
My little change of event

This story is based on real life experiences

Mary_Idowu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8:Carl's house

I drove him to his house it was very luxurious and eye catching I brought him out of the car I took him to his room but he kept on looking at me before I could think of anything else he kissed me telling me am really pretty he was really rough he kept on telling me he loves me he ripped off the pretty dress although I was angry my mind wasn't organized he took of his clothes and we were both naked I blushed so hard he dragged me to the bed he was rough but I guess this is how a drunk man is he licked and suck my juice making my nipples stand erect he nibbled and played with it this is a feeling have never felt being a virgin for 23 years he came up and took my nipples into his mouth he used his hand to rub my sex I felt clouded and then I felt something hard causing a sharp pain but he was gentle since I was wet it was not too much of a task he kept going till the pain left and I was moaning it was so intense it felt better than in the stories we did different styles he released lots of warm milk into me but he never stopped even when I begged him to

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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