
My Little Warrior

Read to find out about: Aria, our little warrior, who no one wanted in the pack. Ben, our lovable best friend. A post war world, where there are still so many secrets hidden. Enzo, a powerful alpha who never knew what was coming. "The largest werewolf war took place. The reason why no one actually knows. The rumors were due to territory, betrayal and greed. Some of the stories even talked about kidnapping and devil children who were too powerful for their own good. The people who could answer that question ended up dead. The werewolf population was lower than ever before. In an attempt to create some type of peace and allow time to regrow, the surviving packs made a treaty..."

kyprofy · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 18

Moon Goddess answered my prayers but at the wrong time! I wanted a mate, but now? She is here at my training. She is a warrior. When I first saw the angel, I froze. Peter and I were going to the mess hall. We had a few minutes until the schedules had to be collected. Normally, only the people who are at the schedules at this time are the last minute stragglers or people putting their bets in. I always thought it was funny how they would bet on who would do the best, but whatever they needed to past the time. My own warriors did this, but they think I didn't know. It is a suicide pool. They pick one person at the beginning who they think will go far. If they get sent home or at the bottom of the ranks then they are out of the pool. I know who everyone picks, and that's why they become mentors for them, as if it was some coincidence.

Peter was going to get the schedule. I was on my way to go into the mess hall when I smelt it. Her. It was like comfort and smiles put into a bottle. It changes the air and made it thick. The smell was so unique, especially around here. Wildflowers and Thunderstorms; We cut down all of the wildflowers and when it rains the smell is washed away. We keep everything clean, and many think wildflowers don't belong. Heck, so do I. My dad said that before the war, there were lands that were beautiful and untouched. They let nature take over and wildflowers grew all over. This was the place of the war or the first massacre that started everything. The blood and bodies covered the flowers making it a morbid scene, one that everyone wanted to forget.

I turned around and saw her. The strawberry blonde beauty. I was at a loss for words. I couldn't hear anything. Time just stood still. She was into some sort of conversation with Peter but I couldn't pay attention. I just kept wishing that she would look in my direction. I felt things stronger than any werewolf because I was an Alpha, so I knew she had to be my mate based on what was happening to me. No one had this kind of pull over me. She probably wasn't feeling what I was feeling though. We just need to touch to feel the electricity run through each other. She just had to look into my eyes. We may be two different entities in one body, but our eyes connect us. It is our soul: part wolf and part human. We would never be complete without our other half, without that moment that our mates look into our eyes and the bridge between souls is build. There are some people who never get to meet their mate and live their life fine. Once their destined mate dies however, the bridge will never be formed and you can see the emptiness in their eyes. Like Howard, his mate died long ago. He only caught a whiff of her scent, and then the blood. By the time he reached her, she was gone and her soul had passed. Now every time you look into Howards eyes, you see a little bit of nothing. His soul is fractured. It was worse for him because he saw her. He knew, but it was just too late.

She still didn't even glance my way as she stormed off into the mess hall. It was then that I started coming back to my senses. What just happened? Why didn't I introduce myself? Why was she storming off like that. I didn't even notice Peter standing there looking so angry. He popped my gleeful bubble when he started ranting about her. My mate. "Can you believe that mutt. I can see why no one wanted her in West Paw. Does she not realize who we are? That was disrespectful! We are the ones running this, and to tell me that I have to change some things! She is lucky that she made it this far! I don't even feel bad about her schedule anymore! She is going to put back into her place," he said as he went to retrieve the schedule. I let Peter make the schedule for the lower two rooms, while I focuses on the upper two. It just happens that the upper rooms are more likely to make it in to the Elite Force. I don't like having to worry about all the paper work for the newbies. Now I am just wondering what he meant when he said he doesn't feel bad. Peter was closing in on the door to the mess hall until I put my arm out to stop him. He looked up at me slightly confused. It was then that I took the schedule and made my way to the table. Her smell wasn't as strong now that it was mixed with all the warriors. I sat down and soon spotted the beauty. I wasn't a fan of her being surrounded by all those guys. They were listening and staring at her like she was the bravest of them all. Damn, I really wish I was paying attention to her conversation with Peter. They shouldn't be smiling at her. She shouldn't be over there. She should be with me at this table.

"Baby! It took you long enough to get here! I am so excited that we get to spend the whole week together! Maybe if it gets too late I can just crash in your bed?.. Zo? Are you even listening to me?! ZO!" I finally looked away from the table and up at Clara. Now she was pissing me off more than ever. Her smell, like cheap perfume was burning my nostrils when she kept leaning over the table to get closer to me. When she saw the irritation on my face she began," Oh baby, you are stress out. Let's go to your office and I can make you feel all better. Then we can go watch the show, I mean battles. Peter over there set it up so that girl warrior over there, has to fight everyone she shares a room with. It is going to be so bad, that it will be good. She is going to be done by the first fight. If it is too boring, we can always sneak off for a little." Her words caught me off guard, before I could even comprehend what was going on, I started looking through the schedule for her. Peter made her fight every lower person! It is not too late to fix it. She probably thinks I'm the one so against her. Like I'm trying to make her fail and get hurt!

I stand up and push Clara's arm off of me and make my way to her table. As I move through the crowded cafeteria, everyone started bowing their heads. This is something I have been use to from a very young age. When I reached her table, she was the only one not bowing. " Excuse me, I need to speak with you in the hallway if you have a second." My heart was pounding. I was so excited to have my opportunity to be alone with her. I could clear somethings up, and maybe she wouldn't have to fight at all.

"I have a long day ahead of me so I need to save all my energy. I really don't feel like having anymore arguments before the battles, so I won't have a second." Everyone around her just gasped. Great, she was a stubborn one. I should have realized it as soon as I saw Peter so man in the hallway. She is a button pusher. A button pusher who still hasn't looked in my direction. How can she smell so amazing, calm me down but get me utterly annoyed. This little lady has shown me no respect, and is trying to make a fool of me in front of everyone else. The joke will be on her. I cleared my throat then began, " Fine. I was going to make you aware that their was an error with the schedule. I didn't make that schedule nor did I check it before it got hung. I would have corrected it early, or even if I had the chance to speak with you. Since you seem like you are so ready for the day and you want to tough it out, I'll just keep it the same. Good luck." I patted her hand which was resting on the table as I said good luck. When our skin made contact it was like fireworks being set off. I knew I wasn't the only one to feel it this time. My little warrior had a large intake of breath when it happened. With that I turned away with a smile. I could feel her eyes on the back on me and did it feel so good. I got what I wanted even if it was daggers being sent in my direction. She will know who I am, and soon she will succumb to fate.