
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

StarscreamSigma · Anime & Comics
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Episode 6: Chaos History Lessons

Scene 6.0: Chaotic Void, Dominion Of The Eccentric, Time:???, Date:???


In the Chaotic Void in the Dominion of the Eccentric where Shadow's First Teacher rules, he is eating with beef, dragon meat, pony meat, chicken, fish and other type of meat food with his bodyguard, the Minotaur Wearing The Golden Fleece, is also eating alongside his master the same meal. At that moment Shadow enters the room through a small door located on a large gate-like door wearing a bandage over his head.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:


Aah! Shadow, Me Boyo! How's it going!? Care to join us?



(Annoyed Sigh)

It's too early for me to eat this type of food. I still have 3 Weeks before this type of Chow-Down.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Oh, Yes! Your body is Half-Equestrian. You can only eat meat once a month. Too bad. We Immortal Entities have it real good. We can eat ANYTHING WE WANT and Not suffer any consequences.

[Notices Bandages On Shadow's Head]

New Eyes What this!?



These bandages? My Foster Sister Almost Knocked My Block Off.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

That's Not Possible! Your Chaos Veil should have protected you form a damage that strong.



(Annoyed Sigh)

That's...why I came here today. I believe that deadbeat might have sealed most of my power away.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Let me have a closer look!

The Ancient approaches Shadow and looks at him at all angles as he strokes his chin and out of childishness, he pokes Shadow's bandaged head.






??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

(Maniacal Laughter)

Sorry, Sorry! It's Just So Funny! You Know! 'Cause You're Weak!

(Laughing Uncontrollably)



WHY YOU--!!!


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Now, Now! Hold Your Horses! Let me tell you what is happening! I mean, that's why you came here for, right?



(Grinding His Teeth, Trying His Best To Stay Calm)

Out With It Already!


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Hey, Big Guy! Should I Tell Him? Or Should I Tell Him?


??? [Minotaur With Golden Fleece]:

You Should Tell Him...In Complete Detail, My Lord.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

I Thought So Too.




Why Did I Come Here When I Should Have Gone To Master Kairos!?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:


That Moronic Zebra Knows Nothing About Chaos Magic From My Dominion.



Your Dominion? How Many Versions Of Chaos Magic There Is?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Oh, There's A Large Variety. The Chaos Magic Me And Your Father Use Is The Chaos Of The Eccentric.



And What's My Chaos Magic Alignment?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:





T...B...D...To Be Determined!? Are You Mess--


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Pulling Your Leg!? Nope! Actually My Brothers And Sisters Can't Make Neither Heads Nor Tails On Your Magical Alignment. So trust me when I tell you that…

(Annoyed Tone)


(Normal Tone)

...Wouldn't Be Able To Help You!!! If we, The Ancients, can't pin what's your magical alignment, what makes you think any idiotic mortal in Equestria can help you!?



What about Discord's Alignment?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

The Chaos Of The Trickster, Obviously!




Why did I even bother asking?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Oookay! Time to be serious!





??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

You are not wrong. Your father did seal away your magic and he did a fine good job too. That means he must know what your Chaos Magic Alignment truly is. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to seal your magic this perfectly. You see...sealing magic is not as easy as every mortal thinks. To seal someone's magic to the point to render them completely powerless, you need to know how your target's magic works. Most Magic in Equestria coincidentally have the same alignment: Harmony. So sealing that magic away is far too easily to do. Discord's Magic...not so much since the Princesses needed to seal him away in stone in order to contain him. If they new how to seal away his magic, sealing him in stone wouldn't be an option at all.



What about Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow? They were seal in stone in the end.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Yeah, Well...They were given far too many chances for reform and every single time, they came back far more unhinged than before. Plus...it was Discord that suggested that they were sealed in stone in the first place. I guess he suggested it out of revenge since he did a lot for them in order to understand the point of view of what he was trying to teach them, but they betrayed him and...you know the rest.



I think you are giving Discord and that Terrible Trio too much credit if you ask me.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Believe what you will. It's up to you to decide what to believe in. Anyhoo...I can't believe Jack also managed to weaken your Chaos Veil and Chaos Symbiote as well.






