
Chapter 36: CALLAN

Yesterday, I’d introduced her to touch, so she knew there was nothing to be afraid of, but I guess it was going to take a while for her to shed that shyness.

“Come on in, Kitten.” She’d put on a robe, and my cock rose at the thought that she was bare underneath. I walked over and took her hand when she seemed rooted to the spot. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, love. I’ll never hurt you. You know that.”

A soft kiss on her forehead followed by one on her lips seemed to ease the tension a bit. “Why don’t you drop the robe and get on the table.

You can cover up with this.” I passed her the bath sheet that was big enough to cover her from her neck to the tops of her thighs. I turned my back and finished lighting the candles I had scattered around the room before turning on the surround sound stereo.

The strains of something soft and bluesy piped through the hidden speakers as I turned back to find her lying on the table stiff as a board.