Our first day in tinsel town was nothing but chaos. She held onto my arm tightly as we went from place to place exploring. She was in awe of her surroundings, using the new digital camera I’d bought her to snap away.
I’d opened up a bank account for her and given her an allowance which she hardly ever got to use anyway since I liked buying her things myself, so she was going to buy gifts for her family back home with some of the money she made. Which meant she dragged me into every cheesy souvenir shop we passed.
She got her fair share of admirable looks from the opposite sex, which as a man who appreciates his woman’s beauty I understood and accepted.
Some of the more obvious fucks who looked a little too hard or too long got the glared warning that soon had them moving along. My innocent little girl didn’t seem to notice this or she’d blush whenever she caught someone looking and draw closer to me.