
Chapter 1192 The Return of the Soul after a Thousand Years

Chapter 1192 The Return of the Soul after a Thousand Years

Even though the paper strength of the Holy Dynasty is expanding rapidly, at this stage it is still far from being able to challenge the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance and the Five Elders Association.

So, the initial stage of the plan is still focused on infiltration and erosion.

During the upheaval of the Xuanhuang a year and a half ago, the Immortal Alliance suffered some losses among their grassroots cultivators. There are now rumors circulating that in the upcoming entrance exam, the Immortal Alliance will expand its recruitment to a certain extent.

Li Ping has already selected a group of talented individuals and is preparing to send them into the Immortal Alliance.

Although grassroots cultivators may seem insignificant, they can slowly erode the internal rule of the Immortal Alliance like maggots. And as time goes on, their cultivation and contributions will increase, leading to greater harm and influence.

The investment cost is extremely low, but the effect is excellent. The more the merrier.

"With the existence of the Golden Source Force Web, not only can they smoothly infiltrate the Immortal Alliance, but I can also control them from start to finish."

"No need to meet in person, you can complete information and even material exchanges."

"This method of contact is both covert and secure, far surpassing the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance and the Five Elders Association, making it very difficult for them to detect."

In addition to eroding the Immortal Alliance from within, it is also necessary to reduce its potential.

"Within the Xuanhuang Realm, all the outstanding cultivators within the next hundred years must be fully mastered. If they cannot be used by me, they should be eliminated as soon as possible."

"Even the assassination plan can be shifted to blame the Five Elders Association."

"I will sit back and watch the show..."

While weakening the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance through various means, Li Ping also definitely won't slow down the development of the Holy Dynasty.

Once the number of the You Clan reaches a certain scale, and enough pure golden Source Force is collected, Li Ping will use it to transform the Ten Thousand Spirits Great Array of Heaven and Earth.

Transforming the small world of the Great Dawn into a truly impregnable fortress, hidden and drifting in the void.

"I can feel that since the arrival of Yin Shangren, Oudi Zi, and other outstanding Xuanhuang experts to the Great Dawn small world, the previously stagnant situation of the Holy Dynasty has the potential for a breakthrough once again."

"This is the law of mutual restraint. I have forcibly taken the luck that originally belonged to the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance."

"It's just not enough for a complete promotion yet."

"In addition to the acquisition of luck from the outside world and the accumulation of time, the position of the small world of the Great Dawn itself is also a major limiting factor. Perhaps it is time to consider the upgrading of the small world."

With a single thought, Li Ping returned to the Sacred Emperor's Seat.

Before long, Sun Erlang, surrounded by a killing intent, appeared in front of him.

The brave and valiant young man from the past has grown into a terrifying executioner in the Great Dawn Empire.

Leading the Forbidden Army of the Holy Dynasty, conquering various realms. Over the years, countless creatures from other small worlds have died at the hands of Sun Erlang.

"Greetings, Master!" Sun Erlang knelt on one knee.

"How is the construction of the Ten Thousand Spirits Array in various realms?" Li Ping asked.

"Eleven have been completed, and six are still under construction." Sun Erlang succinctly conveyed the specific information through his divine sense.

"For the time being, the conquest has been put on hold. Expansion has been too rapid and needs to be digested properly. For those small worlds, any dissenters should be mercilessly dealt with. I don't want our backyard to catch fire when we officially go to war with the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance."

The implications of Li Ping's words made Sun Erlang's spirit tremble.

Even though he knew that his Master had grand ambitions, this was the first time he had clearly expressed the conquest plan against the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance.

This made Sun Erlang, who had found subjugating those small worlds as easy as cutting vegetables, feel excited.

Li Ping saw through Sun Erlang's thoughts in an instant.

"When you've seen enough sheep, you think the world is full of sheep. Not to mention the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance, even some of the small worlds hidden in the Xuanhuang Realm are not something our current Great Dawn of the Holy Dynasty can match." Li Ping said calmly, then pointed at Sun Erlang.

"Go to this place. It is the secluded location of the ancient Taiyan Sect. See if you can convince them to join our alliance."

"The Taiyan Sect..." Sun Erlang's eyes flickered.

"Go. It's a special place, and you will understand it once you get there. Don't push too hard. My purpose is simply to make you rein in the arrogance in your heart."

Unlike the training strategy for Oushang Tian, when Sun Erlang's path veered a little, Li Ping chose to proactively correct it.

In addition to having a deeper emotional connection with Sun Erlang, Li Ping also needs a powerful senior martial brother to suppress all other disciples.

So it is inevitable that special attention will be given to training.

"I hope this kid gains something from the trip to the Taiyan Sect."

Li Ping thought to himself as he sat on the Sacred Emperor's Seat.

Meanwhile, Sun Erlang, following the Sacred Emperor's instructions, arrived at the burial site of Yi Xing.

After collecting Yi Xing's remains and the scattered white papers, Sun Erlang went straight to his destination.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an ancient immortal sect burial site within the Great Dawn Empire. I wonder what use the teacher has for these papers that he specifically asked me to collect." On the way, Sun Erlang carefully studied them but found no profound meaning.

Putting aside his doubts, Sun Erlang soon arrived at his destination.

Taihua Prefecture, Taixuan Mountain.

"Master said that the entrance to the Taiyan Sect is hidden within this mountain?" 

After searching in circles, there was no sign of a spatial passage.

Sun Erlang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

If brute force were used, it would be possible to forcibly create a passage in the mountain. However, since he had come to persuade the other party to join the Holy Dynasty alliance, he didn't want to rashly destroy the sect's residence.

After some consideration, Sun Erlang decided not to act recklessly.

He found a place of good Feng Shui on Taixuan Mountain.

He dug a hole and then took out Yi Xing's bones.

Just as he was about to prepare for burial...

A figure suddenly appeared behind Sun Erlang.

"So you really came!" Sun Erlang thought to himself.

But on the surface, he pretended to be on guard and exclaimed, "Who are you?!"

The figure ignored Sun Erlang and just stared at Yi Xing's remains.

As if lost in some kind of reminiscence, the figure remained motionless for a long time.

Sun Erlang wasn't a reckless warrior, so he naturally wouldn't disturb the figure that seemed to possess unfathomable power.

He simply waited patiently.

"If you wait a few more years, things might be different."

After a long time, the figure sighed and waved his hand towards Yi Xing's remains.

In an instant, Yi Xing's bones disappeared, and the figure turned to look at Sun Erlang.

"Young gentleman, why have you come?" 

As Sun Erlang looked at the face before him, which appeared to be about the same age as himself, he hesitated for a moment before honestly explaining his purpose.

(End of this chapter).