to Vera's bed and sat on the corner.

"Yep, you got me figured out." Vera smiled sheepishly after being found out.

"But before that, how about you start calling me 'mother, mum, or mama'" Karla suggested.

"hmm. m-mother." Vera whispered softly that it almost can't be heard.

"That will do for now. I can't force you to say something so unfamiliar. How about you freshen up first and we'll talk about it during breakfast?"

"Okay. that would be nice."

"Great. Now, up you go. I'll be downstairs."

As Vera was preparing, she looked at herself in the mirror and began to point out her similarities with her biological mother. Everything seems surreal and somewhat magical.

As if every pieces of her falls into place, but then when everything seemed perfect there is still a nagging feeling in her gut.