
My little mom is the richest

He has a little mother known as the “stock god” and “business godmother”, who controls the world’s largest group, and both group assets and personal assets are at the top of the world. He also has a sister-in-law who has been in the military area for training since he was young, and has repeatedly made military exploits at a young age. He also has an aunt, a terrifying woman who is known as the “goddess” in the martial arts circles.

the_gamer_9173 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Big nephew

All the hands in black suits with guns trembled under the cold drink of the beautiful soldier king, even a drop of cold sweat broke out on Ye Tianlong's forehead. If you change to anyone now, even if it is a wave of underworld people with their strengths, Ye Tianlong will be able to talk and laugh without changing his face, and then turn his gun to face him, and he can't lose his momentum.

But he couldn't, because he knew exactly what the ten planes parked outside and the clothes worn by these people and the weapons in his hands meant.

This is the standard armament of the Chinese military!

And these planes are all straight 20 armed helicopters of the Chinese military!

Who is the person who can mobilize the Straight 20? Not to mention that she was carrying 30 armed teams with fully automatic rifles behind her. All of them had extraordinary aura and cold eyes. They were not weaker than Wu Qiang just now, especially the woman at the head, even though she was a woman, But the aura has to overwhelm anyone present, especially the cold and **** murderous aura that involuntarily exudes when he opens his mouth, and ordinary people are afraid that their legs will tremble after being drunk like this.

Ye Tianlong, even a fool would know that this woman's background is absolutely terrifying!

He can dominate the ordinary people in the market, he can also be his own boss in front of the rich, and he can talk and laugh with the same powerful underworld opponents, but in the face of the military, he can only admit counsel. . Without him, in China's three acres of land, no black force dared to oppose the official! From ancient times to the present, never!

Thinking of Mu Qiu's determination and calmness from the beginning, and thinking of Wu Qiang with such skill as his personal bodyguard, even if Ye Tianlong guessed that Mu Qiu had a background, he did not expect that he was actually a military background! If he had known it earlier, let alone bringing people over, he would be so scared to hide abroad overnight!

The black forces hadn't seen it, but now they stood on the opposite side of the military in the most direct way. This was simply the darkest moment for Ye Tianlong since he was a child.

All the hands in the black suits holding the guns were trembling. He watched the muzzle still pointed at Mu Qiu, but his eyes focused on Mu Xiao's face. This beautiful, heart-shaking woman, the murderous air emanating from her whole body is even more heart-shaking. They swallowed involuntarily, the alarm clock's turbulent thoughts made them not know what to do.

"Put the gun down! Put it down!"

Following Mu Xiao's loud shout, the thirty heavily armed special soldiers standing behind her all took up their automatic rifles, and the black muzzle pointed directly at all the black suits present. In terms of lethality and various abilities, the pistols in the hands of black suits and these fully automatic rifles are not at the same level. As long as they pull the trigger, they can definitely kill all black suits within two seconds.

"Don't don't don't! Don't kill me!"

"I surrender! I surrender!"

"I'm kneeling for you, don't kill me..."

If it is facing the same black forces, perhaps these black suits have not been so persuaded, but facing the military, they have to persuade them, they have thrown away their pistols, and some of them are crying and begging for mercy.

At this time, Ye Tianlong's old face was also full of melancholy. He looked at Mu Xiao, and his smile was ugly, "Hey, this comrade...No, no, this sir! Sir! You! Look at this...Is there any misunderstanding? Why is there such a big disturbance..."

The black forces have the rules of survival of the black forces. Although they live on the dark side of society, they are not without contact with the bright side. He can make the Tianlong Club so big in the capital, so naturally he does not deal with official people. Originally, as long as he kept a low-key development and acted carefully, it was not difficult to enjoy his old age. In addition, now it is a society under the rule of law, it is impossible for him to come out and do things casually as a Tianlonghui.

This time I just caught up with him being provoked by a group of hostile forces recently. I was in a bad mood at night. I suddenly received a call from Manager Zhang and brought people over without thinking about it. Normally he would not come in person. , At most send a hand down.

But now it's too late to say anything. At this time, Ye Tianlong really hacked Manager Zhang to death. Looking at Manager Zhang, he originally thought that Mu Qiu would be scared by his boss to kneel and beg for mercy and smiled. After Mu Xiao and the others rushed in, he was already scared to death, and now he was lying there pretending to be dead.


Mu Xiao stepped forward to Ye Tianlong two steps, what her slender legs created was her impressive height, she was 175 taller than Ye Tianlong, and coupled with her stunning aura, she was alone. Standing in front of Ye Tianlong made Ye Tianlong a little bit afraid to look up, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

"Ye Tianlong, you brought so many people around my eldest nephew, and you pointed your gun at him. Everyone in the room could see it, but you told me that it was a misunderstanding?" Mu Xiao curled up her mouth and sneered again. Beauty is also frightening.

Ye Tianlong's heart trembled again when he heard this. He didn't expect that Mu Qiu's relationship with this woman was so close, but it was impossible not to say anything, so he cried and said, "Here, I... sir, you know me. ?"

Mu Xiao said coldly: "Ye Tianlong, the leader of the dark forces Tianlonghui, 17 years ago, he and Xingyao would kill him to help the eldest. He took the opportunity to marry the daughter of the original elder and integrated the remnant of the Tianlonghui to become the new leader. Since its development, there have been more than 15,000 subordinates, and their income mainly depends on watching places and helping people do dirty work... Tsk tsk, drug trafficking, forced prostitution, human trafficking, what bad things have you never done?"

It is natural that Mu Xiao can become China's strongest soldier king. In addition to her incomprehensible strength, she also has superhuman intelligence. Before she came, she had learned about Ye through her subordinate intelligence network. All the information of Tianlong, before the military, there is no secret of Ye Tianlong's information at all. And for such a scum, it doesn't matter if you haven't encountered it. Nephew, she naturally wanted to kill and then hurry up.

Ye Tianlong didn't expect Mu Xiao to understand him so clearly. Every time she said a word, Ye Tianlong's heart trembled. When he saw the murderous intent in Mu Xiao's eyes, he knew that the other party had already done something to him. The killing order, right now, did not stop, watching Mu Xiao didn't have both hands holding the gun, he lifted the muzzle towards Mu Qiu in a panic.