??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

(Laughing Maniacally)

I Know! I Can't Believe It Either! Your Chaos Veil and Symbiote are independent entities from you and yet he managed to seal their power away too. Just like you, your Veil's Alignment is TBD, but your Symbiote's Alignment is part of the Chaos of The Glutton. That's why you need to feed on Meat in order to keep it stable. If you can't keep it stable, everyone in Equestria will be part of your dinner menu plans. Your Veil needs to be regulated with your own magic to keep it stable. If you can't regulate it, it will devour YOU alive.



My Symbiote is part of the Glutton, but you can't determine my Veil's alignment with what you just said?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Chaos Veils has multiple alignments, so pinning it down to one is virtually impossible until a certain event takes place. What type of event? Well that depends on your personality and your personality Shadow is Quite Edgy, You Are A Jerk and have a lot of emotional baggage that you keep very well hidden. You also have a lot of Daddy and Mommy Issues.






??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:


But it's true! Anyways! It's a good thing he sealed all 3 of your Chaos Magic: Your Basic Chaos Magic, Your Chaos Veil and your Chaos Symbiote.



I always wondered why I need the Veil and the Symbiote.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

All Ancients and Our Apprentices Need To Have Them. The Veil is to have a High Defense against every attack that comes our way. The Symbiote is to have an accelerated healing factor if our Veil's High Defense is somehow penetrated. By the way...You can take the bandage off now.



(Removes Bandage Of His Head, Feel No More Pain, Scoffs)

That was fast.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Yeah, an injury inflicted by a dragon takes awhile to heal, but with the Symbiote, it only takes around an hour. As I was saying, it's a good thing you got Nerfed by your dad though!



(Sarcastic Tone)

Oh, do tell!


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

We all know you have all the power in the cosmos to conquer Equestria overnight. If you were to make the takeover in your True Form, not even the combined power of all of Equestria like how they defeated the Terrible Trio, can't stop you since no one can pinpoint your Chaos Alignment and to be brutally honest, your Full True Power is far beyond Discord's which mean that sealing you in stone is pretty much next to impossible. Your True Full Chaos Magic Power is equal to Us Ancients, but you are not powerful enough to defeat the weakest of us and the Weakest Of Us Is None Other Than Your Father.



(Furious, Glowing Glare, Evil Growl)



??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

I knew you would hate to hear the truth, but that's what it is.



(Annoyed Sigh)

Are you sure I cannot be stopped if I somehow lose control of my senses?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

The beauty of a Female Alicorn is that they have the power to Overclock their Magic to insane levels unlike a Male Alicorn, but...the Chaos Veil is powerful enough to withstand that much force of magic. But if all 5 Alicorns: Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Flurry Heart were to join forces, the damage that would be inflicted on you would be severe, however not enough to subdue or defeat you completely. The Symbiote would takeover your body and your power would be amplified in order for you to fight back, especially if the Alicorn Princesses can't fight back after Overclocking their Magic. You see...Overclocking any of your abilities have a major downside for said trait. To both Alicorns and Unicorns, Overclocking their magic would render them weak for a certain amount of time. Alicorns can regenerate magic faster since they are Earth Pony, Pegasus and Unicorns rolled into one which means they have 2 sets of reserve magic. Unicorns will take longer to regenerate magic since unlike Alicorns, Unicorns don't have a reserve magic like Alicorns do. I will be the first to admit that Equestria is powerful enough to protect itself from any evil, But...if the evil that threatens and attack Equestria is on the same level as Us Ancients, Equestria will fall faster than a Jenga tower collapsing.



Not While I'm There.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

I did say you aren't strong enough to beat Jack and with your power sealed away by him at the moment, how are you going to win in your current state?



That's why I came to you. Can't you undo the seal or release some of my power?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Did you forget what I said? None of us Ancient knows what your Chaos Alignment is at the moment. Since we don't know about it, we literally don't know how your magic works, the same can be said for your veil. As for your Symbiote...I don't recommend it. You see, Your Basic Magic and Your Veil is the reason Your Symbiote is stable at the moment because all 3 are at the same even level. But if I release or undo the seal on your Symbiote, it will be more powerful than both Your Basic and Veil combined, therefore you will lose control of it. Think of it like breeding a Pokémon.



