
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Eastern
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Chapter 751-755: Eternal Empire (6.5k+ words)

"The rulers of successive empires, from birth, have to study inside it. Only after mastering the countless knowledge stored within can they formally inherit the throne," Xiao Qing explained.

"And only those with royal blood can enter the Imperial Treasury," she continued.

"But I can't enter now?" Xu Bai shook his head slightly.

"Feel it with your heart. If you understand, this invisible barrier will cease to exist," the empress said softly.

As she finished speaking, she demonstrated by stepping forward, penetrating the barrier, and entering the Imperial Treasury.

Xu Bai closed his eyes.

Sure enough, an inexplicable feeling surged to his heart.

In the boundless darkness, there seemed to be a heartbeat sound coming from all directions.

Recalling what he had seen before, the entire Imperial Palace seemed to be formed from the body of a massive exotic beast.

Xu Bai suddenly enlightened.

The Imperial Treasury might be the heart of this exotic beast.

All the various exotic beasts of the empire originated from Xu Ke's secret cultivation methods.

With Xu Ke's essence in his blood, Xu Bai naturally couldn't be stopped here.

With a step full of blessing, Xu Bai stepped out. As if passing through a transparent film, the next moment, he arrived in the Imperial Treasury.

Instead of peeking at the various objects placed here, he looked at the empress and Xiao Qing. "Indeed, I came in. But it doesn't prove anything."

"Only those with royal blood can enter..."

"These words." Xu Bai shook his head slightly.

The empress smiled, "You don't need to be so suspicious. Walk around in this treasury, and you will understand."

"All the treasures of the empire are here. Aren't you afraid I'll casually take a few?" Xu Bai asked.

"If you want, you can empty this place. But, in reality, the most precious things here are the memories of the imperial rulers through the generations," Xiao Qing said nonchalantly.

The empress made a "please" gesture.

Xu Bai snorted and flew to a silent flying turtle-like exotic beast.

"Silent Flying Turtle: Lifespan can reach three hundred years. Its meat can treat diseases such as ADHD and mania. However, be cautious, as turtle blood is harmful and can shorten one's life."

A voice accompanied by an image suddenly appeared in Xu Bai's mind.

The person in the image looked very similar to Xu Ke.

He was sitting in front of an experimental table, dissecting a silent flying turtle, while continuously making records.

At the same time, information about the silent flying turtle flowed into Xu Bai's mind.

Before Xu Bai could digest it, new images appeared a moment later.

This time, a woman was recording data. Her appearance was still somewhat similar to Xu Ke.

"New discovery: The wings of the silent flying turtle can be used as materials for manufacturing airborne airships. It maintains high-speed flight while reducing flight noise to the lowest."


The scenes flashed one after another.

The protagonist changed more than ten times, and the research on the silent flying turtle continued to progress.

In the end, technology appeared that could mass-produce silent flying turtles, allowing them to complete a full life cycle in just three years, significantly reducing the breeding time.

As the images disappeared, Xu Bai contemplated the countless additional information in his mind and looked at the empress.

"What is this?"

"The initial ruler of the empire was nurtured by the Holy Emperor Xu Ke using holy blood to give birth."

"The second emperor was the same."


"Passed down from generation to generation."

"In essence, all the imperial rulers of the generations and the Holy Emperor Xu Ke are the same person," the empress answered with a smile.

Actually, Xu Bai had long known about this, but he still pretended to be shocked, saying, "What sorcery is this?"

"Where does the distinction between right and wrong come from in technology?" The empress shook her head.

"Although our flesh and blood are the same, we each have our own consciousness. You can consider us as different people."

"However, due to the connection of the Holy Blood Fetus Transformation technique, we can achieve synchronization and resonance of thoughts."

"What you just felt were the research results on the silent flying turtle by the emperors of past generations."

"Before each ruler of the empire dies, apart from undergoing the Holy Blood Fetus Transformation, they also need to leave their own consciousness in the Imperial Treasury."

"The new successor will inherit the vast majority of wisdom and experience from the past emperors."

"Therefore, the ruler of the empire will become increasingly powerful."

"In this way, an eternal empire can be established."

The empress said lightly, with a hint of pride in her tone.

"Eternal empire..." Xu Bai snorted but didn't give face to the other party. "Let alone an Eternal Heavenly Sovereign, even as Daoists, we may not necessarily be able to resist you."

Upon hearing this, the empress paused, her face turning red.

