
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Eastern
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Chapter 991-995: Entrapped Upon Entry (6k+ words)

Li Fan was very certain that before Moru Bin left, there was no spiderweb in this concealed cave.

"Suddenly appearing, is it giving me a hint..."

There were no spiders on the web, as if they appeared out of thin air.

Under Li Fan's gaze, a butterfly fluttered its wings and landed on the web.

The butterfly didn't sense any danger and even found it quite comfortable, crawling back and forth on the web using its antennae.

Unlike ordinary webs, this web didn't stick to the butterfly. It was incredibly sturdy, without any noticeable movement.

The butterfly played happily on the web.

However, it couldn't live on the web forever. It needed to find food to survive.

So, the butterfly flapped its wings again, attempting to fly away.

But just at the moment it was about to leave the web...

Something that made Li Fan's pupils contract happened.

Seemingly sensing the butterfly's departure, the originally harmless web suddenly tightened.

Without warning, it generated a suction force that immediately pulled the butterfly back.

Caught off guard, the fragile body of the butterfly couldn't withstand the enormous force, instantly torn into countless fragments. Adsorbed, the remains were evenly scattered on the pristine web.

In the blink of an eye, the web absorbed the butterfly, and the remnants of its body blended with the web, becoming indistinguishable.

And the web still quietly existed in the corner, as if the previous anomaly had never occurred.


Li Fan, who saw the entire process, took a deep breath.

Seeing such a straightforward hint, where he couldn't see, he couldn't help but realize the source of the neglect and vague unease in his heart.

His previous speculation was not wrong.

Like a butterfly caught in a web, the Faceless True Immortal should not be interested in the weak Li Fan.

Whether using the power of the stone statue or wandering around under the statue's watchful eyes, it wouldn't attract the attention of a True Immortal.

Maintaining this status quo from start to finish wouldn't pose any problems.

But if he wanted to break free from the control of the True Immortal's power or suddenly demonstrate strength that would interest the True Immortal...

Perhaps the outcome would be like that of the butterfly—torn into countless pieces in an instant!

In comparison to Li Fan's situation, staying in the Elemental Infant realm, borrowing the Faceless True Immortal stone statue to continue hopping around, there shouldn't be an issue.

However, if he chose to truly advance, like the butterfly flapping its wings in the web, it would immediately alert the Faceless True Immortal.

How fast a True Immortal reacts and whether it can affect or even hinder the progress of going true is something Li Fan couldn't fathom.

But when the 115th Immortal City's immortal obliteration occurred, influenced by that power, the surroundings didn't immediately blur after Li Fan went true. Instead, a pitch-black realm appeared, and time continued to flow outside the black domain.

Perhaps, from a certain perspective, this could explain that when the strength reached or approached the level of a nameless True Immortal, it could exert a certain influence on the operation of going true.

Most importantly, Li Fan had already been chosen as a "proxy" by the Faceless Stone Statue.

Even the golden wish power could manifest within his body...

It was like being deeply entangled in a web, with numerous entanglements!

It was almost no different from being in front of a True Immortal.

Perhaps a True Immortal wouldn't pay attention to ants beneath their feet, but when the ant suddenly radiates brilliance, it will undoubtedly attract the True Immortal's attention!


After thinking for a long time, Li Fan couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"It's fortunate that the spiritual awareness in the dark realm allowed me not to go true immediately before."

"Otherwise, with no psychological preparation, directly confronting a True Immortal..."

Even with Li Fan's current level of awareness, he couldn't help but say, "Dangerous and few lucky outcomes."

After a brief shock, Li Fan settled his mind.

The previously lingering anxiety slowly dissipated, and there was not much fear in his heart.

Because of the unknown, there was fear.

After learning about the source of the threat, Li Fan became calm.

"It's not as desperate as imagined. After all, it's not a direct confrontation with a True Immortal, but finding a way to go true in front of a True Immortal."

"The world has just begun, and there is plenty of time for me to contemplate."

"When I built my foundation, I could go true calmly in front of the Heavenly Doctor; now, with strength comparable to the Harmonious Path, why can't I go true in front of a True Immortal?"