Excuse me! A what!?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

A Pokémon! I'll tell you all about it one day. Anyhoo...In this Universe, you raise certain combat partners. These partners have the capability to grow stronger as they battle and with enough battle experience, they have the power to evolve. However...there are some evolutions that are too powerful to control and there are times that said evolved partners rather turn on you than listen to you. That's what will happen if I release your Symbiote from its Power Seal.



(Clears Throat, Defeated Sigh)

Fine! I get the point. So...how do I get my powers back?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

That...I do not know...but I noticed he sealed enough of your magic to put you on about the same level as Flurry Heart.




Gggrrreeeaaattt...So I'm Slightly Stronger than the Weakest Alicorn in all of Equestria. I think I'll live. By the way...out of all of my friends: Who is the strongest at the moment?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

You really don't want to know!



Try Me!


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

(Looney Tunes Funny Character Voice)

You'll Be Sorry!!!




Listen Here! I'm Not Some Prideful Fool Who Can't Handle the Truth! So Tell Me Already!


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Fine! But like I said: You'll be sorry. Number 2 Strongest is Luster Dawn The Unicorn. Number 3 Strongest is Flurry Heart the Alicorn. Number 4 Strongest is Blaze The Dragon. Number 5 Strongest is Yavish The Yak. Number 6 Strongest is Florid Harvest The Kirin. Number 7 Strongest is Gatz The Griffon. Number 8 Strongest is Slipstream The Hippogriff.






??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

I told you you wouldn't like it.



Hold On There!!! Luster is Number 2!? Then Who Is Number 1!?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

(Scratching The Back Of His Head In Shame And Worry)

That's...another reason you won't like it. The strongest of all of your friends...is Krystal The Changeling.






??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

(Serious Expression & Tone)

I know what you are going to ask, but...I can only tell you so much. Also...my brothers and sisters demanded me not to tell you everything. Only the details you are allowed to be told...which is only a few crumbs of details. I know you have a lot of questions, so ask away. But remember...I'm only going to answer the questions you need to know, not what everything you want to know.



(Furious, Thinking)

Damn!!! Even The Ancients Know More About Krystal Than Me!? What In Tartarus is Going On Here!?

(Out Loud, Sighs)

Why does Krystal look like an Alicorn Version of Queen Chrysalis?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Changelings are Insect-Type Creatures and Insect-Type Creatures cannot survive for long without a Queen. The Changelings were able to survive their independence from Chrysalis due to the fact that the Changelings harnessed enough Love to evolve without her. But unfortunately, the amount of love they held at the time is not enough to sustain them in the long term. At the moment it was just a short term solution. You see, a Drone have the ability to surpass the Queen if the life said Drone is in dire peril.



When Chrysalis was taking all of Thorax's accumulated love by force.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Yes...And to be honest...None of us Ancients were expecting the Chain Reaction that occurred there after.



When all of the Changelings evolved.


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Exactly. The form they all now posses was not for that. It was meant for a means of Survival in a Dire Situation.



Technically Speaking...they were all suffering from famine in that point in time. Can you blame them from resorting to taking that form?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

You are correct, My Dear Apprentice. But as I mentioned...that form is a "Short Term" Solution.



Then...how can we make it into a Long One, then?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:




You are saying that if Chrysalis took that form too, then this wouldn't be a Short Term Solution?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

Indeed. To be frank, if Chrysalis had undergone the metamorphosis herself as well, this would have become a "Permanent" Solution to the current fixture. But instead, she decided against it and worse, she has been sealed in stone by a suggestion of Discord. By doing that, the acceleration of the extinction of the Changelings has been set in stone...Pun Intended Mind You.



How does Krystal fit in all this!?


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:




Answer Me!!!


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:


With Chrysalis sealed in stone, the Changelings have lost their future and at the time in route to extinction. Everyone knows that if an Insect Colony loses their Queen, their survival is, unfortunately nonexistent. That also include the sentient ones like the Changelings...however...the Sentient ones have a possibility to survive...if a Queen-Type is born among their numbers. Unfortunately...None of the Changelings have enough magic within them to produce one. Only A Queen-Type Changeling Can Produce Another Queen-Type. Do you understand what I am getting at, My Apprentice?



