
Near death experience

"Mia, now listen to ne very carefully. As it seems we are in the Dream Dimension of Floating Thoughts. And those who have encountered near death episodes can only come over. I think that the fact we are being able to have this conversation is that your life was already jeopardized. " The lady said.

" Jeopardised as in, am I dead? " She was as confused as before.

" No, like I said. It was a close encounter with death, but you are still breathing. But we need to leave this space soon, or else our souls will be trapped here forever" Her eyes we're full of fear as she stroked Mia's hair. " I understand your pain and trouble child, so you need to hear to what I am saying. Whatever seems surprising or strange, just figure it out later. Let me tell you what I want to without interruption. Alright? " She asked Mia's permission and she nodded.