Xu Bai then swept his gaze across the Imperial Treasury and asked, "Although there are many strange materials in here, there are only a few that are truly valuable."

"I still need to hurry back to report. Speak up, what are the most powerful technologies of the empire?"

"With enough bargaining chips, I can also strive for more in the Union."

Xu Bai hinted with a meaningful tone.

The empress looked at Xiao Qing beyond the invisible barrier.

Seeing Xiao Qing nod slightly, the empress pondered and said, "In your eyes and mine, the perception of what is valuable may not be the same."

"From the strategic goals of the empire, one of the highest technologies is the method to cultivate and manipulate the Rift Whale."

"The second is the spatial latitude and longitude positioning."

"With these two technologies, the empire can continuously open spatial channels, trying to stay away from the Xuanhuang Realm as much as possible," the empress said slowly.

Xu Bai, with a hint of mockery, said, "I've heard about your ridiculous plan from sacrificed colleagues."

"The idea is not bad, but..."

"If it were so easy to leave the Xuanhuang Realm, I'm afraid someone would have done it thousands of years ago. Why wait for you?"

"Why do those cultivators who sought refuge in small worlds during the Great Calamity still long to return to the Xuanhuang Realm instead of escaping from the small worlds?"

"Not because they don't want to, but because it's impossible."

"I advise you to abandon this impractical fantasy and join our Universal Union..."

Facing Xu Bai's mockery, the empress's face showed no waves.

Instead, she was exceptionally firm and interrupted Xu Bai's words, "What if our goal from the beginning was not to escape the Xuanhuang Realm?"

This left Xu Bai stunned.

"Not to escape the Xuanhuang Realm? Then why are you going through all this trouble?"

The empress smiled slightly, "To buy time."

"To stay as far away from the Xuanhuang Realm as possible. Reduce the probability of being affected when calamities occur in the Xuanhuang Realm."

"At the same time, be patient."

"Sooner or later, a savior-like figure will appear, rescuing the Xuanhuang Realm from the calamity of destruction."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 752: The Only Future

Hearing the empress's solemn reply and her determined demeanor, Xu Bai almost burst into laughter, "Is this your plan?"

"Putting hope on a vague and uncertain hero who may or may not appear?"

Xu Bai shook his head repeatedly, "It seems the organization has overestimated your value."

Facing Xu Bai's contempt, the empress was not particularly angry. Instead, her eyes flashed with unwavering determination, "We have waited for thousands of years, eagerly anticipating the arrival of that savior!"

"Before the Xuanhuang Realm completely reaches its end."

"This is the devout belief passed down from the Holy Emperor. Regardless of what policies the emperors of the empire formulate, they cannot contradict this."

Once these words were spoken, Xu Bai, who had originally intended to mock, suddenly remembered something and fell silent abruptly.

Undoubtedly, the only person who could make Xu Ke so unwavering in his belief was Mr. Bai.

"So, Mr. Bai foresaw that, several years later, a miraculous figure would come to save the Xuanhuang Realm from imminent peril?"

Xu Bai felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

But he also recalled the Doom Sect, which had been lingering and seemed to be connected to him.

Perhaps... this was not an impossible thing.

At least, the "Chosen One" selected by the Doom Sect pointed to himself.

Xu Bai couldn't help but frown.

"From the silent flying whale bred by Mr. Bai to create new varieties, and managing to keep many mortal small worlds away from the Xuanhuang Realm, the empire's ultimate plan is essentially consistent with other mortal worlds."

"It's just that the empire has a bit more subjective initiative and can stay further away from the Xuanhuang Realm. The rest of the worlds are just forced to accept it, not understanding what has really happened."

"The source of this difference lies in the connection between Xu Ke and Mr. Bai. Perhaps this is what Lu Ya instructed Xu Ke to do before his death."

"Now the question is, can Mr. Bai and the Doom Sect really foresee my existence and the existence of 'True' thousands of years ago?"

Just a moment later, Xu Bai rejected this speculation.

'True' could turn falsehood into reality and transform the tangible into the intangible with a single thought, resetting everything to its initial anchor point.

This ability, even if rumored true immortals possessed it, was undoubtedly far inferior.

If Mr. Bai and the Doom Sect really could predict the existence of 'True,' why would they need to wait for a savior? With their own abilities, they could probably resolve the troubles in the Immortal Ruins.

"The Doom Sect's method, similar to Senior Zhang's, probably casts its gaze only after certain conditions are met. They might even cast a wide net. The so-called 'Chosen One' may not be just me."