(Shocked Beyond Belief, Torn, Devastated)

You...you...you don't mean…


??? [Ancient Eccentric Alicorn Of Chaos]:

That...is all I am allowed to tell you. If you want to know more about the girl...you will have to find out the rest on your own. But I will say this...if that girl hadn't been born...the Changelings would have disappeared in less than a Century. Remember that. Etch it forever into your mind, heart and soul, My Dear Apprentice.



(Thinking, In Turmoil)

Krystal...Krystal...Krystal...Is Chrysalis' Daughter…? Nooo...NONONONONO!!! I REFUSE!!! I REFUSE!!! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT!!! Is that...is that why Starlight and the others refuse to tell me!? Is that why...they are afraid that if anyone outside their circle finds out...Krystal would be…? NO!!! I WON'T ALLOW IT!!! I WILL NEVER ALLOW IT!!!

(Remembering Young Krystal's Suffering)

Krystal...she's like me...she and I...we have been in a very dark place before. But I managed to get out of there because of my strong will and determination to settle the score with my father. She has always been alone in her suffering and with no way to get out. If I hadn't approached her when I did...she would have ended her suffering herself in the most tragic of ways...If...if she finds out who she really is...I'm afraid she will go back into that darkness and never return. I...I will protect her...No Matter What!


Scene 6.1: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 7:15 AM, Day 3 of 365


As everyone is eating breakfast made by Shadow (including Smolder, Ocellus and Shadow's Friends smooching of his cooking again), Luster doesn't see Shadow anywhere at the table.



Hey! Where is Shadow?



That's how he is. There are times where he joins every creature for breakfast and there are times where he just wants to be alone so he can prepare for the day. I don't blame him since he's going to be trained by Discord later today and from what we know, Discord is quite the trickster. Shadow doesn't have the patience to deal with Chaos Creatures' Eccentricity.




Chaos Creatures' Eccentricity? You mean that all Chaos Creatures are just as crazy as Discord!?



That's what he always tell us. Shadow claims that he met a couple of the Ancients and learned that in order to exist in the Chaotic Void, they needed to attain, assimilate, incorporate and completely become one with the Chaos Magic of the dimension. And in order to fully control it, they need to be a little kooky. Chaos Magic have a lot of perks which Shadow refuse to tell anyone what said perks are, but even though it have countless perks, it also have only a couple of downsides, the downsides are so powerful, it completely overshadows all of the positives.



Do you know what those downsides are?



Not all of them since knowing Shadow, he doesn't want to scare every creature around him if he shows that he is suffering from said downsides. One Perk that usually becomes a downside is that...if you are as young as Shadow and is infused with Chaos Magic, said New Young Chaos Creature will be an Edge-Lord; But as Shadow will grow older, the edginess starts to mellow out to the point that edginess becomes eccentricity.



(Hard Gulp, Scared)




Hold It!!! You Mean To Tell Us That Shadow Is An Edgy Jerk Because He's Young, But As He Grows Older...He'll Be As Annoying As Discord!?



(Nervous Smile)

I Know! I didn't think that was possible...until I looked on how Grampa Torch's history before becoming the Dragon Lord and after retiring and passing the role to my mom. Before and during his reign as the Dragon Lord he was a very strong and harsh leader...but after he was no longer the Dragon Lord...he is all smiles, jokes and a very lively dragon.



(Worried, Thinking)

I Can't Imagine Hardcore Jerk And Edge-Lord Platinum Shadow Acting Like Discord. And I Really Don't Want To See That Either!



Another downside that I heard is the means of regulating Chaos Magic, but he never told us how he usually regulates it. Then there's the possibility of losing control of it.



Isn't that the same as regulating it?



