

What happens when two different colors collide

Kelfie · Urban
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12 Chs


"Daddy! Daddy!" a little girl with honey colored skin and a cute dress that was above her knees called to Lijun while smiling. She ran down the stairs and almost tripped. "Careful honey" said Lijun as she approached the little girl. Her beautiful black curly hair flowed down her back. Lijun carefully held her up and twirled her up like the princess she was. "Am okay daddy" giggled the young girl.

The one who was confused and shocked and every word else similar to shocked was written allover her face. Lixi looked at the two still not believing that Lijun had a kid and didn't even bother to inform her.... Of course he wouldn't have because she hadn't asked him but yet! Lixi felt she still had a right to know this. Standing there like a fool wasn't right, right?

"Princess how have you been?" asked Lijun gently knowing that this time he stayed in his trip for long. Though he was tired, he still wanted to talk to his daughter and entertain her a little. The young girl gave a small pout and playfully said "Daddy am used to it" this short statement broke Lijun's heart for he knew he wasn't a good parent. "Princess your making me sad..... You want to see daddy sad? If my princess is going to make me sad then, am not going to show you the present I brought you from France."

"Really dad, you brought me a present?"

Although Lixi was getting tired of being ignored, she was loving the daughter and father exchange the two were having even though they totally looked of different races... Totally! They communicated together as if they.... Lixi looked at them once again and this time she didn't feel like the third wheel in the situation anymore. She was like that with her father..... But before the death of her mother.

"Am telling you darling it's a gift you'd want to see." Lijun went on. He had totally forgotten he had Lixi with her. "Dad....." the girl nudged her head towards Lixi and it's when Lijun remembered he had someone with him.

"Dear, I forgot we came together" Lixi gave an eye roll to that.

"Dad, I saw it on the news.... Is she the one... Your actual fiancée" They both looked at her. "Princess I.....

" Daddy I understand you don't have to explain anything... Okay I understand. Hi Miss Wang"

Lixi blinked twice the girl in front of her looked nothing more than eight, what did she understand? What did a young girl like that understand?

Lijun smiled at his daughter.

"Lixi this is my daughter, Aliyah Jiang... Princess this is Lixi my... Fiance...."

Aliyah smiled at her and Lixi returned the smile.

"Princess go and look for Shawn your present is in the car" Aliyah agreed and went.

After making sure Aliyah was gone, Lixi was ready to let it out. "You- Lijun! Why didn't you tell me you have a kid especially one... like me"

Lijun yawned indifferently first of all he was more than tired. "I told you never to call me by my name, Wang...we are not that close." "Am returning the stupid favour majesty you called me by name earlier remember?" Lixi said while clicking her tongue annoyed with this egocentric man. "Am going to call you anything I want because you're my fiance so get used to it Lijun and please don't speak to me the way you like... So why didn't you tell me you have a child"

"Bravely foolish little lamb, watch your tongue and the way you speak to me. You're in my empire now brownie. So what if I didn't tell you I have a child? Huh! It's not like it would have made a big difference now, would it Lixi darling?"

"We don't tell people facts, how don't you know I have a daughter it's known everywhere."

"wait... I have a theory Lijun, the reason you put up all the drama was because you have a black daughter, and you got a black fiance, and you want people to come up with a conspiracy that she is our daughter who was derived her skin color from both of us right Lijun, right... "

Lijun who's mind never went to that direction looked at Lixi. Wait if that was what the girl thought of him, he wondered whether he looked that evil, was he that evil to involve his daughter?

" I think your tired and you need a rest, a very good rest because all this over thinking will make you go crazy"

"Lijun just tell me am right"

"You're very wrong Lixi, very wrong, I know am bad but I could never involve my princess into this. People know I have her except you I guess. But let me tell you, did you hear her name being called during the interview? Lixi no! Cause everyone knows how dear she is to me and Lixi don't involve her into this.... This thing dies down and you leave! "Lijun looked at Lixi one last time before leaving.

Lixi stood at the center of the house awkwardly. Everything that had happened that day was just too much for her to take. She sat down on the fine couch, when an old lady appeared." Good evening miss, Sir told me to show you to your room, right this way miss.... and by the way am Mrs Feng"

Lixi nodded as she followed Mrs Feng, intrigued by the house she was led upstairs. "This house looks amazing Mrs Feng"

"I know miss, master got the house when he was only twenty"

"Mrs Feng, you can call me Lixi... You're old enough to be my mother.... Okay Mrs Feng"

Mrs Feng took sometime to look at her then sighed. "Okay Miss.... I mean Lixi"

"That's better, umh will this be my room?" asked Lixi when they were outside the room. "No miss, this is the east wing of the house where master and his daughter Aliyah stay.... So technically miss umh this is your room because you can't obviously stay with his daughter.... Yeah I'll leave now miss.... I mean Lixi dear... Get settled in okay" Mrs Feng said and gave a small bow before she left.

Lixi got in the room and truly to say Lijun had gone over the board was an understatement this man was living like a king, an actual king as his room, right now to Lixi appeared as a mini house it was large and very bright which she didn't expect with the darkness the boy had. "Wow this room is so large" said Lixi out loud thinking she might like her stay there. "Maybe I can just take this as a mini vacation before I go away from here and that self employed king of all businesses."

Lixi sighed as she looked at the beautiful room. She had to admit the boy did have taste.