"As for Mr. Bai..."

Xu Bai fell silent.

He still didn't know what made him so sure that someone would stand up to save the Xuanhuang Realm a thousand years later.

It couldn't be just because he harbored hope, could it?

"Infinite future has infinite possibilities. This also means that even if the possibility is very small, under the premise of 'infinity,' everything will inevitably happen." The words of 'Emperor One' suddenly flashed in Xu Bai's mind.

"Perhaps, among the countless futures calculated by Mr. Bai, there really is a possibility of saving the Xuanhuang Realm. Like what I saw in the previous life, even though the Xuanhuang Realm experienced the decline of all things and the destruction of civilization. In the end, it still welcomed the sunshine of revival. Although it's not clear what happened in between, in a sense, if the empire can really persist until that time, perhaps their strategic plan will be considered successful."

Xu Bai seemed to have gained some insight.

Empress watched Xu Bai immersed in contemplation without interrupting.

"Well, if it's the judgment of my ancestors, there might be some truth to it. Unfortunately, from the current situation, without the help of our Multiverse Alliance, your empire probably won't last until that day." Shortly after, Xu Bai, who had regained his composure, continued to mock slightly.

"Although we can be considered distant relatives, I'd really like to help you. However, the right to use the treasure that conceals the Heaven Xuan Spectrum is not something I alone can decide. Without you showing some sincerity, it's hard for me as well." He shrugged, looking helpless.

The empress nodded slightly, "When you visited the Nine-Headed Divine Temple, we also inquired about the changes in the Xuanhuang Realm. The Transmigration Bureau, Heaven Xuan Spectrum..."

"Indeed, it has already exceeded the scope we can resist. After some discussion, if we can exchange resources for the help of your Multiverse Alliance..."

"No one in the empire will oppose it. After all, those nobles are not only very afraid of death but also extremely afraid of losing their current status." The empress's face remained calm, as if she were talking about something extremely ordinary.

"Hehe, it seems that the empire is more aware of the current situation than I imagined. That's good, so I don't have to waste more words. However..." Xu Bai paused, a hint of a smile appearing at the corner of his mouth. "Now that the situation is critical, facing the formidable pressure from the Immortal Alliance, our alliance cannot cover everything. There will definitely be different support based on the potential displayed by different small worlds."

"So, to get more help from us, it depends on how much truly valuable things your empire has."

"I'll be straightforward, the beast breeding technique you are so proud of is, in our eyes, only at the level of cannon fodder. Just with these, it's impossible to impress those profit-seeking old guys in the alliance." Xu Bai said coldly.

The empress nodded slightly, indicating understanding.

Then she flew forward and said, "Follow me."

After flying for a while in the Imperial Treasury, she stopped in front of a mechanical device.

The device was composed of several different rotating rings that were constantly in motion, and there were vague numbers changing rapidly.

"This is the crystallization of the blood and sweat of the thirteenth generation emperor, the 'Void Celestial Navigation Instrument,'" the empress introduced to Xu Bai with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes.

"In void navigation, it can record and save the spatial data around, set a course based on the established target, preventing us from getting lost in the void. At the same time, it can mark coordinates of passing locations..."

"It's somewhat useful, but its uses are limited," Xu Bai interrupted the empress's words with a wave of his hand. "Now, the main pressure we face is how to survive the first wave of raids from the Immortal Alliance."

The empress nodded in understanding and then led Xu Bai to a spherical object.

"What is this?" Xu Bai squinted slightly.

From this sphere, he sensed both spiritual energy and the aura of demonic beasts.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 753: Myriad Fusion Ancestor Beast

"This bead is called **Spirit Crystal Marrow**," the empress said with a hint of pride on her face. "It is the latest research achievement of the empire."

"Over a hundred years ago, we discovered within some demonic beasts the demonic core that cultivators could absorb and practice."

"The power of the flesh and blood of demonic beasts unexpectedly forms a spiritual energy crystal inside their bodies. Although the purity of the spiritual energy is low, this phenomenon caught the attention of the previous generation of emperors."

"After more than a hundred years of unremitting research, we have initially mastered the technique of **Synthetic Spiritual Energy**. Although it requires a large amount of flesh and blood as feed, the purity of the spiritual energy crystals we cultivate is very close to the top-grade spirit stones in the Xuanhuang Realm."