That's what we told him, but he rebutted it by saying that regulating it is just to maintain the Chaos Magic to a certain level so he doesn't accidentally overclock it while using magic here in Equestria. Emotions is a key element that has the power to boost Chaos Magic. What he means by "Losing Control" is that if the emotion is too explosive, the Chaos Magic would cause a whiplash effect and destroy everything around him. When a Chaos Creature reaches adulthood and becomes eccentric, that's a sign that said Chaos Creature has Mastered their control of their magic and emotions. I bet Discord was no different. I guess when he was young, he couldn't control his magic either. Anyways, I am getting off topic. Another downside is...possible off-springs.



You mean if Discord and Shadow have foals of their own?



Well...hear me out. We now know Jack is Shadow's Father and it would appear that he isn't a Unicorn, but in reality a Chaos Pony. Shadow's birth mother was a Pegasus. Since Jack is a Powerful Chaos Pony and Shadow's Mom a Pegasus, there was a 50-50 Chance of Shadow being born a "Normal" Pegasus with no Chaos Magic at all. And as a fail-safe placed by the Ancients, Jack's descendants would never inherit the power if Shadow wasn't born with it.



How is that possible?



I am curious myself. After researching biology, I learned that even if Ponies of different attributes are joined, their foals still inherit a certain portion of said attributes. Take for example the Cake Twins, Pound and Pumpkin. In Mr. Cake's Family Tree, one of his ancestors is a Unicorn, while in Mrs. Cake's her ancestor is a Pegasus. We assume that at some point, a few of their ancestors weren't born as either Unicorn or Pegasus, but the possibility for their descendants being born as either is still there.



The reason for that is, is because it has been prophesied that a Chaos Pony is destined to end all life in Equestria during the End of Days. In order to prevent such fate, the Ancients placed such fail-safe on all Chaos Creatures. I think that Discord have the same fail-safe in him even if he doesn't know. But in my honest opinion, this Fail-Safe is only delaying the inevitable if the world will end one day and by a Chaos Pony.



It is inevitable, there's no doubt about that and I don't question that fact. But...I believe that the more time the Ancients gives the world for everyone to be happy, the better. The End of Times will be a horrible once it arrives, might as well see everyone be happy until say age arrive.


At that moment, Shadow sits at the table and start eating his breakfast of Miso Ramen.



How long have you been listening?



(Slurping Noodles)

Long Enough.



What are you eating? Soup? This early in the day?



This is Miso Ramen, an Oriental Delicacy. Yeah, in a way it is soup, but far more delicious because of the variety type of noodles and broths. There are so many flavors, it's criminal. There are even weird ones made to see how they perform, but they didn't mass produce it. Instead they would make a limited time run from time to time and if they get sold out every single time they did the Limited Time Run, they would end up making it an official product rather than a Limited Time Promotion. I'm glad a good number of them were discontinued.




Oh! Oh! Oh! Was there a Candy Flavored Miso Ramen!?



Miso is a Type of Ramen, not a usual part of the Ramen. But yes, there was a company that did a Candy Flavor Ramen. It was discontinued due to it causing food poisoning on a large number of their customers.




Aww! I wanted to eat it!



(Remembering How Disgusting Candy Flavor Ramen Tasted, Blue Face)

Trust me! You don't want to eat that...thing.



(Notices Shadow's Expression, Laughing)

You Actually Ate It!



(Annoyed Sigh)

My Greatest Sin And Weakness In Life Is My Curiosity. Sue Me!




Oh, Aniki…!



My point is...in the East you can eat food that usually you only serve at lunch and/or dinner at breakfast. So there is nothing wrong in doing so...unless if the food has too many calories, which said food is only meant for lunch and dinner like pasta. Anyhoo...I don't want to talk about my eating habits. Can we please talk anything else?



Alright. So there were a high possibility that you wouldn't have been born a Chaos Pony?



That's right. Chaos Magic is far too dangerous to be allowed to be possessed by a large number of creatures and yes, it is because of the End of Times. The Ancients...they fought against the Ultimate Evil...this Evil wielded Chaos Magic that can destroy not only this reality, but all realities including the ones not connected to this one. The name of this Evil...was a Female Alicorn named "Luminescence". Her Power was so Horrific...she ended the lives of half of the Original Ancients. There were a total of 26 Ancients back then...now only 13 Remains. And what is worse...the 13 she ended, she also Erased. Meaning that they no longer exist. They're not in the Afterlife, Limbo or any version of the Underworld...they just vanished, never to be ever again. Meaning that reincarnation is impossible.







