
My Little Sisters Want Me To Steal Protagonist Lovers.

"I love you." It took a lot of guts, but I managed to look at her dejected expression as tears streamed from her eyes and she looked at me with the same emotion that I did, only to be told that I was too late to hear the words she had been longing to hear. "Sorry, but I am already taken by someone else." By the time he finished speaking, silence had descended upon the roadside. He was standing there, staring at her back, his hands clenched in sorrow over having lost the one thing he had once treasured. "Brother, are you happy? If not, then let's grab it back from others." Kai felt that when he looked into those pure eyes, there was something beyond what he could have ever imagined, but he never imagined that he would have three little fallen angels by his side. "We worship the Lord, but from the shadow part of this life." "We bring justice by claiming what's rightfully mine." // This image did not belong to me. If the real creator want me to remove it, please contact me in the review or comment section, I will definitely respond to them.//

Shubham_Gosai_1583 · Urban
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3 Chs

Time together!

As the night descended.

With the exception of the first sister, who was the quietest of the three, Kai continued to observe the three young sisters, who, after their father left the room, finally approached him to speak with them.

"Big brother, do you want to eat ice? We want to eat some; can we go out to buy some right now?" After talking with them for a while, the young girls began to act more like their age and began to pull him toward some ice cream.

Because they were giving him such adorable puppy eyes, Kai could not bring himself to refuse their request.

All four of them then departed their house and moved a short distance to the left of the park in front of it, where a convenience store was still open.

"Ara! Such cute girls, Kai, who are they your relatives?" Although the elderly grandfather working at the shop was somewhat accustomed to Kai's daily visit, he was surprised to see him arrive with such adorable young girls by his side.

Three of them immediately hid behind Kai, which caused the old man to chuckle as he observed their behavior and thought the three of them were really cute.

"It is alright, Mea, Rena, and Ilia." Three of the girls—blue-haired Ilia, golden-brown Mea, and purple-haired Rena—hid behind the Kai because they were unfamiliar with Shopkeeper.

So Kai patted their heads and instructed them to give the shopkeeper a proper greeting; in return, the elderly man gave them a chocolate bar.

"Thank you, big uncle!" The old shopkeeper laughed when he heard them refer to him as their "big uncle," but he did not mind their words and found them to be more amusing.

Kai also smiled at their antics and pulled them inside to ask what flavor of ice cream they would like to eat.

Kai is a little taken aback when all three of them turn to face him in silence after he responds, as if they were expecting him to make the first decision or something.

"Is there something wrong? Do you want Big Brother to choose first or something?"

Kai will always remember what his father said when he explained that two of the three girls had experienced the world's most repulsive aspects and had developed past their chronological years.

"Big Brother can buy any flavor that is within your budget; we do not have much liking or disliking for things like these."

Kai turned silent, as this was the first time that he had felt that the children in front of him had suffered things beyond what he could imagine.

And keep in mind how a similar minor issue had previously torn him apart; however, in the eyes of these children, his suffering could be nothing more than childish fantasy.

"No matter which flavor you like, just tell me, and I will buy them for you." Kai pulled the three of them together and gave them each a small hug, patting their head and lovingly touching their cheeks.

"Really!" The smallest one of them reacted the first, as she clutched his sleeve tightly as if not wanting to leave him and wanting a figure she could get hold of in her life.

"Yeah, anything; also, from now on, I will not tell you these things again, and we will continue to come once or twice a week to eat ice cream here."

These were the least that Kai could do to make them happy, considering how little pocket money his father gave him.

Kai was not wealthy.

Since he is currently single, the money he used to save to occasionally treat her like a friend has no purpose.

He also no longer has anyone he is interested in dating.

The very least he could do at this point is to cheer up three of them, encourage them to smile more, and help them forget about their past struggles.

'He is so kind, still thinking about us?' Mea looked at Rena and Ilia simultaneously as if they could hear each other's thoughts, causing the two of them to look at her and share the same perspective regarding their big brother.

'But he is still hiding about the thing from before behind that smile; should we ask him indirectly.' Kai, who was watching Mea and noticed the thoughtful expression on her small face in response to Rena's words, found her behavior to be very amusing and smiled.

Mea then turned to look at her brother and blinked a little.

Kai was not the only one to have this thought. However, the shopkeeper was also observing them and thought it was funny given Mea's small size and grave expression.

'Alright, then I will ask him indirectly; also Rena, you should also act as my support.' As they both turned to face Kai, Mea made a choice and directly addressed Rena.

Kai did not know that his thinking was directly heard by all three of them. Mea was turning to look at him when he found her, which made him a little uneasy.

"Then, brother, will we really come to her often to eat ice cream, right?" When Kai heard their query and realized that the other two, despite being a little more developed, still retained that innocent quality in their thinking, he smiled.

"Yeah, it is a promise!" When she again asked a question, Kai had to stifle a smile as he patted her head and attempted to calm their fears. He then turned to face his younger sister and looked at her with concern.

"Then why do you smile so sad, just like our mother did when she left us alone in that place?" Kai had no words to answer his little sister, as he looked at their clear eyes and found that they were able to see through his very being.

"I! You see, big brother lost something today, so I was a little sad, that's all, and I will definitely not let you guy away like your mother, I promise."

When two of his little sisters walked up to him, hugged his leg, pulled down his shirt, and motioned for him to lower himself to their level, Kai blurted out those words as he watched them.

Kai felt silent while two of them hugged him, but he still drew them all away because he did not want to sob in that store. He thought that his sisters were real angels because they arrived just in time to mend his broken heart.

"So, Big Brother had lost his first love, right?" One of them was being held over Kai's arm as he walked, and the other two were walking alongside him while holding on to his clothing on the side.

He nearly spit out the ice cream he was eating as he observed his younger sister Mea in his arm and noted how mature she appeared to be.

Despite the fact that her sweet demeanor was completely at odds with the words she frequently uttered, she consistently identified the correct points in his words.

"Then only brother needs to snatch it back, and for that, brother needs to slim his weight, put on some muscles, and practice some self-defense. Additionally, brother, you need some solid financial support or you will quickly turn into a lady killer, as my mother once told me."

Kai was very eager to meet that woman and inquire about her thoughts regarding instructing such a young girl in such a manner.

Nevertheless, what Mea said was actually his main weakness in regards to the person who had taken Shiina away from him.

"But most of all, brother, lack of courage! As long as brother can have courage, we will be able to make brother have everything he lacks in this world."

Kai's expression changed slightly as he turned to look at Mea, who had a very serious expression on her face, at the conclusion of her words.

Before he could laugh off her comments, a blue screen appeared in front of him, and Rena turned to face him with a small smile. 'That's right, brother! This will be the first quest for you, from my side.'