Upon hearing this, Xu Bai couldn't help but show a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Carefully examining the **Spirit Crystal Marrow** in front of him, he nodded slowly. "Impressive. With such capabilities, given enough time, I believe you could transform this square world into a suitable small world for cultivators. However, if that's all, it still doesn't provide much help to the current situation. Not to mention our Multiverse Alliance, any reliable force in the Xuanhuang Realm won't be lacking this thing called spiritual stones." Xu Bai expressed some regret.

The empress seemed to anticipate Xu Bai's reaction. "I naturally know this. If the role of the **Spirit Crystal Marrow** is merely to provide spiritual energy, I wouldn't have ranked its importance after the Navigation Instrument."

"In reality, the main function of the **Spirit Crystal Marrow** is to transfer various abilities belonging to demonic beasts to humans without any side effects."

A red light appeared, and a round bead seemingly surrounded by flames appeared in her palm.

"This is the **Spirit Crystal Marrow** made from the materials of a demonic beast called the **Fierce Flame Tiger**. You might as well try its effects." The empress handed the red bead to Xu Bai confidently.

"Inheriting demonic beast abilities?" In an instant, Xu Bai thought of the exotic treasures that Dongfang Yao had mentioned before. Although the effect was similar, it was about stimulating ancient bloodline abilities within oneself.

Holding the red crystal marrow in his palm, Xu Bai exerted a slight force.

Like a glass bead, it instantly shattered. In an instant, countless red flames, like fiery dragons, drilled into his body along his arm.


A furious, unwilling roar of a tiger made of flames seemed to appear before him.

Xu Bai snorted coldly, and the illusion shattered in an instant.

A hot stream circulated within his body, ultimately disappearing at his brow.

Xu Bai closed his eyes, pondering. After a moment, a red flame appeared in his palm.

Continuously flickering, it distorted the surrounding air.

Xu Bai showed a serious expression.

Because this flame did not mobilize any spiritual power or divine abilities. It was like a breath, an instinct belonging to the body.

It could be activated with just a thought.

As Xu Bai manipulated the flame, memories about how to use the ability of fire emerged in his mind.

Seeing Xu Bai proficiently mastering the abilities originally belonging to demonic beasts upon absorbing the **Spirit Crystal Marrow** for the first time, the empress also seemed extremely surprised.

As if afraid that Xu Bai would misunderstand, she quickly added, "In fact, inheriting the power of demonic beasts through the **Spirit Crystal Marrow** is not a hundred percent guaranteed. It is related to personal aptitude and talents, as well as the strength of the ability itself."

"According to our research, the more powerful and rare the ability, the harder it is for humans to control. If the inheritance process fails, the probability of success in the next attempt will be greatly reduced."

"The number of abilities a single cultivator can inherit also has certain limitations. The more abilities already mastered, the smaller the probability of inheriting new abilities."


The empress detailed the rules for using the **Spirit Crystal Marrow**.

Xu Bai, seizing the core issue, asked, "How difficult is it to manufacture **Spirit Crystal Marrow**? How many demonic beasts are needed to produce one?"

The empress, who had been speaking eloquently, suddenly stopped.

A blush appeared on her face, and she felt somewhat embarrassed. "It takes the flesh and blood of almost a thousand demonic beasts to produce one **Spirit Crystal Marrow**. However, the empire's breeding technology is already very mature. If resources are sufficient, there is no need to worry about the production of **Spirit Crystal Marrow**."

Xu Bai nodded slightly. "Indeed, it can be considered a decent chip. The power of demonic beasts is almost equivalent to a weakened version of divine abilities. In life-and-death battles, if used unexpectedly, it could be quite effective."

"Besides this, are there any other surprises?" Xu Bai asked again.

The empress suddenly showed a hesitant expression.

After a while, she said slowly, "This technology is not yet mature..."

"No problem. The Alliance values potential. If there is truly unlimited potential, we will spare no effort in providing support," Xu Bai assured.

The empress didn't respond immediately. Instead, she turned her head and cast her gaze to Xiao Qing outside the imperial treasury.

Seeing Xiao Qing nod in agreement, she took a deep breath and led Xu Bai to the deepest part of the treasury.

Here, there was a massive metal furnace.

The furnace was engraved with thousands of different kinds of demonic beasts, vividly lifelike.

Although there was no blazing fire, the temperature of the furnace seemed extremely high.

Even at a distance, with Xu Bai's current strength, he could slightly sense the scorching heat.

"Boom! Boom!"

Occasional intense collisions echoed from inside the furnace.

Upon careful listening, one could faintly hear the wailing of countless intertwined demonic beasts.

It was eerie.

