
Chapter 1013 Passing on the True Way of the Law

Chapter 1013 Passing on the True Way of the Law

"No need to worry..."

As he spoke, it seemed that Crafty Master was reminded of the calamity in the immortal realm many years ago, and he fell silent.

"It's hard to say. After all, the path to the root of the dao is extremely dangerous. Even ordinary immortals, not to mention the nameless true immortals who are one with the dao, are inevitably at risk of falling." Crafty Master sighed.

With this statement made, a long silence fell between the two of them.

Li Fan seemed to be digesting this conversation, frowning, lost in thought.

After a while, he came back to himself and said, "What you said earlier, that unbelievers will suffer backlash, does that refer to the consequences of seeking another root of the dao?"

"Exactly," Crafty Master nodded, "It will not only alert the origin immortal, but it may even cause a disturbance in the root of the dao itself."

"Because, from the information we currently have, each root of the dao is quite pure, independent, and exclusive. Of course, it may be that there are realms beyond the realm of the nameless true immortal where multiple daos merge, but that's just speculation without a shred of evidence."

"And the theory of the root of the dao that I mentioned earlier is the conclusion we reached in the Tianji Realm, through research and analysis of the body of the ancestor. It was the consensus of everyone at the time and should be correct." Crafty Master's eyes flashed with a hint of sadness.

"I see that your creation, the Vitality of Mortal Souls technique, also seems to have traces of this 'theory of the root of the dao,'" Li Fan added timely.

"Hehe, you've noticed. Not only the Vitality of Mortal Souls technique, but even the practice method of 'opposing the natural order to achieve longevity' in the Mysterious Yellow Realm, actually conforms to the true meaning of the dao root." Crafty Master spoke in a low voice, with a deep tone.

"Master of Transmission, this person. Although he hasn't reached the realm of immortals yet, he has achieved the authority of a partial immortal through this method, which is truly terrifying." Crafty Master spoke with great reverence, clearly in awe of the Master of Transmission.

"He may not be an immortal, but he already has some of the powers of an immortal. As I said before, either become his disciple and follow his teachings, or just kill him directly." Crafty Master whispered cautiously about the Master of Transmission.

Li Fan furrowed his brows at this: "So, according to what you're saying, if the Master of Transmission were to die for some reason, it might even affect all the cultivators in the Mysterious Yellow Realm?"

Crafty Master shrugged, "It's really not impossible. That's why I say this person is extremely terrifying. I even suspect that he is a reincarnated immortal. Otherwise, it's difficult to apply the theory of the root of the dao with such skill."

Li Fan's brows furrowed deeply.

This was something he had never considered before. It seems that dealing with the Master of Transmission will be even more difficult than he had thought.

"By the way, I noticed that the two guardian golems you created look exactly like the Master of Transmission. Is there some kind of mystery behind this? Could it be that the puppet ancestors of your Tianji Realm are also like this?" After a while, Li Fan suddenly asked the question that had been on his mind.

Crafty Master quickly shook his head, "You've misunderstood, my friend. The appearance of the ancestors is damaged and unrecognizable. The reason I designed the guardian golems to resemble the Master of Transmission is probably because it better conforms to the way of the Mysterious Yellow Realm."

To dispel Li Fan's doubts, Crafty Master explained proactively, "You can see that my Tianji puppet not only uses source power to create, but also incorporates many components. However, the guardian golems are purely composed of source power."

"Although it is source power gathered from practicing the Vitality of Mortal Souls technique, it is ultimately influenced by the Master of Transmission in the Mysterious Yellow Realm. In order to maintain its stability, it was created in his image."

A few words dispelled Li Fan's suspicions.

If it is confirmed that the Master of Transmission is a reincarnated immortal, then in the future in the Mysterious Yellow Realm, he will probably have to keep a lower profile.

But from the current situation, even if he is not a true immortal, he is not far off.

"In that case, what is your attitude towards joining our Multiverse Alliance?" After a long silence, Li Fan spoke again.

Crafty Master didn't hesitate at all: "Of course I can. Nowadays, the path to immortality is cut off, and ascending to immortality and seeking the root of the dao has long become a futile pursuit. Having the opportunity to become a disciple under this... the Compassionate True Immortal..." Crafty Master recited the name with great respect.

"It is indeed a great honor. You must know, with the calamities spreading throughout the galaxies, a surviving true immortal is undoubtedly the mountain that countless cultivators dream of relying on." Crafty Master's eyes were full of longing and reverence.

"If we can leverage the power of a true immortal, various plans that were stalled due to insufficient conditions in the past should be able to be implemented smoothly." Crafty Master's last sentence revealed his true reason for wanting to join the Multiverse Alliance.

To avoid arousing suspicion from Li Fan, Crafty Master hurriedly explained, "In the past, our research on the puppet ancestors yielded many rewards. The Tianji puppet is just the most basic one in our designs."

"You can also see that what drives it is source power, which is the fruit of the dao. If we can use the power of the Dao Flower to create the puppet..." Crafty Master's eyes lit up with anticipation, "We will definitely be able to create true immortal puppets that surpass ordinary cultivators in strength."

"Although they may not be comparable to true immortals, they should have no problem dealing with Longevity Realm cultivators."

Crafty Master was full of confidence.

With that, he looked once again at the golden wish force that had always surrounded Li Fan's fingertips.

That is, the power of the Dao Flower.

Upon hearing this, Li Fan nodded slowly.

He recollected the golden wish force back into his body, storing it away.

"In that case, follow me to pay our respects to the Compassionate True Immortal!" Crafty Master felt a sudden blur and suddenly appeared in a circular hall.

In front of him, a stone statue with an indiscernible face stood tall.

The aura emanating from the statue was very similar to the residual aura from the ancestor many years ago! Both belonged to the power of immortals!

Crafty Master had no more doubts in his mind.

Willingly, he sincerely recited the membership oath along with Li Fan.

Almost the instant the oath was complete, Li Fan felt that the most devout power among all the members had connected with him.

It was even stronger than the 'sincere seeker of the dao,' Dao Xuanzi, whom he had evaluated before.

"Perhaps seeing the power of the immortals in person makes one even more devout, and unable to resist," Li Fan thought silently.

But to follow the path of those who had already become immortals, to become a lackey, was obviously not something Li Fan would do.

Of course, occasionally borrowing a little...

Wouldn't hurt. 

(End of the chapter).