
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

StarscreamSigma · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Episode 42: (Cozy Glow Arc) Trust & Respect

Scene 42.0: Ponyville, 1:00 PM, Day 80 of 365


Meanwhile at the entrance of Ponyville, The Pony Versions of the Sirens: Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk arrives at Ponyville in order to keep tabs on Shadow and his friends…Especially Shadow as Elric greets them at the town's entrance. After their meeting, Elric leads the Dazzlings to an apartment where they will be staying from now on. Much to their shock, the apartment resembles the one they stayed in the Human World when they accepted the Human Shadow's offer to live in the apartment complex that was built and owned by his family as they become emotional upon seeing it.



Looks like Jack is the same no matter where he's from.



This apartment belongs to Jack?



Yep. If you didn't know, Jack helped build half of Equestria when he started working for the Council of Friendship.



This isn't surprising. Jack always loved Shadow, so he made sure to provide Shadow a little help whenever he needs it ahead of time.



Yeah. Jack might be a Jerk, but you could tell he wanted Shadow to be well off, just like in this reality.



(Sad Smile)




Here's your files. Blight Terror-Sama thought of everything. Your new identities and all the info you need on everycreature in Equestria.



(Furious Glare)

Even Sunset Shimmer?



(Disappointed Sigh)

You still blame her for what happened?






I knew she was never our friend.



(Saddened, Looks Away)





Now that's a big lie and you know it. You care for Sunset as much as you care for each other. You are lying to yourselves. You still have that picture with all 6 of you in it – You 3, Sunset Shimmer, Human Trixie Lulamoon and Human Platinum Shadow. No matter. I hope one day Big Bro will make you see that you never hated Sunset, but that you just like Sunset and Trixie, you hate that none of you could save him.


Meanwhile at the center of Ponyville, Shadow is waiting for both Diamond Tiara & Cozy Glow and as soon as he sees them, he's happy to see that they are laughing and getting along as Diamond Tiara told Cozy Glow all that happened in her life and the Pegasus "Filly" starts to relate to her as she feels that they are kindred spirits as they both have gone through almost the same ordeals (Except Cozy Glow went off the deep end by almost destroying Equestria in 3 Separate Occasions which Diamond Tiara will never bring up). Shadow discreetly uses his Chaos Sight and sees that Cozy Glow's negative aura has subsided as he sees that she's behaving like a normal pony. Now that she seems calm, Shadow needs to figure out how to get a DNA sample from Cozy Glow without making anycreature angry and accidentally relapsing Cozy Glow into her villainous tendencies again. Once they get together, Shadow, Diamond Tiara and Cozy Glow spend their time with each other; even though everycreature is wary of Cozy Glow, seeing her with Shadow and Diamond Tiara put everycreature slightly at ease as they all trust them to keep Cozy Glow in check. But out of all of them, Fraulein is the one who believes this will end very badly and she is waiting for an indictment of Cozy Glow so she can continue her crusade to codify the death penalty into Equestrian Law and take Sweet Apple Acres from her cousins.


For the entire day, Cozy felt something that she never felt before except being near Tirek and Chrysalis: She felt at peace. She didn't care what others thought of her, she is happy being with both Shadow and Diamond Tiara. She suddenly has a flashback of being with her parents as her mother slightly resembles Diamond Tiara, but with some of the features Chrysalis has and her father looks like an Earth Pony with similar features to Shadow's Earth Pony Form and Tirek. Upon realizing the similarities, Cozy Glow is in shocked by this that she gets sad for a moment that both Diamond Tiara and Shadow start to worry about her.


Diamond Tiara:

Cozy? Are you alright?


Cozy Glow:

(Saddened, Hiding Sadness Behind Confident Smile)

I'm fine, Dia. Just remembered something funny.




That wasn't anything of the sorts. I know that look anywhere.

(Out Loud, Smiling)

Let's move on. I want you to meet my little sisters.


Cozy Glow:

If they are anything like you, I'm sure we'll get along quite nicely.


Shadow and Diamond Tiara leads Cozy Glow to the Ponyville Schoolhouse where most of the creatures there: Children and Parents alike are distrustful of Cozy Glow, even Cheerilee doesn't trust her, but Wendy, Rose, Sweetie-Bot, Regalia Painite, Lucky Star, Jersey Mac and Little Cheese are willing to give her a chance.



Hey, girls!



(Worried Smile)

Hey, Aniki. So this is Cozy Glow. Pleased to meet ya, I'm Apple Rose.