The empress seemed to be wary of this furnace, standing farther away than Xu Bai.

She explained quietly, "This object is called the **Myriad Fusion Furnace**."

"Its origin is a speculation, or rather, a fact."

"All demonic beasts, in the ancient beginning, were once part of the same body."

"That was the origin of all demonic beasts, containing unimaginable power."

"Over countless years, numerous individuals separated from its body."

"So, can we reverse this process? Can we reforge all the demonic beasts in the world back into..."

"The original individual?"

A mysterious light shone in the empress's eyes.

"Even if we can't fully comprehend all the demonic beasts that have appeared in the world, finding enough varieties to barely create a weaker fused form should be achievable."

"In fact, ten years ago, we briefly fused a terrifying demonic beast."

"Its aura seemed even more terrifying than the nine-headed bird beneath our feet. Everyone present at the time, including Saint Masters Qing and Hong, was scared into immobility."

"Unfortunately, it didn't survive for long and dissolved on its own."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 754: Heavenly Abyss Attacks Its Own Body

"It seems there is a natural limitation in preventing the fusion of myriad beasts," the empress said with some regret.

"However, regarding catalytic substances that can promote fusion, our research has made significant progress. I believe we are not far from the birth of the first fused beast," the empress quickly regained her confidence.

"Myriad Fusion Furnace, merging flesh and blood..." Xu Bai instantly thought of the **Emperor One** he encountered in the Meteor Immortal Realm.

Undoubtedly, the inspiration for the Imperial **Myriad Fusion Furnace** came from this originator of demonic beasts.

As the origin of Xuanhuang Realm's demonic beasts, Emperor One's strength was undoubtedly above the Longevity Realm.

If the empire could successfully mass-produce fused beasts, even if they were weakened versions, their power would be formidable.

"For the specific strength of the refined demonic beasts, have you evaluated it? If the experiments succeed, can you control them? Aren't you afraid they might turn against the empire and destroy it?" Xu Bai raised a series of questions.

The empress, full of confidence, said, "The beasts invested in the Myriad Fusion Furnace are individuals we control through the **Harmony Technique**. Although their physical bodies disappear after being refined by the furnace, the bonds still exist."

"Gathering the mental fluctuations of all Harmony Techniques in one place can create a device to control the fused beings. Don't worry about them going out of control."

"And based on the previous power evaluations, the strength of the fused beings we can currently produce should not be weaker than a Xuanhuang Realm Dao Fusion cultivator..." The empress hesitated slightly but ultimately said.

Xu Bai nodded slightly; this result was expected. However, he didn't issue a warning about the mysterious confidence of the empire.

Skillfully taking out his folding fan, he waved it lightly. "Alright, with the **Myriad Celestial Navigational Instrument**, **Spirit Crystal Marrow**, and the potential support of Dao Fusion cultivators in the future..."

"With these, I believe it's enough to convince the Alliance to provide protection for you."

"Oh, give me a few more **Spirit Crystal Marrows**. Seeing is believing, and I'm afraid those old folks won't easily believe it."

The empress didn't mind Xu Bai's request. She casually threw ten **Spirit Crystal Marrows** to him.

Without further ado, Xu Bai stored them away and flew towards the outside of the imperial treasury.

"Get ready. If everything goes as planned, the next time the elders of the Alliance come, they will come with me for the final assessment."

"Those guys aren't as easy to talk to as I am."

Leaving the treasury and returning to the tower palace, Xu Bai, in a decisive manner, gave some instructions and didn't linger.

Transforming into a streak of light, he rose into the sky, disappearing from the view of the people of the empire.

"Miss...," the empress looked at Xiao Qing, her eyes seeming to be full of questions.

Xiao Qing, on the other hand, kept looking at Xu Bai's departing figure, not moving her gaze for a long time.

"What he said is hard to distinguish between truth and falsehood. But I can confirm that he means no harm. Also, our world's entrance has indeed been concealed by an unknown formation."

"Prepare as he suggested. After all, we are the weaker ones. Weaklings don't have many choices." Xiao Qing said in a faint tone.


Outside the empire, in the dark void.

As Xu Bai was flying away, he suddenly sensed spatial fluctuations around him.

Then, a **Void Serpent** suddenly appeared by his side. It affectionately rubbed against his thigh with its head.

It looked somewhat familiar, turning out to be the one he had casually tamed when he came here before.

Seemingly aware that Xu Bai was about to leave, it unexpectedly came to bid farewell.

