
Truth or Dare

At my place, me and Shie decided to sleep overnight. Tita is counting on me to take care of her daughter. I also promised her that nothing will happen between us. You see, a trust of a parent of your love ones mean so much to me. They also know me as the man of my words Hahaha.

I enjoyed staying at my bed with Shie, she's clingy and a funny type of person to talk with. There's a lot of fun if she's around, she began to be my world right at the moment she entered in my life. She is my first and my last, hopefully.

It's almost nine o'clock in the evening , Shie and I couldn't sleep.So I suggested a game to play that would make us fall asleep.

We played the game Truth or Dare.

The game started with Shie having her turn.

She make chose of Truth and I confidently answered her with "I l o v e y o u b a b e." She smiled at me and started to blush.Then It's my turn and I gave her a simple DARE to do.

"Babe, would you dare kiss me a couple of times?"

Then she answered me "No, I can't." I asked her "WHY?" and

"I would dare kiss you ,a thousands of times!" she replied.

I hugged her so tight while she kisses my cheek.

"I don't know what will happen to myself without you" I added.

She became speechless at the moment I told her that , so i offered her a glass of milk to make her sleep instead of staying up late. Our anniversary celebration turned out so well and I'mj glad that she enjoyed it like its our first time to celebrate.

In the midnight I suddenly woke up , I heard Shie's cellphone ringing. "Shie, you have a call." I whispered near to her ear. The call was from her friend Mia , I wondered what's been going on , so I answered the phone. After accepting the call ,I was shocked! It's not Mia who called. I barely can't recognize the voice but it sounds like a guy. I deleted the call history so that Shie can't know about this. I looked into her very disappointedly.

"How can be my girl have an affair with someone?" Since it's our anniversary, I calmly think twice and let it slip for that time.

In the morning I gave her a ride to go home and I played very normal that morning.

After that, I didn't eat for straight 12 hours. That call last night bothers me, "Is she in love with another guy?" "Why would she name that guy in someone named Mia?" "Is she cheating on me?"