Li Fan's thoughts gradually settled, and the panic in his eyes disappeared, replaced by an unfathomable depth like a quiet pool.

Just then, changes quietly occurred in the spiderweb of this concealed cave.

Another butterfly gracefully danced and landed on the web.

Similar to what happened before, it was deeply ensnared in the giant web, unaware of the danger.

However, this time, when the butterfly was about to flap its wings to leave, something different happened!

A sudden strong wind swept through, causing the web itself to shake violently.

As a result, that strange suction force didn't manifest.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the butterfly quickly fluttered its wings and flew away.

It vanished into the air.

Like a play, after these two scenes were performed, the web, butterfly, and wind, all disappeared in an instant.

Looking around, Li Fan found no traces of their existence in this concealed cave.

"This concealment technique is indeed quite profound."

However, what Li Fan cared about was not how Moru Bin demonstrated this scene, but the underlying meaning.

"Whether it's the stone statue or the Spirit Nectar, Moru Bin is extremely cautious."

"Adding to his hints, it's evident that he already knows the consequences of being trapped in the True Immortal's web."

"But from the current situation, he has already escaped from the web of the True Immortal."

Li Fan once again envisioned the scene of a strong wind blowing and the butterfly taking flight.

He also faintly sensed something he had overlooked before.

As a totem of the Xuantian Sect, Faceless Stone Statues were definitely not uncommon in the Xuantian Sect in the past.

However, in the memories of Xuantian Sect's Law King Ji Yuzhen, Li Fan didn't see the shadow of the Faceless True Immortal stone statue at all.

"Either the stone statues didn't exist in the Xuantian Sect back then."


"Some force directly severed the existence and influence of the stone statues."

Thinking about this, Li Fan couldn't help squinting.

"Happening simultaneously to both Law Kings, this kind of severance is by no means accidental."

"It seems that the events of the Xuantian Sect's downfall still hold many hidden secrets. Even Moru Bin, who deeply understands the terror of True Immortal power, dares not speak directly."

"He can only use this abstract method of implication..."

In Li Fan's heart, a sense of heaviness grew.

"It seems that in this world, there is still a need to break through, and help is needed from Moru Bin."

"Let's first cooperate with him to coerce the Tianxuan Mirror."

With these thoughts, Li Fan floated away.


Apologies for my recent poor state; today, there's only one update.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 992: Examining the Secret History of the Xuan Family

Back in the Spiritwood Realm, Li Fan began analyzing the information Moru Bin provided about the Mirror Keeper [Cang] lineage.

There wasn't much information about Cang. It was known that Cang was a survivor after the great calamity. When the Law Transmitters re-established the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals, Cang promptly surrendered, and this wise move led to swift success.

However, the Law Transmitters internally analyzed Cang, suggesting that for Cang to become the Mirror Keeper, there must be other factors at play. He undoubtedly had highly specific reasons for being chosen by the Law Transmitter.

As for Cang's daughter, the Immortal Venerable Feixue Xuanshuang, there was a wealth of information.

Xuanshuang was born before Cang joined the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals. Her mother died protecting Cang in a battle among cultivators when she was very young.

Father and daughter became dependent on each other, and Cang showered Xuanshuang with great affection, especially as he gained more power. After Cang's rise to prominence, he spared no resources in rewarding Xuanshuang.

By incomplete estimates, Xuanshuang had over two hundred caves and territories just in the central four states of the Immortal Alliance. This didn't include contributions from various families affiliated with Xuanshuang.

It was said that Xuanshuang's cultivation talent was actually average, but at her level, even if her talent was lacking, it could be compensated with abundant resources, especially under the new laws.

Xuanshuang smoothly cultivated to the Harmonious Path realm. It was said that on the day of refining the soul of heaven and earth, Feixue, Cang dispatched five Harmonious Path experts to escort her, ensuring nothing unexpected happened.

After reaching the Harmonious Path, Xuanshuang finally gained a bit of freedom. Previously, Cang didn't allow her to leave the jurisdiction of the central four states of the Immortal Alliance, and wherever she went, someone was assigned to watch her.

After her liberation, Xuanshuang spent nearly a hundred years traveling to most of the Immortal Alliance territories.