I'm Wendy.



Sweetie-Bot. It is a pleasure.


Jersey Mac:

Jersey Mac.


Little Cheese:

Hiya! I'm Little Cheese.


Regalia Painite:

I'm Regalia Painite and this is my Best Friend & Vassal, Lucky Star.


Lucky Star:

(Emotionless Nods)



Cozy Glow:

Hello! I'm Cozy Glow. I hope we can be good friends!

(Angelic Smile)



(Thinking, Worried)

That's one Fake Smile if I have ever seen one.



(Thinking, Worried)

Her emotions are very dark for someone so that looks so bright. Even Regalia isn't this Two-Faced.




My analysis shows that Cozy Glow has dubious streak to her time in Equestria. If Aniki believes she can be reformed, I will follow his directive. But if it proves to be a failure, Cozy Glow's Infamy will make sure she never gets another chance at normal life.


Lucky Star:

(Thinking, Emotionless, Distrustful)

Я ей не доверяю! Я буду защищать Регалию-сама, если эта двуличная ведьма попытается воспользоваться ею! Я покончу с ней так же, как с Новой Гелиос, когда она предала нас, своих подданных!

[I Do Not Trust Her! I Will Protect Regalia-Sama If This Two-Faced Witch Tries Taking Advantage Of Her! I Will End Her Just Like Nova Helios When She Betrayed Us, Her Subjects!]


Jersey Mac:


After what happened between Aunt Applejack, Aunt Rainbow Dash and Aunt Apple Bloom with Her, I'm not trusting Cozy Glow for a second.


Little Cheese:


I bet she'd be so much fun if she wasn't crazy evil. I know Mama and Papa can make any cranky creature smile at least once, but villains? Mama always had a hard time with Discord, so me getting on Cozy's good side is going to take some work.


Regalia Painite:

(Thinking, Interested Smile, Excited, Confident, Determined)

This pony reminds me of Big Sis Dia! I feel we can be good friends. I don't care what anycreature says! If Shadow-Sama and Big Sis think that Cozy Glow can be reformed, then I will do the impossible to help them. Then maybe…

(Perverted Demeanor, Blushing)

…she can help me make Wendy fall for me!!!


The foals start playing with Cozy, but they do so carefully so they don't push her too much or make others think she is not changing for the better as both Diamond Tiara and Shadow supervise their progress, but unknown to them, Fraulein and Fenrir are paying close attention and gather possible evidence that they can use if Cozy Glow is once again is judged by everycreature and this time in a court of law with Fraulein's Plans possibly succeeding this time around if Cozy is indicted again. For the whole day, Cozy behaved like a normal filly, but there were some instances that she showed signs of relapsing, but fortunately nothing came of it as she successfully befriends the foals, more so to Regalia as the other foals still don't trust Cozy Glow that much, but are willing to give her a chance. After the day was ending, Cozy follows Diamond Tiara home with Shadow as he notices that Cozy is a lot more calmer than early that morning.




I'm glad to see you doing alright.


Cozy Glow:


But of course! Dia, Regalia & you are willing to give me another chance and I'm grateful for it.


Diamond Tiara:

(Proud Smile)

I'm glad you believe in us, Cozy. Shadow made some great treats for us to enjoy later.



I will also make you girls dinner. After that I need to return to the castle and give everyone their fair share.


Cozy Glow:

Is your food really that delicious?


Diamond Tiara:


It's to die for. You'll see after you take a bite.


Once they arrive at Diamond Tiara's Cottage, Shadow starts to cook dinner for both Diamond Tiara and Cozy Glow; once it's ready they all dig in. Cozy is taken aback on how nutritious and delicious the food is that she couldn't believe it. Once they finish their meal, Shadow was ready to do the dishes and head back to the castle, however Cozy gets up her chair first and decides to do the dishes instead as she says: "You Were Kind Enough To Cook For Us, So The Least We Can Do It's Do The Dishes!" Shadow smiles and nods at Cozy's offer; but before he heads out, Cozy gives Shadow one of her ribbons as a thank you gift for believing in her which he humbly accepts. As Shadow leaves, he carefully looks at Cozy's Ribbon to see if he can find some of Cozy's Tail-Hair: he succeeds and places the hair sample and ribbon inside a special area in his saddlebag so it doesn't go missing. After making dinner for everycreature in the castle [Especially That They Are Still Worried About Cozy Glow], Shadow heads to his room in the Chaotic Void and conduct Cozy's DNA Test.