"You little guy, quite intelligent. Well, there happens to be a lack of a leader in the realm of beasts. Come with me!" Xu Bai smiled and said.

The Void Serpent was overjoyed, twisting its body and voluntarily carrying Xu Bai on its back.

Then, following Xu Bai's signal, it continuously shuttled through the void, heading towards the Xuanhuang Realm.

Returning to the entrance deep valley, Xu Bai first stored the Void Serpent in his own Heavenly Cave. Then, using the End of Days Disc, he lifted the continuous illusion that had been deceiving the Heavenly Abyss Mirror.

Passing by the entrance to the Longevity Valley without entering, he simply released the Void Serpent quietly and returned to Tianliang Prefecture alone.

Outside the Longevity Valley, having received advance notice, Liu San, who was watching the strange beast, marveled at it.

"So inconspicuous, yet it can actually travel through space." Bringing the Void Serpent into the valley, he once again concealed the entrance.

Having obtained Xu Bai's permission, the Void Serpent, in the realm of beasts, was sure to stir up trouble and dominate, but this was briefly mentioned and not emphasized.

"We have ample reason to suspect that the Heavenly Abyss Mirror is constantly monitoring the condition of cultivators' bodies. If it doesn't have a certain level of mastery over the body, the guidance it provides cannot be so accurate and effective," Fang Zaiji said with a serious expression.

"Do you need to say this? Which Alliance cultivator doesn't know? But they all willingly accept it. After all, compared to advancing their own cultivation, these things are negligible." Liu San rolled his eyes.

"No, no, no, you didn't understand what I meant." Fang Zaiji, unusually not mocking Liu San, explained seriously, "If the Heavenly Abyss Mirror can ascend by measuring the heavens and the earth, the world, what changes will occur after it acquires the data of so many cultivators' bodies?"

Once this statement was made, Liu San couldn't help but be surprised.

Chapter 754: Heavenly Abyss Attacks Its Own Body

"In the ancient cultivation world, there is a saying that the human body is the most perfect creation in the world. To ascend to immortality, regardless of your original species, you must first transform into a human."

"Although it's just a rumor, its authenticity is long gone. However, the fact that humans can defeat demonic beasts and become the true rulers of the Xuanhuang Realm already proves the infinite potential of humanity."

"That Heavenly Abyss Mirror might not be without the intention of taking on a human form," Fang Zaiji said with a solemn tone.

"So, Mr. Fang, is this the conclusion you've reached after studying for so long?" Li Fan interrupted Fang Zaiji.

In his hands, the Dissociation Disc, compared to before, was several times more crystal clear.

Perhaps some owners of Dissociation Discs, aware that their strength couldn't compete, had given up the practice of nurturing the discs through formations. In a short time, the disc in Li Fan's hand had already devoured three other Dissociation Discs.

The final victory in the competition was likely not far away.

Li Fan didn't care much about the various rewards offered by the Immortal Alliance for the conquest of myriad realms. Therefore, he could still wholeheartedly focus on the transformation of the Dissociation Disc.

Even when asking Fang Zaiji about the progress of his research on the End of Days Disc at this moment, he didn't stop feeding data to the formation.


"Have you found a way to shield the Heavenly Abyss Mirror from scanning a cultivator's body?" Li Fan asked.

Fang Zaiji chuckled, "The idea is there, but achieving it..."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

Fang Zaiji slowly explained the reasons.

"To block the Heavenly Abyss Mirror's perception of the outside world, you only need to temporarily create a false scene with your divine sense."

"Similarly, if you want to affect the Heavenly Abyss Mirror's scrutiny of your own body, you just need to construct a false body."

"But... the difficulty lies here."

"Although it's just a simple body, it contains countless tissues, blood, and even traces of spiritual power circulation. It's like a whole world. Unless one has an understanding of the body comparable to the Heavenly Abyss Mirror, it will inevitably reveal flaws."

Fang Zaiji sighed, "The Heavenly Abyss Mirror is hidden in the cultivator's sea of consciousness, and it has already scanned the body during its creation. If there are suddenly very obvious differences, it will definitely detect them immediately."

"Moreover, everyone's physique is different. Trying to create a universally applicable solution is almost impossible."

After hearing Fang Zaiji's explanation, Li Fan understood where the difficulty lay in this matter.

Even Dao Fusion cultivators probably couldn't ensure a complete understanding of their own bodies, let alone those below the Dao Fusion level.

Letting them weave a false body to deceive the Heavenly Abyss Mirror would inevitably expose numerous flaws.