During this time, her specific whereabouts could only be roughly determined.

After having enough fun, Xuanshuang finally settled down. Perhaps due to her interests, she began focusing on the path of artifact refinement. The entire Immortal Alliance Artifact Refinement Hall opened up to her, allowing Xuanshuang to learn the most advanced artifact knowledge. Her proficiency in artifact refinement soared, and she gained fame for successfully crafting an extraordinary battle armor that could withstand attacks from five Harmonious Path cultivators combined.

After this...

Seemingly tired of playing, she gradually became low-key. Apart from occasionally interacting with a few friends, including Chief of the Array Formation Hall Lu Xichan, she rarely appeared in the public eye.

Until she suddenly issued a martial arts challenge, once again shaking the world.

Later, with no one daring to step forward, it concluded with Xuanshuang inexplicably becoming pregnant, and the farce ended.

Xuanshuang's son is Shuofeng, who appeared seemingly out of nowhere, without any information about his father or a nine-month pregnancy.

Similar to Cang's somewhat abnormal favoritism towards Xuanshuang, Xuanshuang also raised Shuofeng with strict discipline.

According to the information, until the Nascent Soul stage, Shuofeng never left the cave in Tianquan State.

He relied on the Tianxuan Mirror to observe the outside world.

This situation improved after Shuofeng successfully transformed and struggled with all his might.

However, whenever he went out, he had to wear the golden battle armor specially refined for him by Xuanshuang.

According to investigations by the Law Transmitters, this golden battle armor had abnormal defensive capabilities, able to withstand a combined attack from over ten Harmonious Path cultivators.

Even the defense against soul attacks was as solid as gold.

After the armor was damaged and disintegrated, it could directly teleport Shuofeng to a safe location.


"Every once in a while, Shuofeng reports to Immortal Venerable Feixue for greetings."

"Although their meeting locations won't be fixed, they are notified in advance. But we can speculate on the most probable ones..."

"The next time should be in twenty-three days."

Li Fan looked at the names of the five caves circled and couldn't help but sigh, "Even at the speed I accumulate contribution points, it would probably take more than ten years to afford such a cave."

"This kid was born with who knows how much wealth."

Li Fan's mind once again pictured Shuofeng's face.

"At this time, he probably hasn't planned for a complete re-cultivation and is still in the Nascent Soul realm."

"I wonder what kind of stimulation led him to make such an impulsive decision."

"The most secure method would be to lie in wait at the Tianjian Sect's Sword Tomb, capturing him without anyone noticing."

"Unfortunately, time is a bit tight, and I also need to capture Xuanshuang..."

The blue light of the Daoist stone continued to flicker in Li Fan's mind as he synthesized the various powers he held, beginning to deduce.

"If it's just trapping and capturing, there shouldn't be a problem."

"Even if I alone am barely enough, not to mention having Tianyang and Baihua assisting."

"Well... I still have to bring Moru Bin along."

The techniques, divine abilities, and rough information about the cultivation methods used by Xuanshuang and Shuofeng in the Tianxuan Mirror during their cultivation and martial arts practices appeared before Li Fan.

Comparing the strengths of both sides, various possible future scenarios continued to flash in Li Fan's mind.

"As descendants of the Mirror Keeper, they should be well aware that the information in the Tianxuan Mirror is no secret. I believe their true combat power is far beyond what's apparent."

"Fortunately, I have many trump cards."


After a day and night of deduction, Li Fan had almost a complete plan for this ambush.

Next, he waited for the optimal moment to strike.

During the wait, Li Fan took out the Lifeless Array Crown and the Ink-stained Sinister Book gifted by Moru Bin for further study.

The Lifeless Array Crown behaved like a living creature. With a rough scan of his divine sense, the internal array structure resembled countless fierce beasts battling each other, devouring and evolving.

The efficiency was naturally not comparable to the Dissociation Disc when combined with the Nine Disks as One, but it gave Li Fan some new inspiration.

If Moru Bin's attempt with the Dissociation Disc failed, perhaps he could split the Endgame Dissociation Disc into two again, making them confront each other. Developing a new technique might be more effective.