Scene 42.1: Chaotic Void, Castle of Eccentricity, Time: ???


After that, Shadow goes to the Chaotic Void in order to analyze Cozy's DNA and pinpoint who her parents are and where he can find them. Are they really from his mother's side or his father? Shadow is in shock to find out that Cozy Glow's True Origin as he looks at his first teacher in horror.


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos]):

(Serious Yet Morbid Expression)

Looks like you know the truth behind that child.



(Shocked Beyond Belief)

You have got to be kidding! She's…


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos]):

What will you do with this knowledge now, my apprentice?



I…I…I can't tell her. If I do…she might relapse.


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos]):

Then answer me this – What If She Already Knows? Could it be that her knowing, twisted her view on Princess Twilight Sparkle's Element of Harmony? You now know what her True Destiny is. What will you do? You Can Ignore It Or Face It…But You CANNOT Run Away From It.


Shadow looks at Cozy's Ribbon and remembers her happily playing with the foals as he still can't believe Who She Truly Is…


Scene 42.2: Ponyville, Diamond Tiara's Cottage [Cozy Glow's Room], 10:51 PM


As Cozy Glow sleeps, she dreams of the bonds she made with the foals as Shadow and Diamond Tiara watching over them like earlier but there's a different air as they appeared to be married, suddenly out of nowhere, an evil sounding whisper can be heard, telling Cozy to end them just like she did her parents. She is in horror when she heard the whisper as her dream turns into a nightmare as the foals, Shadow and Diamond Tiara become Zombies with no eyes in their sockets. The evil whisper can be heard laughing as Cozy tries to stop the nightmare from taking over, but couldn't stop it as she is ganged up, forcing her to tear the zombies apart in a blind rage. When she regains herself, Cozy is horrified to what she did as she wails in horror and waking up gasping and screaming. The evil whisper could still be heard in her room, but this time the whisper is now a full female voice; sounding condescending and mean spirited as if Cozy Glow is talking to herself hiding in the shadows of the room.


??? (Cozy Glow?):

(Evil Giggle)

Aww! Poor Baby! Did I bring back such wonder memories!?


Cozy Glow:

(Furious, Teary-Eyed)



??? (Cozy Glow?):

(Wiggling Hoof Condescendingly)

Tut, tut, tut! You only managed to lock me away in the back of your mind. You will never get rid of me, Cozy. For I Am You And You Are Me!


Cozy Glow:

SHUT UP!!! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! MAMA!!! PAPA!!! EQUESTRIA!!! CHRYSALIS!!! TIREK!!! Me listening to you is the reason everycreature hates me!!! And now that I have one more final chance to be happy, I won't let you get in my way!!! Not this time!!!


??? (Cozy Glow?):

Can I ask you one last question before we part ways?


Cozy Glow:



??? (Cozy Glow?):

Haven't you noticed that you have been screaming your lungs out since you abruptly "Woke Up" and your precious "Dia" hasn't rushed in to check on you yet?


By the time Cozy Glow realized what the shadowy pony meant, she is locked inside a cage as the shadowy figure turns out to be a Red and Demonic Blonde Version of herself. Cozy tries to fight back, but her Demonic Self entraps her using the shadows around Cozy as the She-Devil laughs maniacally. But her fun came to an end when Lysithea jumps in to help Cozy and drive off the Demonic-Looking Cozy.


Cozy Glow:




(Amused Smile)

No, my child. My name is Lysithea. Unlike the Former Princess, I posses the ability to overpower high degrees of evil energy on my own since I myself still wield it to some extent.


Cozy Glow:

Can you teach me? I don't want "Her" trying to take over my body again.



There is another way for that to happen, but I will not be the one to teach it to you. I will tell you what you need to do, but you cannot undergo the journey on your own. I suggest you take Diamond Tiara with you. But…you need to confide her your darkest secret.


Cozy Glow:


But if I do…



You underestimate how much she believes in you. Nevertheless…I assume Shadow is already aware of your true origins. But knowing him, he will not say anything until you open up first. Shadow believes that redemption can only be attained through Trust and Respect. If he were to reveal your secrets without your permission, he fears you will go back to your old ways.


Cozy Glow:

I see…Thank you, Lysithea.


