
Chapter 1083 Mr. Bai's Sword Test

Chapter 1083 Mr. Bai's Sword Test

However, these years of experience have matured him, and he quickly calmed down.

He calmly commanded his subordinates to suppress and subdue the out-of-control members of the Beast Control Sect.

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for a chance to seek revenge on them openly."

"It's time to stretch our muscles. I've been cooped up in this small mountain for years, and it's making me sick."

"Brothers, put in some effort. Let's not be looked down upon!"


In an instant, the tens of thousands of dormant beast spirits of the Beast Control Sect surged out like dragons emerging from the sea, enveloping the entire area with a dark, terrifying aura.

The threatening aura of the beast spirits even momentarily overshadowed the threat of the Great Calamity.

"Not good, the beast spirits have rebelled!"

"I told you, those who are not of our kind will have different hearts. Without using the true beast control technique to subdue them, it's really bringing endless trouble! It's the fault of the Sect Master for not listening to me!"

"We're doomed!"

Facing the crisis of the Great Calamity, the Beast Control Sect, which was already struggling to survive, was naturally no match for the beast spirits that had been dormant for many years.

It took just three days to completely suppress them.

Although the process may have been a bit heavy-handed, the beast spirits did not harm the lives of human cultivators with Xuke's presence.

"Boss, what should we do next?" Chijiu asked with a serious expression.

The Great Calamity naturally had a certain impact on the beast spirit community.

The inherited techniques of each ethnic group often exist in only one form.

However, the beast spirit community is strictly hierarchical and can still stabilize the situation for the time being.

"I didn't expect Lord Emperor Yi's prediction to actually come true. If I had known, I should have left with him." Yuxuan Hou sighed.

"At a time like this, there are only two options. One, go against the principle of not cultivating together. Two, if you can't do that, then you can only adapt to the changes in the world." Xuke responded calmly.

"Since we can't cultivate together, then let's cultivate different techniques! Our Beast Control Sect's techniques are not enough..."

"Then let's borrow some from the surrounding sects." Xuke said with a solemn look.

The surrounding beast spirits were puzzled at first, not understanding the meaning. But soon they realized what he meant and were delighted one after another.

After all, plundering is the nature of the beast spirits.

"Lord Xuan Niao, do we really have to do this?" Xuke didn't appear as resolute inside as he seemed on the surface. He still had some conflicting feelings.

"Don't be too kind-hearted. The Great Calamity is coming, and it's likely that one in ten Xuan Huang cultivators will survive. Now that you are the nominal leader of the Beast Control Sect, you must take responsibility for their life and death."

"It's better for others to die than for us." Li Fan's tone was cold.

Silent as death.

After a long time, Xuke finally made up his mind: "I understand."

He looked up with a determined look in his eyes.

Half a day later, under Xuke's instructions, the beast spirit army quickly swept towards the surrounding area with overwhelming force.

They destroyed sects and collected resources and techniques.

They bypassed the powerful sects and only targeted the weaker ones, seeking to end the battle quickly.

With thousands of spirit beasts acting as one, they were an unstoppable force at the onset of the Great Calamity.

In just half a month, they had wiped out hundreds of sects, large and small.

In the past, this kind of demonic disaster would have attracted the attention of the ten immortal sects and faced a joint siege by countless human cultivators.

But now, the ten immortal sects were busy with their own affairs. They had no time to deal with the matters of other sects.

All the techniques plundered by the spirit beasts were handed over to Xuke.

When the collection seemed to be almost complete, Xuke immediately ordered to stop.

After decisively killing dozens of insane and disobedient spirit beasts, Xuke immediately issued the order to retreat.

"Are we also going to flee?"

"Retreat? Where to?"

The Beast Control Sect cultivators, including all the spirit beasts, were puzzled.

After Xuke explained, everyone suddenly understood.

It turned out that Xuke had already made preparations and sent people to find a secluded small world where they could settle before returning from Mount Saint Beast to the Southern Dark Beast Mountain.

"The Great Calamity of Xuan Huang is likely to last for thousands of years. If we want to survive, we can only temporarily retreat into a small world and plan for the revival step by step." Xuke sighed.

During this time, everyone had witnessed the tragic situation of the conflicts between the sects in the outside world.

Compared to that, the death toll in the Beast Control Sect was extremely low.

All of this was thanks to Xuke's foresight and planning.

"I thought that after Lord Emperor San Mao mysteriously disappeared, our future would be uncertain. But unexpectedly, the boss's tactics are just as good as Lord Emperor San Mao's."

"Nonsense, if not, would Lord Emperor San Mao and Lord Emperor Yi have handed the Beast Turning Wheel over to the boss so easily?"

"I've said it before, following the boss means having meat to eat."

Xuke's actions finally made everyone completely obedient and loyal without any doubts.

Under Xuke's command, they quickly moved towards the unknown small world.

Before leaving Xuan Huang Realm, Xuke and Li Fan looked back at the world one last time and said, "Someday, we will come back."

Then their figures slowly disappeared from the world.

At the same time, the scene in the Fallen Immortal Realm froze.

The surroundings turned pitch black from the brightness.

"I wonder if this will be considered passing the test of Lord Xuan Huang?" Li Fan actually had no idea in his mind.

However, coordinating the human and spirit beast communities to coexist harmoniously.

When the calamity arrived, using any means necessary to maintain the survival of the group.

These were the most perfect methods that Li Fan could think of at the moment.

If not for his previous experiences, Li Fan probably wouldn't have come up with these methods in a short time.

It seemed like the Illusionary Realm was evaluating Li Fan's actions.

Compared to the first scene, the waiting time was even longer.

But fortunately...

A gleam of white light suddenly appeared from the darkness.

After a dizzying moment, a new scene was generated once again! Li Fan had successfully passed the test and arrived at the third scene, the Sword Refinement of the Sky Sword Sect!

"What is being tested this time?"

Li Fan had not experienced the scene of the Sword Refinement of the Sky Sword Sect many times, so he did not have full confidence.

However, during his years in the Beast Control Sect, Li Fan had already made sufficient preparations.

He quietly followed the established plot, playing the role of the character he had possessed.

Until the cultivator disguised as Mr. Bai came to challenge!

None of the disciples of the Sky Sword Sect were a match for Mr. Bai.

Amidst the shock and fear of the crowd, Li Fan stepped forward proudly.

"I am willing to learn from Mr. Bai's techniques!"

"Please, Mr. Bai, see how my swordsmanship measures up?"

Li Fan said loudly and casually picked a branch from a nearby tree.

It was exactly the same as what Mr. Bai had done before!

This action caused a commotion among the members of the Sky Sword Sect, and even Mr. Bai showed an expression of interest for the first time.

(This chapter is complete).