Li Fan tried to feed the Lifeless Array Crown to the Dissociation Disc, but unfortunately, the Disc showed no interest whatsoever. It didn't even bother to take a look.

On the contrary, sensing the aura of the Endgame Dissociation Disc, the countless formations that composed the Lifeless Array Crown became agitated.

Li Fan shook his head slightly and directly suppressed and sealed this treasure.

"It's a good thing, but unfortunately, it's useless to me. The advanced version of the Xuantian Sealing Spirit Array has already been deduced. Trying to deduce an array with this treasure is just an excuse."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 993: Unveiling a Secret Killing Move

"It's a pity that this item is too conspicuous. It's not feasible to exchange it for something else."

Li Fan sighed, then turned his gaze to the Ink-stained Sinister Book.

As soon as he took it out and placed it in front of him, both the Daoist Stone in his sea of consciousness and the Dissociation Disc conveyed a sense of disgust and a hint of fear at the same time.

"Indeed, it has some tricks."

Li Fan stared straight at this extremely black metallic little book.

Made of some unknown material, it emitted a pitch-black glow.

This black light seemed alive, constantly wandering on the surface.

Unlike the ink color on Momo's body that Li Fan had seen before, Momo's ink was a pure destructive aura.

However, this Ink-stained Sinister Book seemed to emanate a thick, nauseating ink color, giving an uncomfortable and repulsive feeling.

"It's like the waste generated during the process of the world's operation. Unfit for the world..."

"In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the world belonging to Yin Shangren, the Ghost Realm."

Li Fan pondered.

Taking out the standard Immortal Alliance infant mirror treasure called the Green Bamboo Ring for testing, Li Fan manipulated the Ink-stained Sinister Book, releasing countless black lights to envelop it.

It was like a piece of white paper splashed with ink.

The original dazzling green light of the Green Bamboo Ring instantly dimmed, and its aura immediately became silent.

Even though the black light came from his own hands, Li Fan still frowned slightly and moved a bit away.

After putting away the Ink-stained Sinister Book, he waited for nearly half a day before the lingering black color gradually dissipated from the Green Bamboo Ring.

A slight discomfort came from the ancient wood in the Lingmu Realm.

"The ink-stained black light doesn't disappear out of thin air; the world needs a certain amount of time to purify it. If the quantity is too much, exceeding the processing limit, it can even completely pollute the world."

"Although it can't achieve the effect of world destruction, it can make the world full of foul odor and unsuitable for cultivators to inhabit."

Li Fan nodded slowly.

He picked up the Green Bamboo Ring soaked in black light for a long time, and it had lost all its functions as a magic treasure. Just using physical strength to pinch it lightly, the Green Bamboo Ring shattered inch by inch and scattered on the ground.

"It is indeed a special attack against magic treasures."

"Now, the protective effect of Xuanshuang's battle armor will also be greatly reduced. Moru Bin is indeed considerate..."

Li Fan put away the Ink-stained Sinister Book and secretly praised.

As time passed, the moment when Shuofeng and Xuanshuang were predicted to meet was getting closer.

Without Li Fan sending someone to monitor, Moru Bin transmitted information about the potential locations of several caves.

Out of five locations, two were excluded as possibilities.

Because the remaining three caves had cultivators who had already started preparing in advance.

Given the distinguished status of the Xuanshuang family, they were accustomed to living in luxury. Each time they moved, although there was no need to give specific instructions, the subordinates would still prepare everything in advance to avoid displeasing their master.

Since they hadn't finalized which cave to go to, they were preparing all three locations.

For the Xuanshuang family, the resources spent were negligible.

As senior members of the Immortal Alliance, perhaps they never thought that someone would dare to target the Xuanshuang family.

The so-called confidentiality work was more symbolic than practical, almost equivalent to none.

"Can't blame them; perhaps Xuanshuang herself doesn't care about the so-called security measures."

Li Fan smiled, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

He summoned Tianyang, Lin Ling, and Daoist Baihua, telling them the target of this operation.

"Just cooperate with me."

Li Fan taught them a set of formations, letting them familiarize and practice during the waiting period.

"The four of us, working together to display this formation, are enough to block an entire area."

