
Chapter 1015 Passing on the Law and Leaving the Treasure Vault

Chapter 1015 Passing on the Law and Leaving the Treasure Vault

Since Tian Yang appeared in front of him, Master Qiao Gong's gaze has not moved away.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Master Qiao Gong looked up and down, marveling.

"It's amazing, truly amazing."

"To actually perfectly integrate human and object..."

"Back then, our chief elder of the Tian Ji sect, Shangguan Tuo, wanted to completely control the Ancestor, so he took a great risk and merged his own soul into the broken core of the Ancestor."

"Of course, it was not successful, and almost led to the destruction of the Tian Ji sect. Since then, similar attempts have been strictly forbidden. Although our sect's art of refining is quite extraordinary, a state as natural and perfect as this..."

Master Qiao Gong's eyes were filled with excitement, even showing a hint of obsession.

Although Tian Yang was taciturn, he had already regained his clarity of mind. He cautiously observed Master Qiao Gong and quietly moved to Li Fan's side.

"Hehe, this is the beauty of cultivation in the various immortal realms. This method is called the Dao of Body Transformation, which allows the fusion of body and object. After observing for so long, do you have any ideas for enhancing Tian Yang's abilities?" Li Fan asked with a smile.

"I have ideas, I have plenty of ideas! I simply..." Master Qiao Gong's face turned red with excitement, as if he had discovered a new and marvelous toy.

"If Tian Yang had appeared in our Tian Ji sect back then, it would have caused a huge sensation! It might even have completely changed the history of the Tian Ji sect!"

"Our imitation Tian Ji puppets still have a considerable gap compared to their prototype, the Ancestor. The key point is that our resources are limited, and every time we need to create and compare them from scratch. Because we cannot communicate with the puppets, but with the help of Tian Yang..."

"Many of the Ancestor's functions might be realized..."

"Of course, perhaps it will also require the help of Daoist Li's Dao Flower power." Master Qiao Gong then turned to look at Li Fan.

"Hehe, Daoist Qiao, you can count on me." Li Fan promised generously.

Sensing Tian Yang's doubts about Master Qiao Gong's reliability, Li Fan reassured him privately, finally dispelling Tian Yang's suspicions.

Watching Master Qiao Gong and Tian Yang disappear together, Li Fan flashed to the central underground chamber.

"Source power can act on and refine the treasures?"

Li Fan summoned the End Dissociation Disc.

After a moment of contemplation, he chose not to use the source power essence generated from the faceless stone statue, nor the source power gathered from the sentient beings' spiritual energy cultivation technique.

Instead, he only used the feedback cultivation he had gained from his own practice.

A destroyed body emerged in his dantian.

Under Li Fan's guidance, a large amount of stored cultivation surged towards the End Dissociation Disc.

Upon careful observation, Li Fan discovered that the majority of the source power was not absorbed by the disc.

Instead, it remained untouched and flowed back.

If not captured by a cultivator, it would eventually dissipate into the world.

However, Li Fan keenly noticed that a very small part of the source power disappeared during contact with the End Dissociation Disc.

With narrowed eyes, Li Fan generated a new body and gathered the scattered source power back, then continued to energize the disc with source power.

It was like sieving sand from rocks.

Slowly but surely, the End Dissociation Disc underwent a change.

Although it was difficult to discern any visible changes, the acceleration of the disc's derivation array was undeniable.

"Some treasures, when used by cultivators for a long time, will gradually develop spirituality, becoming more effective and obedient. It's somewhat similar to this process."

Feeling the increasingly deep and clear connection between himself and the End Dissociation Disc, Li Fan seemed to understand.

Unfortunately, every object has its limit.

Despite extracting source power to enhance the disc's abilities by about one-fifth, it ultimately became ineffective.

"It's better than nothing. I just don't know if, after the disc absorbs the nine discs of this world and undergoes a transformation, I can use the same method to further refine it." Li Fan pondered to himself.

As if in response to his thoughts, three days later, Li Fan finally received a message from Mo Rubin.

The meeting place was still the hidden paradise, and the nine End Dissociation Discs were now in his possession.

When Li Fan saw Mo Rubin again, he noticed that there seemed to be something different about him.

"Hmm? You seem a bit different?" Li Fan asked straightforwardly.

Mo Rubin smiled and did not hide anything: "Haha, indeed, I can't hide anything from you, Brother Xingwang!"

"I've worked hard for the Immortal Alliance, resolving one trouble after another. My contributions are obvious to all, and the Council of Transmitters naturally rewarded me."

"But isn't the Immortal Alliance made up of all of you transmitters? You can take whatever you want. Why do you need rewards?" Li Fan half-jokingly and half-mockingly said.

"You can't say that. The Immortal Alliance has always belonged to the Supreme Sage of Transmission. We, the transmitters, the overseers, and the virtuous scholars, are just managing on behalf of the Supreme Sage." Mo Rubin said with a solemn and official attitude.

Then he laughed heartily.

"However, the items in the 'Multiverse Treasure Vault' are truly extraordinary. It was an unexpected joy to have a great harvest this time." Mo Rubin did not reveal what he had obtained, but instead began to introduce the Multiverse Treasure Vault.

It turned out that within the Multiverse Treasure Vault were many treasures obtained by the Supreme Sage from the bodies of the cultivators who had merged with the Xuan Huang Realm.

Within the darkest starry sea, only the Xuan Huang Realm survived.

Other cultivating realms had either fallen into the Immortal Ruin or had been devoured by the Xuan Huang Realm.

All the treasures from these realms were stored in this vault.

The title "Multiverse" was truly appropriate.

Being chosen by the Supreme Sage and collected into this vault, the treasures naturally held great value.

In Li Fan's mind, he could even see the image of the Supreme Sage diligently collecting the treasures from the fragments of the cultivating realms in the starry sky and then integrating them into the Xuan Huang Realm.

"Unfortunately, only the Council of Transmitters can jointly decide to open the Multiverse Treasure Vault, and I can't enjoy them privately. Otherwise, I could let Brother Xingwang enjoy the benefits as well." Mo Rubin said with a smile.

Li Fan, however, remained stern: "They are just external items. Tools, just like these nine End Dissociation Discs. Ultimately, we still have to rely on ourselves."

Upon hearing this, Mo Rubin's expression changed.

He then said seriously, "Brother Xingwang is right. I was getting a bit carried away with myself."

With a cold snort, Li Fan said nothing more.

But he looked at the nine Dissociation Discs, which emitted a faint white light, handed to him by Mo Rubin.

He forcefully suppressed the surging desire that suddenly emerged from the End Dissociation Disc in his sea of consciousness.

(End of Chapter).