
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
Not enough ratings
253 Chs


The day of the wedding came and it was grand. It was done in the park and there were several decorations all around.

They said their vows and the priest said,"If anyone has any objections, they must speak now or forever hold their silence."

"I object!"A person yelled.

There was a crowd gasp and everyone looked in the direction of a woman surrounded by cops. She spoke,"This man is my boyfriend!"

The crowd looked at him but he calmly said,"We broke up."

Then she continued,"And when we did, he raped me!"

There was an even louder crowd gasp and Ms Lucy looked at him, he denied it but the woman had proof, a DNA test for the father of the baby she was carrying on her back, it was him...

He couldn't deny any more and Ms Lucy let him have it. She slapped him in the face so hard, he fell off the stage and into the cops' arms.

He was arrested and Ms Lucy came to Mark and said,"No, I don't really love him."

Then she left. I didn't understand what she meant, but Mark seemed to.

I followed Ms Lucy home but she immediately went to her room.

Lucille, Olivia and I knocked at her door and she told us to come in.

We did and saw her, cutting pictures of the two of them together, but we realized she didn't look sad, in the least.

In fact, if I wasn't in my right mind, I would have thought she looked a little bit relieved.

We sat by her and I said,"Ms Stone, are you okay?"

"Yeah sure, why wouldn't I be?"She said.

"Well umm, because you just found out on your wedding day, that your husband was a womanising jerk."Olivia said.

"Guys, don't worry, I'm fine."

She also insisted on giving Olivia and me food and...Mark as well.

She also didn't poison his food or put any bugs in it and he surprisingly ate it.

The three of us were jaw dropped.

Mark, Olivia and I went home after that and we went straight to bed.

We didn't even watch the news that evening.

The next afternoon during our lessons (as Mark was paying for Olivia too) we were exhausted and hot.

There was a heatwave and I was sweating like a pregnant fish.

I jumped into the pool during my lunch time and regretted it!

The water was hotter than the sun!

I felt like I was a chicken being dressed and crawled out, scratching my body as the vapour rose from my skin.

You know that feeling when you're wet and are in moving air then feel colder due to evaporation of water droplets taking heat from your body? Yeah, I got that, it's just, the coolness was nothing compared to the heat!

I ate my lunch and went for my next lesson with Olivia. We were sweating as we groaned, walking to the living room with our backs bent.

Our day was completed but the night was surprisingly hotter.

Mark came home later than usual and saw us with our clothes soaked with sweat and Olivia pink from the heat.

"What happened here?"Mark asked.

"Don't you know about the heatwave?"I asked.

"What heatwave?"

I put on the news and the reporter said,"Sorry folks, but recent studies show that this heatwave could last for more than a week."

"A week?!"Olivia and I yelled.

"I did not know there was a heatwave."

"How is that even possible?!"Olivia yelled.

"Yeah, how do you beat the heat?"I asked.

"Irono, I just don't get hot easily. But why didn't you jump into the pool?"

"I did..."I said,"...and was almost cooked like a lobster."

"Then why didn't you just switch on the temperature regulation?"

"Temperature what?"I asked.

"Temperature regulation, it makes the water cooler when it's hot and hotter when it's cold."

"There's such a thing?"Olivia asked.

"Well why didn't you ever tell me?!"

He shrugged his shoulders and said,"You never asked."

I ate supper and went to bed. It was so hot I had to sleep naked with the air conditionings on. Cooling my room, but heating the earth.

After Mark returned the next day, he went straight to the gym. I saw him doing a human flagpole and I sneaked behind him then started stimulating his tickle spots.

He laughed in that same charming way but fell off the pole, I didn't stop and he continued laughing and kicking till he turned me over, now he was on top of me...

He started tickling me and I yelled between my snort filled laughs,"Don't do that! I'll pee on myself!"

"Yeah right."

He continued then my shorts started getting wet and Mark got up...

"You were telling the truth."

I nodded and came closer for a hug, just to annoy him, he said,"No, don't get any closer...aaah!!"

I chased him around the room and he ran around since he didn't want his gym clothes to be soaked in a homogeneous mixture of urea, water, hormones, mineral salts and ammonia, aka, pee.

Olivia giggled as she watched the two of us play together. She could see the love we shared.