"No entry or exit. Internally and externally cut off, unable to communicate."

The person locked by the formation will experience pressure equivalent to the sum of our soul power, greatly reducing their strength.

"This operation is not highly dangerous; we need to finish it quickly," Li Fan said briefly.

"The use of this formation is indeed extraordinary. Even among the surviving realms from that year, it's hard to find anything comparable," Baihua Daoist exclaimed after the initial practice, testing the power of the formation.

Lin Ling's eyes also flashed with a hint of awe.

Only Tianyang remained indifferent and oblivious.

Li Fan just smiled in response.

How could they have imagined that this seemingly powerful formation was customized by the Dissociation Disc based on the information gathered from Xuanshuang and Shuofeng during these ten-plus days of waiting?

Everything was ready, and Li Fan contacted Moru Bin.

The godly and demonic avatar he occupied also arrived outside Tianquan Prefecture to join them.

When facing the three Dao Companions behind Li Fan, Moru Bin only lingered briefly on Baihua Daoist and then closed his eyes, appearing indifferent.

"If they were to meet in the Immortal Alliance Heavenly City, it might be a bit tricky."

"But because they disdain the simple caves inside the city and are used to living in natural caves outside the city..."

"Hehe, indulgence and luxury have paved the way for their death."

Moru Bin transmitted his thoughts, showing undisguised disdain and killing intent.

"As for the Immortal Alliance, they are all the same."

"The practitioner you occupied is even worse."

Li Fan responded with a wicked smile.

"It seems it's time to give the Immortal Alliance a wake-up call." Moru Bin snorted.

In the last two days, based on the movements of cultivators outside the three caves, they finally locked onto their target.

One of them was within a thousand miles of a bamboo sea.

Li Fan's group lurked in the air, looking down at the continuous greenness extending to the sky, each with a different expression.

Daoist Baihua might have recalled his destroyed homeland, revealing a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Lin Ling was looking around, trying to find if there was a similar transformed spirit in this bamboo sea.

Moru Bin and Li Fan continued to sneer, "They really know how to enjoy."

"This place is perfect for burying them."

During the ambush while waiting for Xuanshuang to arrive, a small incident occurred.

A sincere prayer suddenly appeared in Li Fan's mind.

Moru Bin seemed to sense something, glanced at Li Fan, and furrowed his brows slightly.

"No worries." Li Fan made a calm gesture, indicating that Moru Bin should relax.

At the same time, he checked the images in his mind.

It was Dao Xuanzi, a member of the Alliance, who had been missing for a long time in this world.

Earlier, Li Fan had disclosed the approximate location of the Cang Hai Zhu to them. After years of waiting and searching, they finally found the Cang Hai Zhu.

They used the method of rebuilding the foundation to reshape the foundation of the Earth's strange Dao.

The strong wave of faith just now was the sincere gratitude of Dao Xuanzi to the Red Dust Compassionate Immortal after successfully building his foundation.

Li Fan perceived that the golden wish power that appeared in his body due to the tribulation had some subtle differences from the previous gains.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 994: Sincere Seeker of the Dao

From the currently known information, the golden wish power, also known as the Spirit Nectar of Myriad Beings, is the residual trace left by the faceless True Immortal seeking the Dao.

The so-called being born with desires, pursuing the Dao, and never stopping until death.

The golden wish power that Li Fan absorbed before his tribulation was pure energy, lacking the belief of "pursuing the Dao."

But at this moment, the golden wish power generated by Dao Xuanzi's feedback surprisingly contained an extremely subtle desire for seeking the Dao.

Even though most of it was filtered through the stone statues and intercepted, the remaining residue among all the golden wish powers was as conspicuous as the bright moon in the sky. Li Fan could clearly perceive it the moment it was generated.

"A sincere seeker of the Dao, attains the immortal Dao. It's worthy of someone who fought to the death with their brothers, chased all the way into the realm of Immortal Extinction, just to upgrade their cultivation method."

"Superficially carefree, yet the desire for seeking the Dao in their hearts is surprisingly firm."

The desire for seeking the Dao within the golden wish power only existed for a moment before disappearing.

Li Fan felt as if he had lost a precious treasure, and his heart suddenly felt empty.

