

Calvin Harris is sent on a mission to the land of humans to stop the invasion of gnomes, elves and other magical creatures. This is his duty but he couldn't do it because this he believed wasn't his density to kill all magical creatures humans without magical creatures loses inspiration to do their daily habits which would lead to chaos but why was he sent there READ MORE...

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Who Am I-Chapter 2

Calvin and Tommy were disappointed, so they both decided to leave for the human world

but, this time they are leaving there with magical creatures who were not foes of the fairy kingdom which was quite the option because, most magical creatures were not foes of the fairy kingdom except from the Endergage.

This magical creature was the worst of all the annoying little creatures could creep out of any where and make humans disappear in seconds, this was one of the reason why missing humans were never found. The Endergages are the most powerful creature in the magical world but no power could compare with the greatest black magic of all time from the Spirt tree at the middle East of seven countries of Africa, Europe, India, and so on. To be precise the Spirit tree was cursed by a dying witch who lost all hope of living when her son died. She craved love from anything but once a witch always a witch.

The fairies for generations had a hard time dealing with the Spirit tree and the Endergage

and now they are making a choice to....