Scene 42.3: Ponyville, Diamond Tiara's Cottage [Cozy Glow's Room], 6:16 AM, Day 81 Of 365


Lysithea smiles and as she disappears, Cozy Glow wakes up in the waking world as it is already morning. Cozy decides to calm down and start the day normally, but keeping Lysithea's words to heart and talk to both Diamond Tiara and Shadow. During breakfast, Diamond Tiara notices that Cozy Glow is troubled by something, but before she could say anything, there's a knock on the door, goes to answer it and much to her surprise it's Regalia wearing a new white dress accompanied by Lucky Star. Diamond Tiara is happy to see that Regalia has taken a liking to Cozy, but she also notices that Lucky Star still doesn't trust Cozy, but Diamond Tiara hopes one day she can trust Cozy just like Regalia and herself. Diamond Tiara also hoped that with Regalia there, Cozy would feel better; on the surface she looks better, but Diamond Tiara knows from experience that Cozy can hide how she feels since she did so herself when she was a filly. After leaving the cottage and parting ways, as soon as Diamond Tiara and Cozy Glow were out of sight, Regalia decided to follow them as she feels that Cozy Glow is hiding something painful and as her friend, Regalia wants to help her which deeply worries Lucky Star as she knows this won't end well. As they meet with up with Shadow, as soon as Cozy see him, she notices he seems to be hiding something as she realizes that what Lysithea told her is true: Shadow Already Knows, so she decides to tell both Diamond Tiara and Shadow the truth as she wants to trust them with her troubles and hopefully, help her stay in control. She takes them to an area she hopes nocreature can hear them, but she doesn't know that Regalia and Lucky Star have been following them.


Diamond Tiara:


Cozy? Are you alright?


Cozy Glow:


Dia…Shadow…There's something I need to tell you. But I can tell Shadow already know most of it.


Diamond Tiara:





I will tell you how I found out later. Let's let Cozy tell her side first.



(Sad Smile)

Lysithea was right. You really do respect and trust me. Why?



You remind me of someone dear to me and want to keep my promise to. Please…tell us your story…



I'm…I'm not a normal pony…not in the normal sense. I…I'm…I'm A Clone! A Clone Of A Princess!


Diamond Tiara:


A CLONE!?!?!?




Regalia Painite, Lucky Star:

(Shocked, Thinking)

A Clone!?!?!?




Cozy Glow:

I don't have a Real Mom and Dad…All I have is a Mad Scientist that wants the Power of the Princess he cloned, but when my Cutie Mark came to be…it wasn't that of the Princess that he call me a failure and…


Diamond Tiara:


Oh, Cozy…



I know this Princess. Her name was Minerva Ammolite. Her Beauty and Wisdom led the Kingdom of Bucephalus to Glory. From what I remember from my history lessons…Princess Minerva was Celestia's inspiration to be the leader she was until succeeding her position to Princess Twilight. There was one problem with Minerva.


Diamond Tiara:

What was it?



She was…The Most Powerful Princess of All Time…


Diamond Tiara:

(Surprised, Impressed)





…However…She was Also The Most Unstable of All The Princesses In The History of Equestria.


Diamond Tiara:





Minerva Ammolite was the only Daughter of King Aragon and Queen Iridescent who were brutally killed right in front of her by their so-called trusted council. She was also a target, but was saved by her childhood friend who became her love interest in their adult years. His name was Alexander Pyre and he took her to the forest in the south to hide her from the ones who betrayed and murdered her parents. For Years, Princess Minerva and Alexander underwent training to take back her family's royal birthright. Her Alicorn Power grew but at a price…the trauma of seeing her parents taken from her like that was too much for her, Minerva developed Dissociative Identity Disorder…better known as Multiple Personality Disorder. the Innocent Loving Minerva and The Brutal More Vindictive Minerva. Whenever she needed to be a normal mare, The True Innocent Minerva would show up. But…whenever she needed to do what needed to be done, the Darkness in her heart would be released and all Tartarus would break lose. Once she reclaimed her throne, Minerva ruled Bucephalus into prosperity…that is until her innocent self was too stress-thinned she felt drained that she couldn't spend time with her beloved. However she knew she had another personality, so they came to a deal. Innocent Minerva would spend the rest of her life with Alexander meanwhile Dark Minerva would rule Bucephalus…but unknown to her innocent self, Dark Minerva would rule the kingdom with an iron hoof. Long Story Short…she caused the downfall of her kingdom. When that happened…it was Alexander who put a stop to her with his own hooves…then he disappeared never to be seen again.