However, soon, as Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Mantra spontaneously operated, this inexplicable sense of loss was quickly crushed.

"With the acquisition of the Cang Hai Zhu, Dao Xuanzi's future in this life is promising. Even though Kou Hong knows about the other strange object, the Ten Thousand Mountains Cauldron, he is not in a hurry to go there. Instead, he patiently accompanies Dao Xuanzi in successfully rebuilding his foundation. These two brothers indeed share some camaraderie."

"Perhaps I can take care of them more in the future..."

The small interlude ended, and Li Fan's attention returned to the bamboo sea in Tianquan Prefecture.

Silently, Lin Ling and the other two had already entered the bamboo sea under the cover of Li Fan and Moru Bin, setting up the ambush formation inside.

They were just waiting for Xuanshuang to take the bait.

Despite the imminent danger, among the group, only Lin Ling seemed a bit nervous. Tianyang was unresponsive, and Baihua Daoist had survived the ancient catastrophe and was well-versed. As for Li Fan and Moru Bin, they already considered this Crimson Snow Immortal Venerate as something in their pocket.

As time passed slowly, not long after...

Two streaks of rainbow light descended from the sky, landing outside the bamboo sea.

The protective formation around the bamboo sea activated, and eighteen female cultivators in red dresses walked out to welcome them.

However, the two figures completely ignored them, walking directly into the bamboo sea caves.

"Hmm? Lu Xichan? Why is she here too?" Moru Bin was somewhat surprised but not panicked.

He still glanced at Li Fan, seeking his opinion, "Are you confident?"

At the same time, he conveyed Lu Xichan's general information.

Lu Xichan studied under the previous chief of the Array Pavilion, Lu Xia.

Her life seemed ordinary, smoothly inheriting her master's position without any waves.

But in the entire power succession process, maintaining a calm and uneventful situation throughout showed Lu Xichan's outstanding qualities.

Li Fan squinted his eyes, nodded slightly, "No need to worry. Capturing one person in a joint Dao is the same as capturing two. No difference."

"But Lu Xichan is, after all, the chief of the Array Pavilion in the Immortal Alliance. There might be some risk of the capture formation I derived from the 'Unborn Array Crown' that you gave me being broken. If reinforcements come to her aid, it won't be good."

"I hope this 'Unborn Array Crown' is reliable."

Li Fan suddenly changed the topic.

Of course, this was just to divert Moru Bin's attention. The ambush formation laid in the bamboo sea at this moment, in terms of complexity and hierarchy, was still above the two major formations, Tianxuan Soul Locking and Xuantian Sealing Spirit, at least one generation ahead.

Although Lu Xichan was a top figure in the Array Pavilion, there was no possibility of her breaking the formation in a short time.

Even after entering the formation, she remained completely unaware of the hidden dangers.

The reason for saying this was to conceal the origin of this ambushing grand formation.

Moru Bin didn't doubt him, pondered for a moment, and said, "Even if the formation is broken, it takes time. Finish it quickly, capture her before she finds the flaw in the formation."

Saying that, Moru Bin's figure, where the cultivator was possessed, seemed to have a mirror-like surface that appeared out of nowhere.

A faint light flickered, and in just a moment, another cultivator identical to the one in front of him appeared.

Then the mirror kept appearing, two turned into four, four turned into eight, and finally stopped.

Chapter 994: Sincere Seeker of the Dao

From start to finish, there was not the slightest fluctuation of aura.

Lin Ling and the others witnessed this scene, all stunned.

Li Fan sensed the eight figures in front of him, each one a living cultivator, and there was no apparent difference between them.

"During the battle, I will use these bodies to provide assistance as much as possible."

"But it cannot be sustained..."

Moru Bin conveyed through voice transmission.

After Xuanshuang and Lixi Chan entered the bamboo sea, they rested in one of the bamboo buildings. To avoid alerting the prey, Li Fan and the others didn't eavesdrop, just ensuring they were inside and waiting for Shuofeng to arrive.

Shuofeng was considerate enough not to make everyone wait too long.

With the falling crimson snowflakes in the bamboo sea, Shuofeng's figure gradually became clear.

