
Chapter 1164 Only Hand Overturns Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1164 Only Hand Overturns Heaven and Earth

Baihua Daoist turned his head away, shaking uncontrollably and not daring to respond.

Li Ping waited for a long time, but still did not see Baihua change his mind. Then, he sighed lightly and put away the three real immortal seals by his side.

"Never mind, if the friend is unwilling, I don't need to force it."

"After all, using the power of real immortals is not something everyone has the courage to do..."

"As for transporting the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven, is there any difficulty for the friend?" Li Ping returned to the topic and asked.

Feeling the disappearance of the terrifying power around him, Baihua Daoist briefly recovered from his panic.

The tone of Li Ping's inquiry was already slightly different from before. Baihua knew that if he refused again, he might really anger this madman. He had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

"Friend, please start your journey as soon as possible. By the way, since you are unfamiliar with the place, for safety's sake, I will send a disciple to accompany you." Li Ping said intentionally or unintentionally.

When Baihua Daoist saw Li Ping's so-called disciple, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, and his body trembled again.

"This... even though Baihua has extraordinary experience and has witnessed the destruction of many worlds with his own eyes, he still finds it difficult to accept at this moment: a body that looks exactly like an ordinary human, but is actually made up of countless unknown insects that are constantly wriggling. Each of these insects has its own individual thoughts, but they come together to form a collective body of a 'human being'.

Baihua Daoist's scalp tingled, not because he was scared by the endless ugly bugs, but because of his body's instinctive reaction.

It seemed as if those insects had a natural restraint against a body made purely of energy.

Even though she was in the Longevity Realm and still some distance away from these insects, Baihua still felt the sudden restlessness and unease in her body. It kept warning her to stay away from this insect person.

"You can call him [Dao Yi]." Li Ping answered without answering.

"Don't worry, although Dao Yi's strength is a bit lacking, he has some unique abilities. With his help, the friend should have an easier time transporting the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven."

Seeing this, Baihua Daoist could only grit his teeth and nod slightly. Under the guidance of Dao Yi, they headed straight for Tianlingzhou.

Watching the two of them go, Li Ping did not actually feel much joy in his heart at the thought of impressing the Longevity Realm.

"My own strength is not enough after all. I can only use external objects to intimidate. If I could display the essence of the source of power, it wouldn't be so troublesome."

Dao Yi is a special variant of the multitude of insects preserved in the Crystal of the Ten Thousand Beasts.

No matter how many there are in the group, they can always maintain a collective consciousness as a whole. More importantly, this Dao Yi is not just a producer of spiritual energy.

It seems like it can reside in spiritual energy, reproduce itself using spiritual energy, and then gradually transform itself into a form of spiritual energy.

Under the condition of sufficient external reproductive conditions, Dao Yi only needs about a year to convert the spiritual energy of the entire small world into "itself".

The entire process is silent, and it doesn't even affect the various creatures that depend on spiritual energy for survival in the world.

Even cultivators with weaker strengths are unable to detect it.

Only when one reaches the Nascent Soul Realm and has a separate cave world within their body can they sense this mutated spiritual energy.

Sending the Dao Yi cultivated from a strand of his consciousness to the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven, Li Fan's intention is to let it undergo a transcendent transformation there.

By using the enormous scale of spiritual energy in the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven, he hopes to cultivate a large amount of mutated spiritual energy that can shake the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Dao Yi to develop in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Once the mutation of spiritual energy exceeds a certain scale, it will inevitably alert the cultivators and be reported to the Immortal Alliance.

Although it would be a bit more troublesome to deal with, it is really not difficult for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to eliminate these insects.

But from discovery to management, it takes a certain amount of reaction time.

If there is a large enough number of them, it can achieve a drastic change in the spiritual energy of the Xuanhuang Realm before the cultivators react.

This move is Li Ping's preparation for counterattacking the Xuanhuang Realm.

When spiritual energy has self-awareness and can distinguish between friend and foe, the advantage that the Union of Ten Thousand Realms cultivators will have in their battles against the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is probably not insignificant.

"Daring to change the heavens and the earth."

"The aura of this Xuanhuang Realm is too decayed, it's time to give them a good lesson."

As a split personality of Li Fan, the Holy Emperor Li Ping has been stripped of his memory of his true self.

In his own cognitive self, he is the consciousness of the Xuanhuang Realm's attempt to save itself from the world-ending crisis, a product of coincidence.

The so-called Fate Saint.

He knows almost all the secrets of the Xuanhuang Realm very clearly. He has even foreseen countless futures of his own destruction.

And his ultimate goal is to change the heavens and the earth, to liberate the Xuanhuang Realm from the corrupt rule of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

The Holy Emperor Li Ping firmly believes that his goal is not too far from being achieved.


The first fishing competition in Daji officially kicked off.

A total of ten outstanding individuals will personally demonstrate their fishing skills in front of the Holy Emperor.

Originally, all three of the Holy Emperor's disciples participated in the competition, but in the end, only the straightforward Wang Xuanba made it to the final.

This undoubtedly proves the fairness of the competition.

After passing through a circular light gate and feeling a moment of dizziness, the ten contestants arrived in what appeared to be a very ordinary garden.

The great faceless Holy Emperor was sitting not far away, by a small pond, fishing with his eyes closed.

Most of the ten people had never seen the Holy Emperor before. They dared not disturb him and waited nervously with their heads bowed.

After a long time, the Holy Emperor suddenly reeled in his fishing rod.

To the surprise of everyone, the object pulled from the pond was not a fish, but a white light cluster.

He casually put away the light cluster and explained the rules of the competition to the ten outstanding fishermen.

"In this pool, I have placed countless treasures."

"One person, one fishing rod, one chance."

"The higher the quality of the treasure caught from it, the better the result."


The speech excited everyone deeply.

This is because the Holy Emperor promised that regardless of their ranking, the treasures they fish out will belong to them!

In the excitement, as a disciple of the Holy Emperor, Wang Xuanba was the first to take action.

Before that, Wang Xuanba had never been to the fishing pool.

Sitting there for a long time, he then reeled in his fishing rod.

In the end, he was empty-handed.

An empty pole!

This made Wang Xuanba extremely frustrated.

After seeing this scene, the others were all shocked. They realized that the Holy Emperor's fishing test was definitely not as simple as ordinary fishing. They became nervous and serious one by one.

As they took turns to the fishing pool, in the end, one purple, three blue, and five white light clusters were pulled out from the fishing pool.


Another chapter will be around 12:30.

(The end of this chapter).