After hearing Shadow speak of Minerva and Alexander, Cozy suffers a strong migraine as she sees flashbacks of all he said. The Flashbacks end when she see herself covered in blood with as she grows older to the point to resemble her Chaos Form but more twisted and evil as she starts laughing maniacally. Cozy wakes up in her room and sees Diamond Tiara, Shadow, Regalia and Lucky Star by her as they are all worried for her. When Cozy see their looks of concern for her, she feels happy as she never felt like this. Cozy tells them all she witnessed which matched everything Shadow said word for word except the end that Cozy saw herself in that dark way.



I was afraid of this.


Diamond Tiara:

What does this mean?



(Annoyed, Worried)

Looks like what I was told is true…


Regalia Painite:

(Worried, Saddened, Thinking)



Diamond Tiara:

What is?



Nothing to worry about that another time, we need to help Cozy first and to do that…we need the power of my teachers.


Diamond Tiara:

The Ancients? Are we going to the Chaotic Void?



No. We need to meet one of the few who still commute here in Equestria just like Lady Shadow.


Regalia Painite:

(Out Loud)

How many Ancients are there, Shadow-Sama?



12 now. Back then there were 13.


Regalia Painite:

What happened to that Last Ancient?



He went crazy and got sealed away by his own brethren. Where he was sealed away, no one knows where as the Ancients made sure to keep it very tight-lipped. But that's a story for another time. You should see Granny Goodshoes.






That's the name she goes by while in Equestria, not her real name. She's the Ancient of Chaotic Wisdom…

(Annoyed Sigh)

…Who so happened to have witnessed the fall of the Princess.


Diamond Tiara:

Was she Minerva and Alexander's Teacher?



No, just like Lady Shadow, she stays out of the public eye and if she becomes famous for some reason, she just returns to the Chaotic Void for a few minutes and then come back when everyone has forgotten about her since time runs differently between Equestria and the Void. Depending on the Domain belonging to said Ancient, Time can run a day slower or up to years slower. Granny Goodshoes is from the years domain as she is the impatient type. Even though she's the Original Element of Wisdom, she never was the patient type and Patience is an Element of Harmony. Actually…she and Lady Snow Gale don't get along sometimes even though they're sisters.


Cozy Glow:

Can you take me to her?



(Annoyed, Trying To Stay Calmed)

No. I'm still too weak to meet an Ancient without any of them criticizing for getting hospitalized by overusing a skill instead of going down in fight. Even my First Teacher made fun of me and I don't want to go through that again! And don't get me started on Lady Shadow. She was a Total Bipolar Case. One moment she was like a Worried Mother only to switch to being a Strict Mother at a drop of a hat then back to Worried and so on and so forth…and I don't want to go through that again.


Diamond Tiara:

Was it really that bad?



(Face-Hoof, Annoyed, Exhausted Sigh)

You have no idea…



(Look Away)




Anyhoo…I won't be going because of that, but I can tell you where you can find her.


Cozy Glow:

Where is she?



She still lives in the outskirts of the Ruins of Bucephalus. You can find that forgotten kingdom on the forest south of Klugetown especially that Bucephalus was located at the very center of that desert.


Regalia Painite:

Can you tell us how we can recognize her?



You are not going, Regalia.


Regalia Painite:

Cozy Glow is my friend too and I want to help her! So does Lucky Star!


Lucky Star:

(Annoyed, Emotionless, Slight Hesitant Nod While Eye-Rolling)



Regalia Painite:






I don't know…


Lucky Star:

(Annoyed Sigh)

Пожалуйста, скажите ей, что это путешествие самопознания и она только мешает.

[Please Tell Her This Is A Journey Of Self-Discovery And She Will Only Get In The Way.]



(Defeated Sigh)

Sorry Regalia, but this is a very important journey of self-discovery for Cozy Glow. She has to do this on her own and the only one I am allowing to go with her is Dia. Please understand.


Regalia Painite:


Alright…Thank you for standing by me, Lucky Star.


Lucky Star:

(Blushing, Emotionless)

Все для тебя, Регалия-сама. Ведь я твой друг и хранитель отныне и навеки.

[Anything For You, Regalia-Sama. For I Am Your Friend & Guardian Now And Forever.]




I didn't want Dia and Cozy to know their connection to Minerva like this. Considering of their family lineage. I hope Granny doesn't push them as hard as she pushed me.


Shadow gives them all directions on how to reach the Ancient's Hideaway in the forest south of Klugetown, but he suddenly notices that it is safer to go Northwest from Mount Aris. So he gives them the map with directions to get there as well as taking them there using Q's Fast Travel Feathers and once they are there, Shadow returns to Ponyville but not before giving them a bag full of something that sounds like rocks as the girls thinks this is tribute of gems; but Shadow warns them not to open it before it gets to her hooves or it will not end well as the Ancients can be quite petty when they are slighted. They follow the path on his map, successfully avoiding all dangers until they arrive at the forest known as the Forest of Maya. Upon entering it, Diamond Tiara and Cozy Glow are separated as they are on their own lost within the forest.