Glancing at a nearby bamboo building, Shuofeng's face was full of discontent.

But ultimately, he didn't dare to show it in front of his mother. Taking a deep breath, his expression returned to calm.

He slowly approached the bamboo building.

"Mother, Shuofeng is back..." Shuofeng slowly spoke.

"Hehehe, my son is back. Come in quickly; your aunt Li is also here." Xuanshuang's voice, with a hint of a smile, echoed from the bamboo building.

It didn't sound like a mother but more like the voice of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

Shuofeng pushed open the door of the bamboo building and entered.

The gazes of Xuanshuang and Lixi Chan focused on Shuofeng in an instant.

Just at this moment...

A loud shout, like thunder, resounded in the bamboo sea.

"Shuoxiong, rest assured, I will definitely help you persuade the sect master and restore your freedom!"

As soon as Li Fan's words came out, Shuofeng, Xuanshuang, and Lixi Chan were all slightly stunned.

Even Moru Bin, Lin Ling, and others were momentarily puzzled.

"Take action!" Fortunately, Li Fan's voice transmission quickly followed.

Lin Ling and the others quickly returned to their positions, and the grand formation arranged by the four Dao-combining cultivators had already taken shape in an instant.

Moru Bin also didn't hold back; the eight identical bodies explosively burst.

From each body, a vague black figure flew out.

Then the shadows expanded, and in an instant, the entire bamboo sea was shrouded.

"Hehe, Shuo'er is impressive now..." At first, Xuanshuang was slightly surprised but maintained a faint smile.

She thought Shuofeng had brought a group of friends to rebel. After all, he had done such things before.

However, as the formation unfolded, casting a shadow that covered the sky, Xuanshuang's face quickly changed. She realized the formidable power of this ambush, something Shuofeng couldn't have orchestrated.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 995: Twin Beauties in Palm

"Be careful, Feng'er!"

Xuanshuang flashed to Shuofeng's side, her expression serious.

At the same time, Lixi Chan tried to contact the outside world but found it impossible to establish a connection.

"Pitiful beings, in the presence of the Transmission Law Celestial, why not kneel!"

Four voices resounded like thunder in their ears.

In the dim sky, it seemed as if the true appearance of the Transmission Law Celestial had appeared, staring down at them without anger but with immense pressure.


A tremendous invisible pressure suddenly descended, and the bamboo building instantly turned into powder.

The entire ground rumbled, sinking several feet.

Under this pressure, Xuanshuang and the others were momentarily locked in place, unable to move!

Before they could struggle, they saw five blood moons appearing in the shadow-covered sky.

"Thread extraction!"

An emotionless, icy voice echoed from the sky.

Countless threads, like numerous tentacles, silently and swiftly approached, entwining them.

The threads seemed invisible, but the moment they touched their bodies, a sudden weakness surged from the depths of their hearts.

"Xichan!" Xuanshuang and Shuofeng both had battle armors manifesting around them.

But it couldn't block these invisible threads.

Lixi Chan's situation was even worse. Around her, silver symbols representing formations continually appeared but quickly vanished.

Lixi Chan broke into a cold sweat, her eyes initially showing shock and then transforming into an undisguised fear.

In the chaotic situation, perhaps those who weren't adept at formations didn't know what was happening to her.

However, Lixi Chan was well aware. Every time she deployed a formation, she felt an inexplicable force around her, instantly breaking the formation!

Even formations that hadn't taken shape were cracked! It was as if the opponent already knew what kind of formation she wanted to set up, and the speed of breaking the formations was unbelievably fast!

Initially, Lixi Chan thought there was a traitor in her Formation Hall leaking all the formations she knew.

But soon, as she brought out her trump card formations, she faced the same result: formations breaking suddenly!

So, the fear in Lixi Chan's heart gradually spread uncontrollably.

It felt as if she had returned to the first time she met her master.

The powerful formation skills displayed by her master made her marvel, intoxicated, and infatuated. Her previously proud talent was nothing in front of him.

And now, the entities breaking formations around her were even superior to her master in formation skills!

It was a realm she couldn't fathom!

"Who is it?"

