
Chapter 5 - The Broken Heart part 1

It was a Thursday night, just a few days after the funeral of Qimy's and Huznah's parents. Ever since that day, Qimy has been eating less, always staying in his room, become less social and more quiet. Huznah on the other hand, noticed Qimy has been changing and she is pretty worried. Qimy haven't sleep yet so she thought she could check him if he's okay. She knocks on Qimy's bedroom door. "H-hey, Qimy... Do you mind if I come into your room?", she asked politely. "Oh... Yeah... Yes you can", Qimy answered with a soft and pale voice in his bed, laying down and just staring at the ceiling.

Huznah goes and sits next to Qimy in his bed, looking at him. She plays with Qimy's hair gently. "How are you doing?", she asked. Qimy looks at Huznah's eyes and replied "I'm fine". Huznah makes a suprised face and said "You don't look fine". She sighs slowly. "It's okay, you can tell me. I promise not to make fun of you or something", she continued. Qimy tears up, then sobs. Huznah hugs him tightly, trying to make him comfortable in her arms. "I miss Mom and Dad... *sniffs*", Qimy said in a sad voice.

Huznah made sure Qimy was crying in her arms."I know... Me too. Sshhhh... Shhhh", she tries to calm Qimy down, but Qimy was still crying. Huznah has never seen Qimy this sad and heartbroken in her whole life. "Don't worry... I'll always be there for you... And I'll take care of you, you'll take care of me, and we'll take care of each other", she continues. After a few minutes, Qimy finally starts to stop crying, and Huznah's still playing with his hair, gaining his love. When Qimy stopped crying, Huznah asked him something pretty embarrassing. "Can I sleep with you tonight?", she whispers to Qimy's ear. "U-um... I-I don't know... It-it feels w-wrong", Qimy stutters while blushes. "PLEEAAASE?", Huznah looks at him with a cute face. "I'm sorry if I'm a little forceful or cringe, it's okay if you don't wanna sleep with me", she continued. "U-um... Can you sl-sleep with me tonight?", Qimy asked Huznah. Huznah looks very suprised and replies with a cute soft voice "Should I be the one who ask you? Why are YOU asking me?". "Well, if you want me to sleep with you, I wouldn't mind", she continues while blushing. Qimy's face turns red.

*to be continued*