Scene 42.4: Arctic North, Blight Terror's Castle, 12:21 PM


Tirek & Chrysalis are furious at Blight Terror that he kept Cozy Glow's Secret from them and upon hearing their understandable angry words and complaints [With Some Colorful Insults Included], Blight just simply laughs which makes them even more angrier.


Blight Terror:

Forgive me but Cozy Glow isn't a clone of Princess Minerva. Cozy was fed that lie from the Mad Pony that raised her. Cozy is related to Minerva, but she isn't her clone. She is in reality Minerva's Descendant.



I knew Minerva. She was an annoying Princess, but she was also quite brutal if you got on her bad side like I have. I never expected her to have multiple personalities which would explain everything about her I found strange back then.



My Father once tried to make an alliance with her, but negotiations broke down because of Minerva's unreasonable demands. That must have been Dark Minerva he was dealing with, not the innocent one.


Blight Terror:

Minerva trusted no one after the death of her parents except Alexander who secretly bore his foals.



"Foals"? As in Plural?


Blight Terror:

Indeed. She gave birth to a Colt and a Filly with a year apart from one another. They kept their children secret from the world. Their son moved Northeast while their daughter moved to south of Equestria. I want to tell you more, but it's best that you see the whole story behind this for yourselves. It will make sense if you just do that. A story like this is like a joke – If You Explain It, It Loses Its Meaning And Value. It's Better If You Discover The Meaning For Yourselves.



What are you hiding, Blight?


Princess Melodious Somber:

(Drinking Tea)

Silence! The Secrets of the Past will Reveal Itself at the right time. You fools should just wait and shut up like the unruly losers you are.






Princess Melodious Somber:

(Glowing Evil Eyes, Piercing Glare)




(Paralyzed, Shocked, Struggling)



Princess Melodious Somber:

(Furious, Hiding Fury Behind Smug Smile, Eyes Closed)

I'm sorry. But I have no interested in fighting a decrepit old hag of a has-been like you. I'm here to kill the Alicorn Princesses and I don't want to waste my Disgusting Chaos Magic on the likes of you.




Chaos Magic!? Who In Tartarus Are You!?


Princess Melodious Somber:

(Furious Glare)

The Last Creature You Want To Mess With.


Blight Terror:


Enough! All Of You! Now it's not the time for infighting! Once we make Platinum Shadow realizes his True Self, we can't all part ways and you can do whatever you damn well please. Right now you are all under my leadership and if you continue this folly, then I will end you all myself by sealing you in my Terror Fields! Instilling You Fears Beyond Imagination! So…BEHAVE YOURSELVES!!!

(Slams Table)



(Thinking, Annoyed Stare)

Déjà Vu…


Blight Terror:

(Annoyed Sigh)




(Out Loud)

Answer Me This, Blight! Cozy never showed signs of having a second personality…until you set us free the first time around when we met. Once you did, Cozy underwent a drastic change.


Blight Terror:

(Evil Smile)

You noticed. Very well. Allow me to give you a hint – Discord's Chaos Magic, Grogar's Bewitching Bell, Her Connection To Princess Minerva and a Fragment of a Prototype Crystal I placed in her. Combine those 4 elements and you will see a very interesting development.



What do you hope to gain out of this? Minerva's Power?


Blight Terror:

You would be surprised. Still…I was hoping for Shadow to do this one, but it looks like it is not meant to be. Hopefully Diamond Tiara can perform to my expectations.


With those words, everycreature in the room is curious about what Blight just said about all of this, but Princess Melodious Somber knows as she is an Alicorn from 16 to 20 Years Into the Future and heard of all of this in her time as she's worried about Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara. Will Diamond Tiara save Cozy from the entity within her or will the opposite happen. Not even this Alicorn Princess from the future knows how this story will go as she has noticed that history has changed as the details she once knew from it greatly differs from her own world. How different is the future where this Alicorn came from and the new future being created?


To Be Continued…

Holidays Are Always A Wonderful Thing. Anyhoo...Thank You For Your Patience, Thank You For Enjoying My Writing, Thank You For Being Here And Thank You For Your Support, You Awesome People! <3<3<3

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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