"To completely control one's own body, unless..."

"Using **Foundation Building**."

Li Fan instantly thought of this term.

However, he shook his head quickly. The difficulty of **Foundation Building** was indeed too high. In the many years since the establishment of the Xuanhuang Realm, there had been no success stories. Even someone as talented as Yin Shangren left behind significant side effects...

"Hmm? The difficulty of cultivation?" Li Fan's mind flashed, and a brilliant idea emerged.

The Heavenly Abyss Mirror claims to be able to guide cultivators in their practice, right?

What if the Heavenly Abyss Mirror were to guide **Foundation Building**? What would happen?

After pondering for a moment, Li Fan explained the concept of **Foundation Building** to Fang Zaiji and proposed his conjecture.

**Foundation Building**, without relying on external items. Marvelous! In this way, doesn't it somewhat break the limitations of the new methods? Fang Zaiji, upon hearing this, took a sharp breath, repeatedly expressing amazement.

"Such a brilliant idea came from a mere **Foundation Building** cultivator. It's really..." He couldn't help but feel incredulous.

"But, upon careful consideration, with the comprehensive scanning ability of the Heavenly Abyss Mirror, perhaps it really can achieve **Foundation Building**." After contemplating for a moment, Fang Zaiji became somewhat excited.

Liu San also pondered, "Cultivators cannot know themselves, but with the help of the Heavenly Abyss Mirror, they can find another way. If successful, after returning, summarizing the method of **Foundation Building** should significantly reduce the difficulty."

"If there are individuals with extraordinary talent, they might be able to come up with an effective method that everyone can follow."

"But being able to achieve **Foundation Building** on their own."

"Completely feasible! Worth a try! If I hadn't already reached Dao Fusion cultivation, I would be eager to disperse my cultivation and start anew, trying out this miraculous method of **Foundation Building**!" Fang Zaiji was extremely excited.

Li Fan nodded, "To use the Heavenly Abyss Mirror for cultivation guidance, you need to obtain meritorious points from the conquest of myriad realms. It's also troublesome for Elder Liu to arrange for some disciples to do this. It would be best to send some lower-level Qi Refining cultivators and have them travel in pairs."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 755: Setback for the Immortal Alliance

Upon hearing this, Liu San immediately showed a embarrassed expression, "Uh, this matter seems a bit difficult..."

"Hmm?" Li Fan was slightly surprised.

Before Liu San could respond, Fang Zaiji took the initiative, "Hehe, Sect Master, are you a bit confused? Our Medicine King Sect no longer has Qi Refining disciples. Even the ones with the worst aptitude have long succeeded in Foundation Building."

Li Fan's movements with the Dissociation Disc paused slightly.

"In that case, I'll trouble Mr. Fang to go out and select some promising talents," Li Fan pretended to realize and then said somewhat helplessly.

"Better carry the End of Days Disc with you and be cautious. If the Immortal Alliance cultivators discover you, it's likely to lead to a fight," he kindly reminded.

"Fang, Sect Master..." Fang Zaiji's face immediately drooped, "Sect Master..."

"Mr. Fang, please go and come back quickly. After all, this concerns the hope of deciphering the Heavenly Abyss Mirror. I really don't feel at ease leaving it to others," Li Fan earnestly said.

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Fang Zaiji had to glare at Liu San, who was watching the excitement, and flew away directly.

"I want to go out too." At this moment, Jiang Yushan, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

Liu San was immediately stunned.

"I've been here for too long, feeling a bit suffocated," Jiang Yushan said indifferently, "Now it seems lively outside, with countless small worlds hidden for thousands of years finally revealing their true appearance. I'm very interested. Perhaps I might even encounter some old acquaintances."

Li Fan contemplated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Handing over a piece of the End of Days Disc and a communication talisman, he advised, "Safety first. The resurgence of our Medicine King Sect relies heavily on the assistance of Elder Jiang. Rest assured."

"Understood." Jiang Yushan responded coldly and then left through the void.

"Young Master, I..." Liu San hastily said.

"Liu, you stay in the Medicine King Valley. There's an important matter that will require you to accompany me on a trip soon." Li Fan waved his hand decisively, rejecting Liu San's request.

Liu San wore a bitter expression, unable to go against Li Fan's wishes. He had to find disciples from the sect to vent his frustration.

Li Fan continued to immerse his mind in feeding the Dissociation Disc.

Meanwhile, his other incarnation, Xu Bai, learned about the recent progress of the Immortal Alliance's conquest of myriad realms after returning to Tianliang City.