As the pride of being the chief of the Formation Hall shattered, Lixi Chan felt countless images of her master's face in the surrounding shadows.

"Xichan, you really disappoint me! Don't tell anyone that you're my disciple in the future. I can't afford to lose this face!"

"Lixi Chan, I can't rest in peace!"


"No, this is not how my master is..." Shaking in the illusion, Lixi Chan completely lost her ability to resist.

The thick shadows around her completely enveloped her, and then she disappeared into the bamboo sea.

Witnessing this scene, Xuanshuang couldn't help but lose color on her face. However, facing the Transmission Law Celestial's illusion and the siege of countless threads, she was already at her wit's end.

"Fellow Xingwang, I have temporarily sealed Lixi Chan. However, just now..." Moru Bin's puzzled voice came in.

"Hehe, it's just breaking her mental weakness by chance. Who would have thought that the renowned chief of the Formation Hall is actually a coward who fears his master..." Li Fan responded with a wicked grin.

"I see." The battle wasn't over yet, and Moru Bin didn't dwell on this matter.

"The remaining power in me is rapidly depleting. I'm afraid it's not enough to seal Xuanshuang and Shuofeng..."

"No worries, they are already inescapable doom."

While the two briefly communicated, the onslaught continued to be deadly.

With the guidance of Tianyang's three people in the formation, even with battle armor protecting her, Xuanshuang was as precarious as a floating duckweed.

The crimson light protected her spirit, but the gaze from the Transmission Law Celestial's illusory figure in the sky continued to press on her.

She had reached her limit.

At this moment, Xuanshuang also realized that the shadow above her head was not the actual Transmission Law Celestial.

It was just the optimal manifestation created to instantly deter her spirit.

After all, helping Tianxuan Mirror split human clones violated the system established by the Transmission Law Celestial.

It wasn't that Xuanshuang wasn't afraid; the pressure brought by the illusory figure in the sky was not insignificant.

And the strange laughter coming from the shadows around her made Xuanshuang hallucinate, making it difficult to defend herself.

The gray threads that had been entwining her since the beginning of the battle were accumulating more and more.

Her thoughts and movements became slow.

"Who is this person?"

Before losing consciousness, countless perplexing thoughts flashed in Xuanshuang's mind.

The two joint cultivators were already restrained, and the following battle had no suspense.

Shuofeng's incarnation → Nascent Divinity's strength couldn't intervene in the slightest.

Under the mental oppression of the four joint-cultivator formation, he had long fainted.

All the other cultivators in the Bamboo Sea Cave Mansion were suppressed and confined to the Heavenly Mirror in their consciousness by Li Fan.

Looking at the two joint-cultivator women sleeping in front of him, both with stunning appearances, Lixi Chan exuded an elegant aura, while Xuanshuang looked like a young girl, seemingly immature.

"Fellow Xingwang, my power is about to dissipate, so I'll leave it to you here."

The boundless shadows shrank and finally turned into a blurry figure.

He looked at Li Fan and slowly said, "If there's news of the Tianxuan Mirror's clone, contact me as soon as possible."

"The body I occupied has been completely destroyed. Next time we meet, remember to bring it with you again."

"Still in the last concealed pocket dimension."

The voice dissipated along with the shadows.

"This battle went so smoothly; Moru Bin's overshadowing shadow technique played a crucial role."

"Even if they weren't hostile, I could feel the pressure. I even seemed to see the appearance of Heavenly Doctor and Immortal Ruins in the dark..."

"Tianxuan Teaching... is indeed extraordinary."

As these thoughts flashed by, Li Fan's attention once again focused on Xuanshuang and the others.

"Shangshi, is it time to withdraw now?" Baihua Dao Ren asked cautiously.

Li Fan contemplated for a moment and shook his head, "You go to this Bamboo Sea, guard the entrance."

"I want to interrogate the Tianxuan Mirror's clone for information right here."

The three of them took their orders and left.

Li Fan took out two True Temptation Fruits.

"Only these two left; it seems it's time to ask for more from the Five Elders."

Li Fan squinted his eyes, slowly weaving a delicate web of lies.

When the True Temptation Fruits emitted dazzling light, Li Fan fed them to the two women.

(End of this chapter)