
My Longevity Simulation

This is just me using AI to translate and saving it here to read later for personal use

Kamog · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 68

As Li Fan's body temperature increased, the figure of Chi Yan in his sea of consciousness became clear again.


Even if Li Fan ran the Xuanhuang Refining Heart Art to the extreme, he ignored the faint smell of burning on his body.

At the moment when the Chi Yan phantom spirit was about to take shape, Li Fan inexplicably withdrew from the visualization state.

"Could it be because it was too hot, exceeding the limit of the body's endurance?"

Li Fan pondered and searched for medicines that could resist the heat in the Heavenly Mystery Mirror.

He spent 10 points of contribution and bought an Ice Heart Pill.

After taking it, Li Fan tried again.

As soon as the heat brought by Chi Yan appeared, a cold breath emerged from his dantian.

This breath circulated throughout his body, suppressing the heat.

Without distracting himself to suppress the discomfort of his body, Li Fan concentrated all his spirit and condensed the Chi Yan phantom spirit.


It was useless!

The phantom spirit still shattered at the last moment before it was about to take shape.

There seemed to be something deliberately obstructing in the dark, and the phantom spirit could not take shape.

After trying more than a dozen times, the effect of the Ice Heart Pill began to fade.

Li Fan stopped.

"The spirit of heaven and earth is really extraordinary, even if I use it as a prototype to condense a phantom spirit, it won't work..."

"There must be some rules that I don't know about restricting it."

Li Fan thought for a while and searched for information about the spirit of heaven and earth in the Heavenly Mystery Mirror.

As he expected, the Heavenly Mystery Mirror told him that his authority was not enough and he could not view it.

For a time, Li Fan's idea of condensing a Chi Yan phantom spirit fell into a dilemma.

But he didn't intend to give up.

The greater the restriction, the greater the harvest once successful.

The power of the spirit of heaven and earth was vivid in his mind. Even if he could get one ten thousandth of it, it would be extraordinary.

But how to do it still needed to be carefully considered.

So, Li Fan maintained his auxiliary cultivation assistance and entered into an enlightened state. He closed his eyes and thought quietly.

One day, two days, three days...

Time passed day by day, and his contribution points also burned little by little.

Finally, after seven days, Li Fan opened his eyes.

The spirit of heaven and earth was the manifestation of a certain law of heaven and earth.

If Chi Yan's flame represented the law related to flame, then what was the special meaning of Chi Yan's red?

Besides Chi Yan, were there any other flames?

Li Fan tried immediately.

He still visualized the spirit of heaven and earth. The figure and breath were exactly the same as Chi Yan in his memory.

Only that, the color of the figure changed from red to green.

This time, the phantom spirit took shape smoothly. But it was extremely weak, like an empty shell, without any power to harm enemies.

He dispersed the newly born phantom spirit in his sea of consciousness.

Li Fan tried again.

This time, it changed from green to black.

Black flame was like Chi Yan. The phantom spirit could not take shape. But unlike Chi Yan, there was no burning sensation when visualizing black flame.

He tried another color.


Li Fan tried all the colors he could think of.

He found that there were four situations.

The first one was like Chi Yan. It could not take shape and felt a burning sensation during visualization.

The second one was like green flame. Although it could take shape, it was like an empty shell without any power.

The third one was like black flame. It could not take shape and there were no strange phenomena during visualization.

And the fourth one was also the most special one.

In Li Fan's sea of consciousness, a phantom that was almost exactly like Chi Yan slowly condensed.

Only that its color was blue.

And as the blue flame phantom spirit slowly appeared, Li Fan's body temperature began to drop sharply.

Layers of ice flowers spread from where Li Fan was to the outside.

His hair and eyebrows were covered with frost, and his body gradually became stiff like ice cubes.

Even Xuanhuang Refining Heart Art that had been silently running was affected by it and became slow, as if it would stop at any time.

Li Fan's heartbeat slowed down more and more, and his breath quickly declined.

But Li Fan's consciousness fell into a strange state.

It was as if his soul had left his body. He watched his body's changes like an outsider.

There was no emotional fluctuation.

Li Fan had a hunch that in this state, even if his body was destroyed and he died in the next second, he would not have any fear.

This was a state of absolute calmness and rationality.

It was in this state that Li Fan silently watched his body being completely frozen.

It was as if he had entered absolute zero, and fell into complete silence.

At the same time, in Li Fan's sea of consciousness, the blue flame phantom spirit took shape completely.

The temperature did not rise, but vitality quickly appeared on Li Fan's body.

It was as if the absolute cold could no longer affect Li Fan.

Li Fan moved his spiritual sense, and the blue flame in his sea of consciousness flickered slightly, and the extreme cold on his body quickly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Li Fan returned to his original appearance. He also withdrew from that state of absolute rationality.

The extreme cold seemed like an illusion, leaving no trace.

"This is the power of blue flame?"

In his sea of consciousness, the small blue flame phantom spirit fell into a deep sleep.

But Li Fan knew that he could wake it up at any time and reproduce that state.

"The four situations that I encountered when visualizing different colors of flame phantoms should correspond to the conditions of the spirit of heaven and earth."

Li Fan made his own guess after some thinking.

The spirit of heaven and earth was the concrete embodiment of the heavenly law. At the same time, the cultivators here could also refine the spirit of heaven and earth and achieve the realm of harmony.

Then, in the previous visualization process, those that could take shape but had no power should represent that there was no such type of spirit of heaven and earth.

And those that could not take shape, like Chi Yan, should belong to the system of heavenly law. Although he could draw its power, he could not possess it; like black flame, it should have been refined by a cultivator who had achieved harmony and was no longer in this heavenly law.

Then what did this blue flame represent?

"The law of life and death?"

"Does that mean that soon, somewhere in this cultivation world, the real spirit of heaven and earth: blue flame, will descend?" Li Fan fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Li Fan sighed and hid his guesses about the spirit of heaven and earth in the depths of his mind.

No matter what, although he did not condense a Chi Yan phantom spirit, he accidentally visualized a blue flame phantom spirit.

The two had opposite attributes, but the power of blue flame seemed to be no less than Chi Yan.

Li Fan was overjoyed and struck while the iron was hot. He started to cultivate "Nether Spirit Illusion Art" again.

He tried to cultivate and strengthen the blue flame phantom spirit so that he could launch spiritual attacks on others.

Time slowly passed in cultivation.

Before long, Li Fan suddenly withdrew from the auxiliary cultivation mode.

It turned out that under the consumption of long-term cultivation, his contribution points became only more than a hundred.