Things had been going smoothly, but shortly after he returned to the Xuanhuang Realm, the fervent cultivators finally suffered their first defeat.

The first batch of over a hundred cultivators entered a small world, led by three Nascent Soul experts and supported by fifty Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Such outstanding forces were nearly annihilated.

The only survivor was a Foundation Building cultivator named Lu Zhixian.

This person was originally at the end of the team, relying on his relationship with one of the Nascent Soul leaders to join the expedition force.

Thinking of earning some meritorious achievements, he never expected the situation to take a sudden turn. Lu Zhixian, sensing danger, promptly fled.

Perhaps because of his low strength, the enemies didn't pursue him relentlessly.

This significant defeat naturally caused a sensation and triggered an official investigation by the Immortal Alliance.

The suspicion of Lu Zhixian being a spy was quickly dispelled with the recorded images from the Heavenly Abyss Mirror. He was released without charges.

As the images were released, public opinion became tumultuous.

Because the one who ultimately exterminated the expedition force was only one person.

With white hair, white eyebrows, and a face full of wrinkles, he seemed extremely old, as if he could die of old age at any moment.

However, his actions were resolute and ruthless.

His beard seemed like a living creature, erupting and injuring people. It was like silver-colored serpents that instantly pierced through the bodies of Immortal Alliance cultivators.

What was even more shocking was that after this old man's beard penetrated the bodies of Immortal Alliance cultivators, it seemed to absorb their life force.

Countless cultivators aged rapidly in an instant, and some couldn't even scream before turning into skeletons.

On the old man's face, a flush of vitality returned.

This white-haired old man's strength was at least in the Dao Fusion realm. Moreover, he seemed to have a special advantage in small worlds. Ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators had almost no resistance in front of him; they could only watch as they were drained of life.

Chapter 755: Immortal Alliance's Indignation

This footage immediately aroused great indignation among the Immortal Alliance cultivators.

"To actually absorb the life essence of fellow cultivators? Such behavior is no different from a demon! Everyone should join forces to exterminate him!"

"Well said! I support you, fellow cultivator! Go quickly and behead him!"

"Hiss, I didn't expect such a ruthless person in the small world. I think unless two or three Dao Fusion cultivators step forward, it's impossible to kill him."

"A bunch of fools, haven't you figured it out? That Lu Zhixian deliberately let himself be captured, deliberately leaked the news. It's to attract more cultivators to go and die!"

"That makes sense. But if that's the case, why didn't he just leave that small world and wreak havoc in the Xuanhuang Realm?"

"Because he's not as foolish as you."


Although it sparked intense discussions, the Immortal Alliance cultivators were not fools. Since there was such a monster in that small world, they chose to detour. There were countless undiscovered small worlds, so why confront him head-on? It's better to choose the soft ones!

So, a dramatic scene unfolded.

This small world was marked with red skull symbols by cultivators on the map, but no one was willing to go in and explore.

"Anyway, in the end, the Immortal Alliance will definitely send people to clean it up."

Cultivators held this kind of thinking and chose to ignore it.

The Immortal Alliance authorities also seemed to tacitly approve of this behavior and did not issue any wanted rewards for this small world.

"Interesting." After some investigation, Xu Bai learned that there seemed to be disputes within the Immortal Alliance on how to deal with this small world.

One faction believed that such small threats should be quickly eliminated to demonstrate the supreme authority of the Immortal Alliance.

The other faction believed that in future world conquests, they would undoubtedly encounter opponents with similar strength to this white-haired old man. If they had to eliminate every threat, it would inevitably result in casualties.

Every Dao Fusion level cultivator was a pillar of the Immortal Alliance. Losing even one was a huge loss.

Even though there was the existence of the Reincarnation Pavilion, allowing revival after death, Dao Fusion cultivators seemed wary of the "resurrection" aspect. Not many were willing to take the lead.

Xu Bai spent some effort to find out the reason behind this.

It turned out that despite various methods allowing resurrection and even retaining memories and cultivation from previous lives, there was a fatal flaw that all Dao Fusion cultivators couldn't ignore.

Once they entered the Reincarnation Pavilion, they would never have the chance to reach the Longevity Realm.

The exact reason was unknown, but judging from the performance of Dao Fusion cultivators, it seemed to be true.

After all, which Dao Fusion powerhouse didn't have the ambition to achieve eternal life?

Resurrection was just a last resort.

(End of this chapter)