
Chapter 4 You Know Nothing of True Power

In the world of Little People, many small and weak kingdoms and forces have the tradition of enshrining strong foreigners or high level demons as guardians.

These guardians usually enjoy the convenience and abundant cultivation resources provided by them, and only need to help each other when they face life and death crises, which is considered to be the completion of the contract.

The two sides only cooperated, and there was no master-slave relationship.

The protector is different, the protector is equivalent to the supreme emperor of the protected force, ensuring the safety of the force while also having control over the force.

It could be said that if Xiao Yu became a protector, then he would be the supreme emperor of the Steel Capital Kingdom, having supreme authority and deciding all major policies with a single word.

For example, the Black Dragon King was a foreigner with a strong desire for power, as the protector of several kingdoms, it had meddled in their national politics many times in just a hundred years, not only directing the theatre of seven throne changes, but also deciding three national wars with its own selfishness!

Therefore, in the mind of the King of the Steel Capital, protector ... is definitely not a good word!

The bad thing was that this word was coming from the mouth of his last hope, the Son of God who had come from the Canyon of the Gods.

This inevitably put the King of the Steel Capital, Anrik, in a dilemma, and he didn't know if this promise would make him regret it for the rest of his life!

Xiao Yu looked at Anrik who was in a daze, but also understood his hesitation, after all, not everyone likes to be a puppet, especially Anrik who is from such a noble background and also used to be in charge of the king's power.

However, wasn't it because of this that he himself chose to be the protector of the Steel Capital Kingdom?

The knowledge in Xiao Yu's brain informed him of the common sense of this world, causing him to face this world squarely.

This is a small people's country, everything is a scaled down version, Xiao Yu wants to fish for valuable things in this world to get rich in reality can take a lot of effort!

Firstly, gold and other precious metals should not be thought of.

The Kingdom of Steel is rich in iron, but how much iron is produced in a large kingdom in a year?

Thirteen thousand pieces, the average weight of about ten grams a piece, add up to a year is 130,000 grams ...

Oh, thirteen million grams ah, you sister ... this a kingdom iron production a year add up to one hundred and thirty kilograms, this is really a desperate number!

As for gold, silver and other precious metal production, that is even less pathetic, even if the king's capital treasury was robbed by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu is also very doubtful that he got his hands on and the sand has a ratio of the size of gold coins can not be more than a kilogram.

Jewellery jewellery not to mention, Xiao Yu anyway is not dare to those to magnifying glass to see clear ring necklace to sell!

It could be said that as a giant of the small people's country, if Xiao Yu wanted to reap benefits in this world, he had to use the power of the national level to do so!

Just like the world wonders with magical abilities that interested Xiao Yu, as well as all kinds of specialised knowledge, these were all things that only a national level power could possibly collect.

As for why he chose to help this Anrik fellow, naturally it was because it was better to send charcoal in the snow than to add flowers to the brocade, and looking at how downtrodden he was nowadays, it was also better to control him, wasn't it?

And what's even better is that this guy Anrik is still a king, has the experience of ruling and a certain reputation, supporting him to the throne can save a lot of time.

After all, Xiao Yu is not the Black Dragon King, and is interested in the internal affairs of the country of Lilliputian.

What Xiao Yu needed was just the second ghosts of the Little People's Country, forces that could help him squeeze out what he asked for.

"Still worried about what? What's the hesitation?" Xiao Yu asked as he gently stood up carrying Anrik to bring him to his mouth:

"You are in a bad situation aren't you? The former King of the Steel Capital, now you lack the power to restore your country and the power to keep your supporters in your corner."

"I, on the other hand, can precisely be your power to make you sit on the throne again."

"But, but ..." Anrik's face flushed red as he said with difficulty, "The Protector is just ..."

"Difficult to accept?" Xiao Yu coldly grunted, an order close to Anrik body shivered under the violent cold wind, almost gasping for breath.

"Afraid that I will steal your throne? Hmph! A mere Steel Capital Kingdom with a population of a million is not yet in my eyes!" Xiao Yu combined the memories in his mind, paused, and continued:

"Your kingdom, the one that was just easily crushed by me is the kingdom's topmost transcendent power, right, even if a first class sorcerer is a bit stronger than a knight of the same rank, is it the enemy of one of my punches?"

"Even the elite army that you are so proud of is just an ant that will be annihilated with a wave of my hand."

A trace of fear and a hint of disbelief was evident on Anrik's face.

Xiao Yu also understood, after all, their Steel Capital Kingdom in the world of the little people is really too remote, as a hundred enemies of the first rank of the knights and sorcerers is already the highest combat power here, ten thousand people composed of the legion, but also synonymous with victory, in addition to the same hostile legion, that is, even more powerful Transcendentals do not dare to fight against it.

On both sides of the war, it is often just a game of who has more Transcendents and who has more elite legionnaires.

They had never encountered a hundred-metre level giant and did not yet understand what such an existence meant to them!

Xiao Yu, however, had more or less learnt about his own power by just slapping that knight, plus he could still use the tools of the real world, so for the miniature version of the Steel Capital Kingdom's army, not only was he not afraid, he was instead very much looking forward to colliding with them.

"Those escaping cavalrymen will flee back to the camp that chased you, right, Anrik." Seeing that Anrik was still hesitating, Xiao Yu said.

"Ah, yes ... yes." Anrik nodded his head, and then his face revealed uneasiness, "I definitely won't feel at ease until the rebels led by Grand Duke Yanan are killed, they will definitely mobilise a large army to encircle us when they know of your existence!"

"Yes, there is one of that rebel's elite legions in the vicinity of the Gods Canyon, if he calls on that legion ... we'll have to get out of here early!"

"Leave? Haha!" Xiao Yu laughed, "Foolish king, you know nothing about true power!"

"How about we make a bet?" Xiao Yu stared at Anrik, "How about here, watching how I destroy the invincible army in your eyes, and then let me become the protector of the Steel Capital Kingdom?"

"Hiss ... you plan to wait here for them to gather and then defeat them?" Anrik's heart thumped and he looked at Xiao Yu at a bit of a loss.

Ancestor ah, if ... the terrifying existence in front of him isn't lying, and he can really crush an elite legion head on, perhaps ... becoming his protectorate isn't an unacceptable thing.

Moreover, becoming the object of vassalage of such a powerful existence, the Steel Capital Kingdom might even be able to go further It is not impossible to say ah!

Turning the million-strong Steel Capital Kingdom into a ten million-strong Steel Capital Empire, this was also the long-cherished wish of the royal family that had been passed down from generation to generation.

Seeing Anrik's agreement, Xiao Yu put him back on the ground, and ignoring the fact that this poor fellow fell softly to the ground, Xiao Yu took a step forward.


Those bow riders who did not know what to do only felt that the giant had taken a step a hundred metres away, and all of a sudden came to them from afar, and were in a state of shock when they heard Xiao Yu's voice like thunder ringing in the sky, in every inch of space around them:

"Get lost, get lost!"

"Inform your masters, and your masters' masters!"

"Fools who know nothing about true power, I, the new protector of the Steel Capital Kingdom, am here waiting for you!"