What happened to Luminescence?



She wasn't defeated, destroyed or sealed away. She just up and left.



What was the point then!? Why start a fight with the Ancients if she wasn't going to destroy them?



Luminescence's Goal was never to destroy this reality…Yet...But to plant the seeds of her power which she succeeded. Before her arrival, Chaos Magic was as linear as Harmony Magic. But after that battle, Chaos Magic had become as expansive as the roots of a tree...but...she unknowingly did the same thing to Harmony Magic. Chaos Magic has many emotions linked to it while Harmony Magic has many Virtues linked to it. I actually found out about magic links when I visited my teacher last night. But the Story of Luminescence I have always known. After the battle, Luminescence revealed what she have done by stating that one day her clone will be born into the world, her power will be impossible to be determined because she is her clone. Her clone will inherit the 7 Great Evil Powers. But her clone will be born during the Golden Age of this world and thus, she will born with the 7 Great Holy Powers due to all of the positive energy the Golden Age will be producing as well. However...tragedy will strike Luminescence's Clone, forcing her to embrace the 7 Great Evils and bring the End of Times.




The Golden Age!? That's…!!!



Luminescence's Clone must have been born after Princess Twilight's Ascension to the Throne of Equestria. That's a possibility. However...everyone who fears and knows of Luminescence, is desperately searching for her clone so she could be sealed away as we speak. But she is yet to be found.




How long have you known this?



About Luminescence? When I proved myself worthy of being a Disciple of the Ancients. Anyhoo...Can I ask you all a question?






(Laughing Maniacally)

Did you all enjoy the Campfire Horror Story My Eccentric First Teacher made up when I was just a colt!?







(Laughing Uncontrollably)

You all should see the look on your faces! PRICELESS!!!


Infuriated by Shadow's Jerk Move, everyone smacked Shadow over the head for pulling a prank like that. However...even though Shadow convinced everyone that what he said was a prank, Shadow recollects when his Eccentric First Teacher told him Luminescence's Story in the exact same manner as Shadow did to everyone of his friends, but moments later...his teacher takes back the fact that it was joke and tells Shadow that Luminescence's Story is 100% Real and that the End of Times is still happening. However the Ancients are unsure how to deal with the situation if the clone is found. He also discloses to Shadow that Luminescence's Clone might posses not only Chaos Magic that might overpower Shadow if he encounters her, but she might also posses traits, abilities, powers and other hidden skills that no normal creature can harness. Not even the Ancients, who are masters of all magic, possess.




Luminescence...An Evil Goddess from an Erased Reality she herself caused. Jumping from Reality to Reality for unknown reasons. Many believe that she does so out of disdain of all life. Others believe that she is looking for something...Or Someone. Then there are others like me who believe that she is testing us...to see if we are worthy of continuing to exist. Her Clone will act as Judge, Jury and Executioner of this test. If we are unworthy, her clone will erase us. If we are worthy...I don't think Luminescence will let her clone spare us that easily. I wonder...how will events unfold if that ever happens? I wonder…

(Worried Glance At Krystal Without Her Noticing)

...for as much as I know, Krystal was born around the time I started traveling the world. Which means...she was born at the beginning of the Princess' ascension. Plus with the revelation that my First Teacher told me that Krystal might be Chrysalis' daughter...all signs point that Krystal might be Luminescence's Clone. Krystal was born with Harmony Magic since she looks like a Reformed Changeling than a Changeling when Chrysalis was still in power and since she is a Queen-Type Changeling, she also have a High Affinity to Chaos Magic. I can see hints of Krystal's Chaos Magic, but since she hasn't awakened her Chaos Magic to its full extent, I cannot see it completely yet. As the legend stated...Luminescence's Clone will be born with Harmony Magic while her Chaos Magic will be undetermined even if it's fully awakened. Her Clone at first will be Pure of Heart, but her Chaos Magic Fully Awaken upon witnessing a Great Tragedy and when that happens...all bets are off. Krystal...I'm hoping with everything I Am that you are Not that monster's clone. Because if you are...I...I Will…


To Be Continued...

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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