
My little miracle

This story is about a dancer who used to be a worldwide superstar that suddenly quitted her love for dancing due to something that made her change everything in her life living in constant fear even if she seemed calm and collective but live performances always seem to startle her incase it would happen again but not her but to someone close if something goes wrong.

Mitch_williams · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Character info

It's important to know the character before starting the story:

She's a quintuplets but the only female sibling in her family so some of her brothers are extremely protective over her whenever she goes outside.

Name: Saeki Chinen Aldine

Age: 23

Race: mix (Japanese and Ukranian)

Height: 5"9 (Jay is almost 7 foot tall)

Weight: 135lbs

Gender: female

Hair colour: dark maroon

Eye colour: gold

Hair length: goes down to her waist.

1st brother: Shimamoto Aldine

2nd brother: Tao Aldine

3rd brother: Hirota Aldine

4th brother: Hirai Aldine

About Saeki:

Saeki is the youngest of all of her brothers as well as being the only girl in the family too despite being born in a slum as her brothers har to join a gang in order to survive and provide for themselves. The Quintuplets would often dance to their members to make them feel better which would work encouraging some others to start dancing too.

Saeki was born ill but she didn't know at the time since they couldn't afford to go to the hospital because of how poor they're so she had to struggle her entire life with this problem that made her weaker than her brothers who were stronger and taller than her in every shape and form making them better than her but she seemed to our shine them with the style of dance she made up called the Saeki style which is a mix of dances like a remix but they're more elegant and spaced out turning it into her moves whenever she needed to.

All quintuplets have their own birth mark on their bodies but Saeki's and Shimamoto seem to have theres on their fridge as it seemed to give them a lighter shade of their hair colour making it a bright red streak that shows up but Shimamoto's was white which made easy to separate them as he grew out his hair like his sister looking completely identical while the others have short darker hair making the two different from the rest.

Hirota is the third youngest in the group but had always been the jealous one out of everyone else and would do anything to get his own way no matter who it is. He counts on Hirai to have his back in everything he does and especially when it comes to their little sister who's always around Shimamoto and Tao the two most dangerous brothers in the group when it comes to protecting their little sister.