



Louis POV

Another day in the same school, can't I graduate already? I still have a full year to endure. Isn't the world cruel enough? It had to have Laura too, now let me introduce Laura, she's the Queen Bee of the school and I don't mean any cute yellow bee.

She's been tormenting me since we were in kindergarten, it's like hate from first sight that's been ongoing for twelve years now.

She doesn't allow me to have many friends, if anyone is seen being nice to me she'll spread rumors about them until they stop talking to me. She's tall, skinny, have the perfect blond hair, she looks like a top model.

Today is no different we have gym together and she always takes the opportunity to body shame me.

My ribs are practically showing and still, she calls me fat, how am I fat?

I usually get dressed inside the bathroom stall or wait till everyone is done but sadly today I was late. My English teacher kept us after the bell so he can give us an assignment.

I walked into the locker room and went to a corner, maybe if I'm quiet enough no one will hear me and say anything.

I took my large hoodie off me and was about to slip my PE uniform when I heard her voice, too nasally, too high...

/"Well well look if it isn't the fat bitch herself,/" she says in a cold voice.

I hug my self hiding my body from the show but she doesn't relent.

/"Don't you have any will to stop eating?/" she says again.

When I don't reply or give her any reaction she does the thing she always does, she pushed me hard enough to make me stumble.

I backed back and hit the locked edge leaving a big bruise on my shoulder.

She snickers again, having her mission accomplish before she leaves me there hardly standing with tears gathering in her eyes.

Why did it have to be me every time...

My t-shirt doesn't cover the bruise, not wanting to be on the show I put my hoodie on again. When my coach told me to take it off I told him it was that time of the month and I'm cold, he just nodded not wanting to know any more details.

Even with my period excuse, he made me do laps with the rest of the class and even play a basketball match, do you know how hard it is for someone as short as me to play basketball.

After the time was finally up I was exhausted every bone in my body hurt, and I was slightly dizzy. I'm skipping on food again but now I'm kind of regretting it.

I don't shower in school, I did that once and Laura stole my clothes, I had to walk in some random clothes the whole day.

I tied my short hair in a low ponytail and added done of deodorant, this would have to do until I reach home.

After a very long, tiring, exhausting day, I finally made it home. Mother wasn't here which was awesome, I made a very small bowl of ice cream with a banana up to my bedroom, I needed the sugar, couldn't take it anymore before I pass out.

I ate my barely-there snack and then took a hot shower, my body still hurt and my bruise is getting even worse.

I took a small nap after my shower then woke up to do my homework. Finally, I had to eat dinner, I ate only a few bites before saying goodnight and running upstairs.

I turned on my Ipad and headed to the little website, Rebecca promised to talk to me tonight.

Me: /"helloooooooo..../"

Rebbeca: /"Good evening little girl/"

Me: /"Uhhh...how are you?/"

Rebbeca: /"I'm good thank you for asking, and you? How was school?/"

Me: /"I no wanna tawk bout it/"

Rebbeca: /"Why kitten? What happened?/"

Me: /" Uhhh...nothing gottaa go nighty/"

Rebbeca: /"Freeze little girl. Now tell me what happened/"

Me: /"uhh...nothing...just tired/"

Rebbeca: /"Okay kitten how about we video chat? I can tuck you into bed/"

I thought about that for a second, video means she'll see me, but I really want to be tucked in for once.

Looking at what I'm wearing right now it's my hello kitty pajamas set, it doesn't hide the bruise very well, I went under the covers and clicked the Video Call button.

/"Kitten,/" Rebbeca says in a cute voice, even her voice was beautiful. She had full makeup on and she seemed to be sitting on a desk.

/"Hi,/" I say shyly and hide under the cover.

/"You are beautiful baby girl,/" She says again and I turn to a new shade of red.

/"You too,/" I say losing my words.

/"Thank you kitten now bedtime,/" she says, she did what she promised me to, she talked a bit to me and even hummed a lullaby until I fell asleep.

Rebbeca POV

I was having one of those nights where I had way too much work to even leave my office. I was still drowning in my own ideas and thoughts going from one design to another, one paper to another.

I was getting frustrated when I received a notification from the little, even with how busy I was she still didn't leave my mind the whole day.

I tried to talk her into video calling me, I just imagine her as a cute little thing. She accepted to video chat with me with a promise of me tucking her in.

When she finally called me I saw the cutest face ever, her hair was short and blond, her eyes were the cutest baby blue.

Every time I called her beautiful she would blush to a pretty red, I loved making her blush. I was attached before but now I'm all sold to the pretty kitten.

I promised to tuck her in, I sang her a few lullabies until she finally closed her pretty eyes and went to sleep. She moved a bit and sucked on her thumb while asleep, I was about to end the call when she moved again.

Making the blanket fall from her and showing her arms, I saw a nasty purple bruise on her arm going down from her shoulder, I saw red someone hurt my baby.

No wonder she didn't want to tell me about her day, but this end now, she's gonna be mine. Tomorrow I and she are having a long chat.

She won't dare to hide her being hurt from me again, I'm going to take care of her.

I clicked the end call button and decided to leave my work for now.

I had other things to think about, mostly about my future baby girl.

Soon, really soon she'll be mine.