
My little change of event

This story is based on real life experiences

Mary_Idowu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: the venue

We hit the road after I got into the car I had to keep looking out the window to maintain my cool because I feel like I could melt at any moment just as I was far away in thoughts the car stopped and Carl tapped me at first I was shocked then confused why we stopped at this crowdy events it looks like only rich people event and then I realized am in an SUV and am wearing a branded dress what more do I expect to know my heartthrob is actually rich I got down from the car and hooked my arm with Carl to walk the down the red carpet many eyes were on us but mostly me and then reporters tried to ask us questions but we just smiled he led me to one of the high table near the legendary artist and military personnel Dalton Sanji I didn't think much of it but I showed my respect he then extended his arms to Carl like they were familiar come to think of it they have some similarities but I put that thought at the back of my mind we kept on accepting guest and exchanging pleasantries till I saw my father who left home a long time ago I felt so shocked how did he come here and why is he dressed noble? I noticed his gaze on me but I didn't mind after the greetings Carl led me back to the high table he sat close to Mr Sanji but to my surprise Carl called him dad when I noticed some similarities I never thought they were actually father _son duos wow! well I have to enjoy the evening

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mary_Idowucreators' thoughts